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How Empaths Handle Information Overload: Insights Revealed!
Written by Diane Katherine
As I’m sure you are no doubt aware, Empaths are incredibly susceptible to suffering information overload.
And one thing you may have been noticing lately is feeling like you’re taking on too much, both from information and from energy.
The question is, why is this happening?
Before I get to that, I should probably explain what I mean when I say information overload. It could be anything from picking up on too much stressed emotional energy, or it could be being bombarded with electrical frequencies (AKA EMF), or experiencing informational overload from sources such as news channels, papers, and online social media. But that’s not all.
There is also a lot of strange dark dense energy around, probably triggered by all the uncertainty in the world, which is the type of energy that will most definitely cause an overload. And it is this type of energy that many Empaths won’t realise they are being impacted by.
The problem is, when an Empath consumes to much external energy and information, it puts us into overload, which then triggers our emotional and physical senses. This in turn causes great amounts of stress within the body, and can lead to some incredibly unpleasant reactions. Such as:
- Overwhelm
- Anger
- Not being able to process thoughts
- Feeling wired or tired
- Depression
- Panic attacks or anxiety
- Feeling strange or spaced out
- Having an impending sense of doom
- Brain fog
- Adrenal imbalances
- A compromised immune system
That is just a sampling. And although all the above could apply to many other conditions, they are also something that can be experienced from having too much information to deal with.
When we are overloaded, not only does it keep us from our oneness it also keeps us distracted and unsettled. It can make us feel physically ill, because it causes stress, and stress is a massive contributor to illness.
One very big cause of information overload is spending too much time online.
We all know that everything online is designed to keep us there. It’s addictive in its very design. And let’s face it, there’s no way of getting away from it, because nearly everything now involves going online.
I’ve mentioned before on my blog that I have a penchant for YouTube. I love the fact that we can flit from video to video on whatever interests us, and learn new stuff. But once we’re in front of the YouTube videos, we’re lured in, and kept there.
For example, we may have nipped on YouTube to find a video on how to best poach an egg, and before we know it, two hours have gone by, and we’ve discovered not only how to poach an egg, but also how to use egg whites to make waffles, how to make natural sunscreen from zinc oxide, how to apply natural looking foundation that lasts, and watched ten music videos from our teenage years. All that from wanting to learn how to best poach an egg.
As Empaths, we are used to feeling strange energy, and taking on too much, but lately the energy seems to be very consuming to the senses, and that includes what we are picking up from the internet.
I have said it before and I will say it again, everything has a purpose and a reason. Both the good and the bad. And I’m sure what is happening now, with the information overload, is no different.
So, the obvious question would be, is there anything we can do to find balance and clear out some of this energy?
The quick answer is yes.
Actually, there are two really good things that can help with not only the damage caused by information overload, but with clearing the energy.
The first one is to get outdoors in nature. Go to the seaside, take a walk in the woods, sit on a bench in the park, or simply get out in your back garden. Take your eyes to the vastness of the sky, and your bare feet to the ground, and just bask in the healing vibrations. If you do this every day, for as long as you can, you will feel a shift in how you feel. But that said, five minutes is better than no minutes.
The next thing is to do meditation at least six days a week. I know, that’s probably the last thing you wanted to read because, let’s face it, meditation is difficult at the best of times. When we feel like we have ten lifetime’s worth of energy floating around in our skulls, meditation is often the last thing we want to do. But during energy overloads, it is super-beneficial.
It is perfect for clearing a hectic or stressed mind, which in turn will relax the body. Meditation is also great for helping release any stored trauma within the body. Including trauma that we do not know has been stored.
Meditation is powerful in so many ways, and it is the best way to expand our consciousness. Which in itself reaps so many rewards.
Over the years, I have had a love/hate relationship with meditation. And I think that is because I don’t find it very easy to do. It is something I have dipped in and out of, but I always get drawn back to the practice, simply because of its power, and the way it makes me feel. It is healing in weird and wonderful ways.
It is often only when we have got out of our meditation routine that we get to see its real power and many incredible benefits, because those benefits go away when we stop practice.
I have different techniques that I swap and change as and when needed, either to help get me back into practice or to give a different effect.
So, here’s how I have been approaching my meditation lately:
I start off with some yoga postures, which is meditative in itself, for however long time allows, and then I go straight into meditation. I have my grounding crystals close by, and I use my clock-count meditation technique (read more here) for a few minutes before chanting ‘Om’ for anything from three to twenty minutes.
Chanting ‘Om’ is such a potent healing sound, when repeated over and over. It is also great for clearing out blocked energy, toxic thoughts and the like. You can say it out loud or in your head. It will put you in a higher vibrating space which allows for a deeper meditation.
If you are experiencing the energy overload that many Sensitive people are, I urge you to try the above techniques. When done regularly they are excellent for energy clearing and rebalancing.
If you don’t do yoga or Pilates, any simple bodily movements done in time with the breath will help as a pre-meditation exercise. For example, on your inhale raise your arms above your head, on the exhale lower your arms back down.
Moving with your breath, for five to ten minutes, calms the body and mind, which then makes it easier to get into a deeper meditative state.
If you already practice meditation, yoga or regularly get out in nature, and you are still suffering from information overload, try changing your routine.
Many Sensitive people have to swap and change energy rebalancing/grounding routines. Kind of like giving the system a shake when it gets to used to a certain routine. And meditative practices are no different.
Ok, that’s it for me today.
I have linked some more posts below which might be of help with information overload.
Wishing you all health and happiness.
Until next time,
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