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Activate Your Lion-Heart with Spiritual Guidance for February 2025

Activate Your Lion-Heart with Spiritual Guidance for February 2025

Here’s my spiritual guidance February 2025, covering the lunar month beginning with the Aquarius new moon on January 29th at 12.36pm (in the UK).

Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to spark intuitive insight about the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks. I then take a quick look at the astrology.

Spiritual guidance February 2025 inspired by the Tarot

It’s probably no surprise to you to hear that it’s going to be a fast-paced four weeks ahead. Wands are the suit of fire, and the Prince is air of fire at that. We’re all seeing the tragic destruction that can result when fire and air combine in a volatile mix.

My heart goes out to all the life lost and endangered still in the California wildfires. Don’t forget, though, that fires clear the ground and generate nutrients and space for new life to flourish and grow. Indigenous communities intentionally set controlled fires to manage vegetation and promote healthy ecosystems, enabling new plant growth and maintaining biodiversity. Fire is the element that creates alchemical transformation.

The Princes in the Tarot often represent movement, especially events or people entering or leaving your life and environment. The energy continues, then, to be one of rapid change and developments, both globally and personally.

Let’s look at how you can best harness this energy. Representing the sign of Leo, there’s an emphasis on confident self-expression, taking a stand in the spotlight without apology, and embodying the fierce passion of purpose. It’s strong solar energy that’s made available to you, where vitality is boundless for driving towards a desired goal or cause. This feels perfect for this lunar month which encompasses the Celtic festival of Imbolc on the 1st February with its celebration of the lengthening light and burgeoning life force on earth.

As I suggested earlier, fire blazing this brightly can be creative or destructive, and sometimes both together. Leo is associated with the heart, particularly courage and inner strength as we see in the popular phrase “lion-hearted”. It’s through the mediating and softening energy of the heart that you can make best use of this dynamic activating force. If there’s a cause, a principle, or idea you’re already willing and certain you want to uphold and protect, then engage with it enthusiastically over the next four weeks. It could be a creative project, a campaign for justice, or a generous sharing of your time and energy to help and support loved ones or members of your community.

Alternatively, you may have been afraid to show your true colours up till now, reticent to allow yourself to be seen, or unsure of where your purpose lies. Many sensitive souls remember past lives when it wasn’t safe to showcase certain abilities. Perhaps life has seemed tough going and the light at the end of the tunnel almost impossible to glimpse. This is the month when all that can change from the inside out. Listen to your heart’s whispers of places it pulls you to go or things it calls you to do. Look at what’s happening around you, where the needs are. Ask to see where you can use your particular gifts and skills (and yes, you all have them) to serve others in a way that brings you joy. Allow any necessary healing to happen and assuredness to develop in its own time, rather than impulsively jumping in too soon.

In all cases, consciously tune into and receive the liberating and empowering solar energy that’s abundantly available at this time. With each breath you take, see the inner sun of your solar plexus chakra glowing with an increasingly bright and clear golden yellow. We’re all being called now to rise up and take a stand for what’s right, what’s just. We’re being enheartened to become love and compassion in action for the web of life, each in our own unique way.

I see fire as the cosmic light and life force that flows through us all, so you may see continued dramatic activity in solar flares and geomagnetic storms. This can affect your physical form as a sensation of being either supercharged or exhausted. Personally, I notice that I seem to alternate between these two responses. I keep tabs on sun activity through the excellent website SpaceWeather.com, usually feeling it in my body first then checking the site for what’s happening. Give yourself what your body needs to integrate and adjust to these high frequency transmissions. Exercise regularly and keep your body moving if you’re wired. Take time to rest and integrate if you’re tired. You don’t want to burn out this month, so pace yourself!

Out in the wider world, fires and high winds may continue to cause disruption. Global events will shift at a rapid pace. In some circumstances this will definitely be for the better, bringing hope and optimism. Other happenings may be fueled and ruled by out of control arrogance, impatience, and ego with no thought for the impact on the wider whole. You may well observe both poles of behaviour in your immediate environment.

Hold on to and feed your sense of humour and fun over the next four weeks; this light touch and approach to life will prove indispensable. Fix your attention on what you and other heart-centered people are doing to transform the world for the better. Move through this month with the self-confident awareness that you can make a difference, and you’ll truly dazzle with your warmth, creativity, and courage in your chosen sphere of influence.

Guidance February 2025 from astrology

The Aquarius new moon on the 29th January calls you to make the changes you know are necessary – for yourself and the world. Jupiter in Gemini is likely to bring good news, encouraging travel, social expansion, and intellectual developments. Venus in Pisces conjuncts Neptune, mixing a cocktail of imagination, love, and compassion that can open and connect hearts in a very beautiful way.

On the 4th February Jupiter turns direct after four months, just as Venus moves into the dynamic sign of Aries. The energy of Spring is activated with renewed enthusiasm and upward movement. Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces offers structure and discipline to help us heal insecurities around tribes and mothers, and indeed our relationship with Mother Earth. This comes to a head with the full moon in Leo on the 12th, squaring Uranus in Taurus, when tension might be released in unpredictable ways.

On the 24th Mars stations direct in Cancer. Now you can perhaps see where you need to unlock your heart and heal its wounds. You can understand what and who is important to you, and where you need and want to spend your time and energy. It’s a powerful moment, and promises a bright vision for the future of the whole human family.

Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor

© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page. 
Credit: here

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