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Empath Intuition: Tips for Development

Empath Intuition: Tips for Development

Having strong intuition, we can trust, is so beneficial when navigating the turbulent journey of Empath life.

Luckily, Empaths are born with a powerful sense of awareness which we can continue to build over the course of our lives.

When it comes to making life-decisions, tuning into our intuition and developing it saves us a lot of unnecessary difficulties. It guides us towards the right path, prevents us from making poor choices and keeps us away from those who would do us harm.

Our intuition also helps explain life’s complexities and gives greater understanding of why we are here and what our purpose is.

Each of us is important and unique, and the paths we walk are individual to us.

In the early stages of discovering our Empath ways we might need suggestions to point us in the right direction. But in the grander scheme, the best person to guide us to uncover our true path is our self.

Developing intuition gives you the ability to hear your quiet guiding voice, and not the ego’s, which can then guide you towards the path that is right for you.

Being able to rely on your intuition can help guide you towards the life you are meant to lead. It helps you make the right decisions and turn away from the bad ones. The best way to do this is by learning its many signals. The signals we get might be unique to us. But the feelings within the gut area are mostly felt by everyone, and they are one of the best guides for intuition. For example: when faced with a certain decision, we may get an uncomfortable nagging feeling in the solar-plexus region (gut-area). This is the intuition saying that it is not a good choice. We may ignore this feeling, or our ego may shout over it, but they happen for a reason.

The feelings within our solar-plexus gut region are coming from what is known as our second brain. The sensations come from the enteric nervous system, a network of neurons lining our gut and are responsible for the butterflies felt in the stomach. Emotions are influenced by gut nerves.

The saying “trust your gut” should always be heeded by an Empath. Tuning into the gut sensations is one of the easiest ways to experience basic intuition.

Everyone experiences excitement, fear, nervousness and insightful inklings in the gut area, but as Empaths we feel these impressions with gusto.

When we recognize what the different sensations represent, our inner Knowing can guide us through life simply by the way something feels. The more attuned we become, the better we are at differentiating between these predictive gut responses. When it comes to decision-making, and using the intuition as a guide, always note how everything feels. If a certain choice causes feelings of distress or dread (that aren’t stemming from a fear of change), then that choice is not a good one. If the decision feels calm, peaceful or uplifting then it is probably safe (unless it is your comfort zone talking).

To learn the different signals from your comfort zone to what your intuition or fear says, ask the appropriate questions then gauge how it feels.

A good way to do this is by asking yourself two questions:

  1. Will this serve me?
  2. Will this not serve me?

Assess how the answers to the two questions feel. One will feel right, one will feel wrong.

As an Empath, you may be swayed by other people’s ideas, opinions or thoughts, but always stop and listen to your own awareness, it has more power than you know.

Your higher-self wants to guide you in the direction you are meant to go and give you the answers you need to keep on track. But it is also worth bearing in mind that we don’t always get the answers we want to hear.

This is the biggest cause of people ignoring their intuitive guidance.

If our guidance goes against what we have mentally mapped out, or our heart’s desire, we don’t always want to hear its urgings.

Another issue the Empath has to recognize is if the ego has a strong influence over the mind. When this is the case, we may be more inclined to listen to the ego voice rather than follow our true inner-promptings.

The ego likes to be with the herd, but also above it. It wants the things that do not always serve growth. The ego wants to appear grander and be better in every way. It takes offence if anyone should disagree with its opinions and will push towards a life based on what society dictates as opposed to what the soul needs for nourishment and growth.

Much unhappiness in the world is caused by people listening to their ego instead of their soul.

Quietening the voice of ego is part of developing as an Empath and a human. In doing so it allows us to realign with our higher-self which then becomes our guiding-force.

Luckily, most Empaths are highly aware of its power and try not to allow it to run the show. When our intuition develops, it zones in on any sneaky interferences from the ego, before it influences our decisions.

Building intuition is simple but requires effort.

There are some straightforward steps that when followed, can put you on a fast-tracked path to opening your awareness.

Here is a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Practice meditation daily

If only for a short time. Five minutes a day is better than no minutes.

Stilling the mind through meditation is the best way to develop intuition. It is not an overnight process and some have to work harder to quieten the mind than others. (See next chapter.)

It is in meditation you receive the answers to your questions through messages and visions.

  1. Know the meaning of your visions

The visions you see, when in deep meditation, often have significant meaning. We just need to decipher them.

Many of our messages come through symbolism or code and are unique to each of us. Learning to decode them is essential to understanding them. For example: one person may see a red rose in their mind’s eye and interpret it as a message of love; another may see the same but interpret the thorns and color red as a sign of danger.

Our visions and messages are exclusive to us and that is why it is important to recognize their meanings and believe in them.

  1. Keep a meditation diary

After each meditation, quickly write down what you saw and felt, even if it wasn’t much. This goes a long way to helping you decipher your visions.

If you don’t write down what you saw you will soon forget.

You often get messages during meditation that may make no sense for days, weeks or even months after you received them. One day you will come to understand what your message was trying to tell you through the notes you made.

A meditation diary will also help you interpret and understand any repetitive imagery.

  1. Listen to your feelings

The solar-plexus is our seat of emotions. It is here we get to experience our intuitive feelings.

Learning the difference between irrational fear and a warning, and true guidance as opposed to ego, goes a long way towards developing the intuition.

  1. Take intuition development or meditation classes

A supportive group environment is a perfect place to increase intuition and sixth-sense.

The power of the like-minded working collectively, in meditation, can enhance intuition.

Always listen to your inner-vibes when choosing a class. It has to feel completely safe and hopefully be an ego-free zone.

  1. Note the intuitive events you experience each day

This can be done in your meditation diary.

Intuitive events happen every day. When you think of a person and they suddenly call or you follow a hunch that proves to be accurate, these are messages from your intuition. There are many more. However insignificant they may seem your intuition is at work guiding you. Too often these happenings are brushed off as coincidence. Writing them down is confirmation of how your sixth-sense is increasing. The more you develop, the more you notice these goings-on.

  1. Stay in balance, mentally and physically

Eating right and looking after the body through exercise helps intuition develop.

An unhealthy out of balance body is a very poor conductor of psychic energy. When you have a sluggish body, you will have slow-moving energy centers and a foggy mind. Visions will have no clarity or focus, and the inclination to progress will be stalled.

Follow Your Heart

Some sense intuitive sensations around their heart area. When the heart opens, we know we are on the right path: Our sense of gratitude and wonder of life knows no bounds, we gain deeper insight into the purpose of everything and the difference between the right and wrong choices becomes unmistakable.

An open heart is a goal worth working towards. The heart opens when we attain balance, build our intuition and aim to be the best version of ourselves.

Again, this is not an overnight process, but knowing it is achievable for everyone should be enough to keep us striving towards it.

Ok, that’s it for me today.

Hope everything is keeping perfectly in your world.

Until next time.



Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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