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Are Grounding Mats Really Worth It? Find Out Now!

Are Grounding Mats Really Worth It? Find Out Now!

As you may or may not know, I have become a bit obsessed with grounding outdoors, whilst getting daylight at the same time.

Any chance I get to kick off the old shoes and connect with natural earth, and I’m there. Especially now that we’ve been getting some warmer weather here in the UK.

It is so lovely just sitting or standing on the grass whilst soaking up the powerful vibrations of the earth.

I have been grounding/daylighting every day for well over a year now, and it has to be said, I love the way it makes me feel. I’m not sure how best to describe the feeling, other than it feels like ‘home.’

Anyway, it got me wondering whether grounding mats give off the same beneficial energy as connecting to natural earth.

I have had a grounding mat for several years, but I don’t use it very often, and in truth, I wasn’t sure whether they are as beneficial as grounding on natural earth.  So, I decided to experiment with the mat in my morning yoga practice.

Now, before we get to that, let me explain a little more about earthing/grounding for those of you who are not familiar.

From the perspective of being an Empath, I have found grounding has the following positive benefits:

  • Decreases Empath fatigue
  • Reduces EMF (electrical magnetic frequencies caused by televisions, computers, mobile phones, etc.). EMF disrupts bioelectrical functions, often leaving the Empath wired or energetically open.
  • Helps clear unwanted energy picked up from others.
  • Calms the mind.
  • Charges us with vibrant energy and positive feelings.
  • Contributes to building a more resilient energy field, which helps repel other people’s energy.
  • Helps balance the chakras.
  • Settles the emotions.

The Science Bit

Studies show the Earth’s negative charge can help stabilize internal bioelectrical functions, which helps prevent disease and offers pain relief.

We are electrical beings. Our bodies produce positive charges, which are harmful in excess. The Earth’s abundant free electrons produce a negative charge which works in being counteractive.

According to scientific theory, when grounding with the earth we absorb an abundance of negatively charged electrons which prove to have an immediate physiological impact. The electrons have the effect of being anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and beneficial to regulating the body’s circadian rhythms.

An article published in ‘The Journal of Environmental and Public Health’ stated the many benefits of Earthing, their research showed the following were improved:

  • Sleep
  • PMS
  • Immune system activity and response
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic muscular and joint pain
  • Asthma
  • Energy levels
  • Stress
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis

Researchers believe the health benefits are derived from the earth’s anti-inflammatory effect. By the premise that wherever there is illness there is also inflammation: reducing inflammation will reduce disease.

As long as we have a bare skin on earth connection, by walking, standing, sitting or lying on the ground (grass, earth or beach), it reconnects us with the Earth’s powerful energy. Easy to do in the summer, not so much in the cold and wet winter months.

And this is where the grounding mats/pads come in.

I think I mentioned in my last post about my morning yoga/meditation routine (read more here), so I decided to place my grounding mat over my yoga mat, and see what happened.

I’m not sure there was a huge difference, when just using the mat, but there was a benefit. My practice is only thirty minutes long, and it certainly wasn’t as powerful as when I did yoga outdoors on the grass, but still, it felt good.

Anyway, I decided to place some grounding crystals around the edges of the mat, before practice, to see if that also made a difference, and it did.

When I say it made a difference, I think I noticed it more when performing the yoga poses. They were easier. There is one yoga pose in particular that I find quite challenging, and that is Camel pose, which is like a kneeling backward bend (if you’ve tried it, you’ll know what I mean). When using the grounding mat with crystals, I found the pose to be more effortless. And more so than when just using crystals alone or the grounding mat alone.

I don’t know if you’ve ever used your crystals outdoors, at the beach for example, but they certainly seem to ramp up the benefits of grounding.

Anyone who is sensitive to energy tends to be drawn to crystals. There is just something magical about them.  So, it makes sense to use them when grounding.

It is not until you start working with them, in your daily lives, that you come to fully understand the true power of crystals. They not only help in protecting an Empath from the emotional energy of others, they can also protect us from sensory overload, and from electro-magnetic frequencies. And it would seem, they have benefits when used in conjunction with a grounding mat for grounding.

That is not to say you need to use crystals to get the benefits of grounding, I just thought I’d note that they did seem to make a beneficial difference.

So, to get back to the theme of this post, do grounding mats work?

Yes. I believe they do.

But I don’t think they are as powerful as the earth itself for grounding.

My opinion is they have to be used for longer to get the same benefits. So, for example, to get the benefits of thirty minutes grounding/earthing outdoors, on natural earth, I would say an hour or two with a mat would derive similar benefits. Which, if you work indoors, and don’t get much chance to get outside, is a great option.

I came across this website, that sells all things grounding, shoes and mats. They also have a lot of information about the benefits of grounding. Although I have never bought anything from them, they seem like a reputable company. Grounding mats, Grounding Yoga and Fitness mat (groundology.co.uk)

Ok, that’s my musings for today.

Let me know in the comments if you have tried a grounding mat, and what you thought.

Hope all is keeping well with you.

Until next time.



Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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