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The Council: Further Review after the Death Process
Written by William LePar
This is a continuation of the previous posting. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, is discussing what occurs initially after we cross over.
Questioner: You talk about different levels. How many levels are there before you get to the gates of heaven?
The Council: It would be wise if you were to tell us what you mean by the gates of heaven.
Q: Well, how long does it take before you see the Father?
C: Well, we cannot tell you in time. In other words, we cannot say it takes a year or two years or a month or a week, because there is no time. If we could make a comparison a thousand years is but a second, and a second is a thousand years. So there would be no way of explaining it.
Q: Well, you said the tunnel and the lights and everything is more or less like one level of dying, is that correct?
C: No, this is not one level of dying. This is, shall we say, the entrance. This is where you just begin to come into the home.
Q: What comes after that? This is what I want to know.
C: Then if it is to be a final departure, from there then the review of your life situation takes place. The full intensity of it takes place and all the things that you have done that have harmed others or inhibited others you become totally aware of, the furthest extending fragment of your action is reviewed before you.
Q: Who's reviewing this with you?
C: It can be any number of people or beings. Whatever is necessary for you to have a greater awareness of what you have done. You certainly have heard of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates; it is quite possible that Peter could review your life with you. It is quite possible that your mother or your father or your sister or your aunt could review the situation, your life, with you. It is quite possible the Lord could review your life with you. It all depends on what you need. Do you understand?
Q: Who decides what you need at those times?
C: Whatever would give you the greatest comfort. Who decides? Basically, all the accomplished beings in concert with the Divine Father choose.
Q: This review of your life, is it just bad things that you've done to people and to yourself, or is it everything that has been done throughout your life?
C: From the second of birth, the moment you leave the mother's womb, to the final second of your earthly experience. Everything. Nothing is left undiscovered.
Q: And what happens after this review?
C: Then the joy or the remorse takes hold. This is something then that cannot even begin to be explained. You see, you put yourself in a state of self-condemnation, self-punishment, where you bemoan your deeds and your actions that were uncharitable, unloving, and this is a process with which you and you alone must deal. You must cleanse yourself, you must polish your facets yourself. Of course, there are those who will support you in those times of greatest need. They will give you encouragement.
Q: Is this like Purgatory as the Catholics know it?
C: Well, one could use such a term, but Purgatory is, shall we say, kind of an ambiguous term. It might be likened in this respect to Purgatory in that this self-condemnation, this self-punishment, is not eternal.
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