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Pleiades - Card of the Month - August 2023

Pleiades - Card of the Month - August 2023

Card #41 | Pleiades (Past, 1st Era) | Guilt

We have spoken many times about the distortions that happen when a species incarnates into a separated reality.

These distortions often show up on the emotional level and can be seen in underlying emotional patterns that feel as if they permeate all human experience. There are certain emotional patterns that exist in fractal form – that is, they repeat themselves from the original holographic fragmentation. Let us give you an example.

As consciousness fragments from the One, it disperses itself into a spectrum of consciousness expressions. Some of these expressions are more integrated, and some are much more separated. (This is the density spectrum we have discussed many times). Let’s follow the thread of extreme fragmentation and its emotional interpretation. As consciousness begins incarnating in a physical reality, its conscious memory of its wholeness is forgotten, and there is usually a sense of something being missing. Often, this process of fragmentation brings with it a feeling of being abandoned by the universe – as if the Big Parent abandoned the child. Just as in the situation of an abandoned human child, consciousness then turns the pain inward, beginning to form a belief system that says something like, “If I was abandoned, I must have done something wrong. I must be unlovable.”

This underlying feeling of having done something wrong turns into a repeating pattern that a soul experiences through its reincarnation cycle (unless it deliberately does the work to heal it). If lifetime experiences include circumstances that reinforce the pattern (such as being abandoned by a physical parent), then this deep-rooted “original fragmentation pattern” gets further entrenched in the energetic signature of the consciousness. The result is lifetime after lifetime of feeling guilt, but either not seeing it clearly, being confused by its origin, or feeling paralyzed to heal it.

As a species transitions from third to fourth density (like you are doing now), this underlying pattern rises to the surface to be purged. If left alone, it will eventually naturally purge as you make your transition, but this can be a long and uncomfortable process. To ease this transition, you can begin to directly work with this underlying guilt. Each person may work with it in a different way, but one way to work with it is to first work with the feelings of guilt from this lifetime. Even if there is actually something you’ve done that you feel guilty about, know that this is only one ripple in a repeating pattern of guilt ripples, so to speak. If you trace it back, you can feel the same pattern in other lives. When you become adept at this kind of work, you can trace it back all the way to nonpersonal original fragmentation from the Source.

We must be clear and say that this is not a mental process. We know humans like to do this kind of work mentally (to avoid feeling it), but that is ineffective and won’t clear it. This is an EMOTIONAL process and as such, it means that you must let yourself truly feel each ripple (as it naturally arises in its own timing), be present with it, love and honor yourself through it, forgive yourself, and be open to seeing your own ultimate innocence and misinterpretation of the experience of fragmentation. You cannot force or will yourself through this – instead, you have to give yourself the space to sit with it, feel it all, and be available for the magic of your inner guide (Higher Self) to navigate you through it. All you have to do is allow it. This process drastically increases your ability to be a witness to existence beyond the level of ego.

Many of you have heard about the Pleiadians’ species crisis from the ancient past that revolved around the issue of collective guilt. (See The Golden Lake book if you are not familiar with it). It took them much inner work to transcend this wound, but when they did, they made a significant leap in evolution as a species. This is where you find yourselves now on Earth. It is time to do this deep inner work to prepare the way for your inevitable leap into higher consciousness. You are so close! And of course, your galactic family is just beyond the veil cheering you on. As you release this, your capacity to feel us intensifies. Get ready!

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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