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September 2024: Tap Into Higher Mind Wisdom Now
Written by Semele Xerri

Here’s my spiritual guidance September 2024, covering the month beginning with the Virgo new moon on September 3rd at 2.55am (in the UK).
This lunar month includes the first two days of October but as the next new moon falls on the 3rd October it makes more sense to label this guidance as for September. Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks, and then take a quick look at the astrology.
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Spiritual guidance September 2024 from the Tarot
I love the expressive image on this card. The Queen of Swords sits on her throne above the confusion and obfuscation of the clouds beneath her. She holds the sword of truth in her hand, ready to cut away anything that is not true or authentic, and she has removed the mask of patriarchy so she can see clearly with the pure eyes of spirit. Her breasts are bared to expose her uncovered heart which delivers tough love; the ruthless removal of whatever does not serve the highest and best vision of the world. This is the divine feminine insisting that you get real.
The first thing to know is that there’s going to be a lot happening this month that is deceptive, unclear, and chaotic. So it’s important that you stay detached from the strong emotions that will undoubtedly arise in you and all around you. As the wonderful astrologer Pam Gregory says, “stay on your eagle’s perch.” Be the calm observer. Keep it playful and light through curiosity, always asking what’s actually going on here? What is the true message hiding behind the cheap and easy words? What might I be missing? What does my intuition tell me here? As the saying goes, the devil really is in the details.
It’s important for you to access the clarity that only comes from unmasking what lies behind the illusion of culture, societal programming, political spin, and ego that will be shouting very loudly indeed. You may find those who are not yet as consciously aware coming to you for help this month, asking for your advice and your viewpoint. Alternatively, if you’re struggling to see your own way through, then seek out a counsellor or spiritual guide who demonstrates this kind of clarity and insight. It will be tremendously helpful to you at this time.
There is a call here to open your inner eyes and see where you have been duped from childhood into suppressing and repressing your inner authority, original thinking, and creative expression to fit into a system that does not have your best interests at heart. A system that keeps you and everyone else isolated and in fear, playing superficial roles that are not authentic to who you really are as a spiritual being. The higher mind, informed by spiritual wisdom and knowledge, can overcome this survivalist thinking by which you and I have been indoctrinated.
What’s good for the collective is also good for you, since there is no separation. Humanity is one, just as all life on earth is one. And the way to thrive and enjoy life most fully is to start by knowing who you really are and being true to yourself. Then give others permission to be themselves in the same way, appreciating their unique vision, ideas, and gifts. Then you liberate them and yourself to collaborate as a collective in the most creative, life-affirming ways. Where do you need to drop the mask and begin to think, speak, and act more authentically and truthfully? Where is your everyday life out of alignment with your soul and your overall well-being? In what circumstances do you give your power away to fear, losing sight of your innate divine power? Which people or groups can you partner with now to step more fully into your soul purpose?
Be awake and alert to deception and have your intuitive instincts turned up to full when reading or watching anything and when in conversation with anyone. It or they may look and sound charming and engaging, but take another close and thorough look. Is it or are they what they seem initially? Is this truth and soul communication, or are the words underpinned by lies and ego?
Others around you may be expressing extreme cynicism, bitterness, and negativity about how life is, and the possibility of change. Their own pain and struggles have cooled and hardened their hearts, so you could find yourself on the receiving end of harsh judgement and cruel criticism. Being able to see and understand their underlying pain will encourage compassion for why they are this way, and make it easier for you to resist becoming prickly and antagonistic in return.
All of this is going to be playing out in the wider world too. So you’re likely to see and hear more shocking revelations as the truth is revealed. More people will be shaken from the cozy illusion to awaken to the reality of just how extensively we’ve been manipulated by the few in power who seek only their own greedy gratification. It will be shocking to many, and they may struggle to adjust to what is unveiled. Perhaps a woman will step into the global spotlight this month, shining a light on all I’ve mentioned and speaking with incisive discernment about what must change.
Don’t get dragged into the drama. Observe it all calmly, untouched by fear and rooted in your trust in Spirit. Look inwards for the truth, with the higher perspective of your intuition. Be ready to steady and reassure those who don’t know how to access this frequency of clarity and knowing, and be willing to seek someone who can help you make sense of it all, if necessary.
You might like to read this spiritual guidance September 2024 against the overarching background of my Intuitive Reading for 2024..
Guidance September 2024 from astrology
The Virgo new moon forcefully demands realistic thinking, with an opposition to Saturn in Pisces turning the focus on systems that support physical health in every day life (and for all life). Saturn and Pluto aspect each other strongly this month so expect some hard truths to emerge that only emphasise the need for practical and deep-rooted change.
On the 18th there’s an eclipse of the full moon in Pisces, when emotions are likely to run high as there’s a powerful invitation to make sacrifices and let go of the old to enable new beginnings now. Sorrow often enables compassion, awareness, and a higher consciousness. It’s that theme of compassion that prevails in the last week of the month, stimulating individual efforts towards the well-being of the collective.
Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor
© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page.
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