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Tap into Spiritual Wisdom: May/June 2024 Tips to Expand Your Resources!

Tap into Spiritual Wisdom: May/June 2024 Tips to Expand Your Resources!

Here’s my spiritual guidance May/June 2024, covering the month beginning with the Taurus new moon on May 8th at 4.22am (in the UK).

Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks, and then take a quick look at the astrology.

Spiritual guidance May/June 2024 from the Tarot

It’s another minor arcana card for this month, indicating that the focus will continue to be more on the everyday details of life for you; particularly around material resources and how you manage them.

It’s the perfect card for this Taurus new moon, as astrologically this card represents exactly that placement of the moon in Taurus. It’s somewhere she sits very happily and bestows her best blessings.

You only have to look at the image to get an idea of expansion, of all the right elements combining to create success. The number six represents balance and harmony so there’s a feeling of pleasing increase here, a very nice jump forward from last month’s Two of Disks. Finances are set to be much more stable you’ll be pleased to know, and there’ll be enough for what you need. Although you do still need to be responsible with what you have, and remember that no situation stays the same for very long.

To ensure a positive outcome in the long term, you have to engage with the Taureans qualities of dedication, discipline, and hard work. So there’s a promise of success here in any endeavour involving resources if you’re prepared to put the effort and energy into it. Whether it’s starting an exercise or healthy eating regime, developing a new business or project, or applying for a loan or mortgage, the next four weeks are a very good time to go for it. You can achieve any deeply held dream and desire, as long as the motivation arises from within your heart and soul and engages your whole being, mind, body and spirit.

The number six is also about reciprocation. There’s always an element of altruism and generosity involved with this card. So plan to share what you’re blessed with, and to address the well-being of those other than yourself to invite in the best results. You might also want to think about forming a team around your project for even more impact. Friends, supportive family, or members of your community might all have something to give to and something to gain from what you do now. It’s a time to steer away from lone wolf thinking and shift into interconnected, interdependent reasoning.

If you’re more of a team player than a leader, as I am, then watch out for initiatives springing up around you. Causes and ideas that you truly care about and have meaning for you, and to which you feel you can contribute your passion and unique skills to create beauty in the world. You’re guaranteed to enjoy yourself enormously, and to gain as much if not more from your participation as you give to it.

On a more personal level, it’s good to look at the balance in your own life and behaviour. Do you tend to put the needs of others first at the expense of your own well-being? Or are you mostly on the receiving end of the giving? How understanding and inclusive are you of different beliefs, needs, and approaches to life?

There’s no judgement here, and it’s so easy to fall into a rut without realising it, especially in close relationships. Whichever side the scales are tipping it’s worth trying, this month, to even out the balance and create more harmony. Cook a meal for your partner, listen more compassionately to that annoying neighbour, reach out for help or support with a problem, or book yourself a delicious massage if any of these are out of character for you.

In the outer world, I expect there to be some news of beneficial developments around food and farming, the financial sector, regenerating the environment, and healthcare. Wherever there’s inequality or unfairness in these areas, people will continue to join forces to bring these issues to public attention and to insist on redressing the imbalance.

The old world is crumbling, but know there is nothing to fear. You can now, together with many others of like mind and heart, begin to establish a mutually supportive, fair and balanced infrastructure for life on this planet. It will need all that tenacious Taureans determination and some hard graft, but we can get there. When you recognise that helping another living being (human, animal, plant or planet) is the same as helping yourself, the solution becomes so clear. When you’re kind to another, that kindness returns to you. In the true sense of karma, you reap what you sow. I intend to plant the seeds of a beautiful, thriving garden that teems with life and love. Where will your seeds fall?

You might like to read this spiritual guidance May/June 2024 against the overarching background of my Intuitive Reading for 2024.

Guidance May/June 2024 from astrology

The Taurus new super moon on the 8th May is emphasising the need to share resources, blessed by the loving and generous presence of Venus close by. It also highlights wherever people are grasping too tightly to perceived values that are in conflict with this more harmonious approach. Planetary placement then favours innovative change and a completely new way of viewing and distributing the beauty, abundance and pleasure of earth’s material resources. The full moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd bring blessings which will only increase by sharing them with others. After that, Jupiter in Gemini invites you to explore the possibilities opening up for you and the world, and to tell others about what you’re seeing, hearing, and doing to spread some joy. There’s likely to be major news that sheds a brighter light on the future now.

Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor

© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page. 
Credit: here

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