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October 2024: Your Spiritual Transformation Awaits!
Written by Semele Xerri
Here’s my spiritual guidance October 2024, covering the month beginning with the Libra new moon on October 2nd at 7.49pm (in the UK).
Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks, and then take a quick look at the astrology.
Spiritual guidance October 2024 from the Tarot
This is the second month in a row with the divine feminine stepping to the fore and I’m definitely all for that. Last month we had the Queen of Swords and now we have the fiery Queen of Wands. In simple terms you could say this month is about following up on the previous month’s thoughts, ideas, and decisions, with passion and confident action.
As a wands card, as I’ve already suggested, this Queen is full of enthusiasm and creative energy which is, at its best, guided and measured by her soul’s intuition and understanding. It’s definitely a great month to focus on bringing something of value into the world, particularly when it comes to your career or any artistic endeavour. If you’ve been burning to do something, if you’re on fire with desire to express yourself creatively in any way, then this could be the month when nothing could stop you from making it happen.
The thing with fire energy is making sure you direct it and control it with great focus and will for the best results. You want a beautifully warming hearth to keep your passion alight, or a well contained furnace in which to hammer out your desired creations. What you don’t want is to spark off a raging wildfire that blazes out of control in all directions with no clear purpose or direction. So don’t rush at things full tilt without knowing what you’re aiming for and with a high chance of burn out before you’ve barely begun. To give yourself the best chance, pace yourself for a slow and steady burn with calm and clear authority, focused will power, and persistence.
This is the most social of Queens, so I feel that this month shows potential for getting out and about with existing friends who love you and appreciate you for your loyalty, honesty, and good advice. Or seek out new connections and social circles. Your confidence is likely to be high, so you’ll easily draw people to you with your vivacity, wit, and the glow of joy that emanates from you.
On the darker side, watch out for taking offence or losing your temper too easily in the coming weeks when it comes to personal interactions. That angry inner fire could flare up when you least expect it, unleashing an overbearing, bossy, and even vengeful nature. You know the saying, “hell hath no fury”. So try to stay calm and temper your responses, remembering always to be kind and considerate of others’ viewpoints and needs.
You could meet or spend time with a woman (or indeed a man) like one of those described above. Whether he or she’s on the light or the shadow side, presenting as a friend or a foe, you won’t be able to ignore them and they’re guaranteed to make a big impression.
For me, this card sometimes points to a physical transformation of some sort. You could suddenly want to go for a new hairstyle, try new make-up and clothes, or even start a diet or new exercise regime to improve your strength and tone. Alternatively, you may want to pursue inner transformation, through counselling, therapy, or some sort of study or course that brings you into more awareness of your soul, what makes you tick, and your purpose in the world. The energy is supportive for alchemy in all these areas over the next four weeks.
Out there in the wider world men and women like the Queen of Wands will definitely be visible, demanding and creating change and probably making headlines in the process. Some will have the awareness, understanding and self-control to engage others and bring them together with their vision. Some may appear more strident and angry as they lash out against injustice or inequality. Things could certainly get volatile and a little chaotic.
The Goddess is both creator and destroyer in many world mythologies; I keep seeing the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet who was both warrior/destroyer and healer (see Wikipedia for more). Both carry the purifying flames of transformation, and sometimes both are required to initiate the necessary change. It looks like that time has come, and there feels to be an unstoppable inevitability about it. Whatever happens, know that from the ashes of any fire this month a sacred phoenix will be reborn.
You might like to read this spiritual guidance October 2024 against the overarching background of my Intuitive Reading for 2024.
Guidance October 2024 from astrology
This new moon in Libra is accompanied by a solar eclipse, with a potential for volatility in all kinds of relationships. If emotions can be kept under control so minds can remain calm and clear, then there’s a chance for great healing and resolution. When Pluto turns direct again on the 12th and Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 13th, new information needs to be taken into account for the future. Past assumptions can no longer be left unchallenged. By the full moon in Aries on the 17th developments could look promising.
However, the sun and an opposition between Pluto and Mars suggest unexpected events might threaten security and cause fear in some, with a transformation that appears to offer no choice. It’s time for a completely new way of doing things, aligned to a different set of values and ideals.
Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor
© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page.
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