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Life-Changing Spiritual Insights for April/May 2024!
Written by Semele Xerri

Here’s my spiritual guidance April/May 2024, covering the month beginning with the Aries new moon at 7.21pm on April 8th (in the UK).
I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy of these four weeks, and then take a quick look at the astrology.
Spiritual guidance April/May 2024 from the Tarot
We’ve had a long run of major arcana cards, all but one over the last 6 lunar months. So it’s good to see a minor arcana card appearing this time, even if it is one that continues the transformational theme of change. That’s not too surprising when the month kicks off with a total eclipse of the sun, which is always a harbinger of dramatic endings and beginnings that will impact what’s to come for some time.
As a disk card, the change is going to impact physical resources of all kinds for you – health, money, work, and your environment. So be prepared to have to do a bit of juggling in these areas. There could be financial ups and downs, unexpected happenings in the workplace, projects not working out quite how you expected them to, and some sudden health issues that need addressing.
Disks literally represent the earth and the land too. Globally, I expect to see earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – dramatic seismic activity. Shifts and developments in financial systems and money management are likely and might cause a wobble, but only temporarily. The same applies to farming and food production, and perhaps political instability too as “land” can mean an individual nation.
Many of you will have shake-ups in your personal lives as physical resources are so central to the human experience. I know change can feel chaotic, unexpected, and shocking at times, but remember that it also brings innovation, adventure, and freedom. It has a harmony to it because change IS life. Without change nothing could ever renew or evolve or improve. Things will be unpredictable and volatile, so remain centred in whatever way works for you. Don’t get thrown off balance. If you remain calm you can stay focused and attentive and respond appropriately and adapt quickly if and where necessary. That crown on the serpent’s head reminds you of your personal authority to co-create and manage your own life, in partnership with your soul and through your choices.
Let’s look more closely at that serpent in the form of a figure eight on this card. It’s an ancient sign of infinity – the Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tail. It’s based on the knowledge that life eats itself to stay alive. Chaos consumes order which causes a re-organization of energy in a flowing transformation. I always think of the Ouroboros when I see video or diagrams of the tectonic plate movements that shape our land masses, as shown in this video.
The yin yang symbol suggests that at times like these it’s helpful to be able to see both sides of any situation and event; to hold the paradox of seeming opposites rather than viewing one as wholly right/positive and one as wholly wrong/negative. When two opposing poles unite and interchange energy balance is created, and a healthy middle path opens up. So it’s good to ask yourself this month, where am I being one-sided in the way I’m looking at or approaching something or someone, especially where your physical resources are concerned? Try opening up to the opposing view. Explore that opposite pole so that you can understand more clearly where you are and what’s actually going on. You’ll create more balance in your daily life as a result.
With this wider understanding, you’ll be able to accept and embrace change in a playful, creative way, knowing that it is a necessary and continual process of being. Chaos, worry, and arguments only arise when you’re being rigid and stuck in your ways, closed off in fear to the inevitability of change. Any wobbles and insecurities arising this month are temporary though, not long lasting. So I would suggest you delay any dramatic course alterations or far-reaching decisions until mid-May. Things will have settled and be much clearer then, especially if you’ve followed the advice of this guidance. Change, including that ushered in over the next four weeks, is life-enhancing and transformational. All will be well.
You might like to read this spiritual guidance April/May 2024 against the overarching background of my Intuitive Reading for 2024.
Guidance April May 2024 from astrology
The Aries new moon on the 8th April is accompanied by a total solar eclipse which lends extra emphasis and momentum to endings and new beginnings. It’s all about transformation. Explore the potentials present at this time to radically improve your life and the world you see around you. The past has to give way to the advancing future now. Jupiter moves through Taurus and conjuncts Uranus on the 21st April, followed by a Scorpio full moon on the 24th (UK). There are likely to be surprise crisis points now, leading to giant steps forward around individuals acknowledging themselves as part of a greater whole, such as the planet and the human collective. Mercury goes direct on the 25th April enabling rules and structures to form around these emerging new visions and ideals, possibly solidifying at the end of April. There will be challenges and struggles, as with all births, but the delivery of the new is assured.
Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor
© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page.
Credit: here
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