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The Council: Early Man and the Animal Kingdom - Part 5
Written by William LePar

The final part of this series explains that originally no members of the animal kingdom were intended to be violent in nature.
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains that the violence originated with mankind’s physical entrance into our world.
Questioner: To kind of complete the idea of these animals, in the dolphin we have a good friend, but the undesirable things in animals, like claws and sharp teeth and poisonous fangs and insects that bite you and all that. All these things probably aren't in the original plan and it is man's evil over the years that created all these things. Is that the proper way to look at that? Thorns on roses and things like that?
The Council: Well, that is a very simplified way of looking at the picture but basically that is what happened, how such things evolved. Originally, the initial essence that was established for the animal development, when it first evolved then into the material plane, into the physical world, there was no need for defense mechanisms because the animals were not carnivorous. They were eaters of berries and vegetables, leafy grasses, that sort of diet. But what is above is below. So, man in his efforts to create and destroy, you have the animals that you have today. There were an uncountable number of animals, actually far more major animals then than you have today. You have a relatively small number of unique animals. And over the years they have evolved, they have changed. Some have died out completely, no traces left. But basically the nature of the animal is what man has given them.
Q: And in a sense when a bee stings you it is your fault?
C: Well, initially, yes, initially yes.
Next – God’s Plan
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