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The Council: Having Your Pet With You After Death

The Council: Having Your Pet With You After Death

In this discussion with a researcher, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, discusses the review process and the possibility of having a pet with you during the review time.

Questioner:  The question that came to my mind was a throwback to the dolphin, the ones that saved man that had a uniqueness added to them because of that act and that the man could remember that particular creature when man goes on to his next level of existence, can he have that if he wishes that essence of the dolphin with him like he could his pet dog or pet cat?

The Council:  Well, certainly, why not?  You do not have to worry about living in an ocean once you leave your physical body.  The dolphin is quite capable of walking on land and the dog is quite capable of living in the water.  Does that clarify the point?

Question:  Yes.

C:  Those limitations do not exist.  If it pleased you to see the dolphin in its environment, then some way or other you would create the situation, but, let us say, as the general rule, you would realize that that were not necessary, but yet you would have that          essence there, and you would visualize it or create it in whatever form you would like or choose.

Questioner:  When we would be going through the slower moments of the review, before we determine which way we are going, Man-Made or God-Made Heavenly Realms, are those comforting essences allowed to be there with us to make it a little easier, to tolerate those bad things that we review?

C:  Hmm, you want your cake and eat it too.

Questioner:  In other words, they are out in the lobby waiting for us to come out?

C:  Yes, but their ticket is for the following show, so they clear the theater out.

Q:  So you have to deserve the right to have them with you?

C:  Well, that is basically what it boils down to.  You are not going to have something around you and particularly in that form or that type of thing around you if you have not had some love for it. In other words, you would not just call a puppy dog over to your side.  It would have to be a special situation, an animal that you particularly loved.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes.

C:  In other words, if you never owned a pet in this lifetime, and all of a sudden you decided you wanted a pet, well, first of all, you would not decide you wanted a pet.  If you did not want one in life, you would certainly have no need for it after you left life or, shall we say, in real life.

Questioner:  I was thinking, like, it is nice to have my dog beside me now.  But there are times when I do things in life today that when he is not around, I was just wondering when I review those if he could be sitting with me or something like that?

C:  Well, let us put it this way.  Once you raise above the review, then you will probably want a pet if you had a pet.  But during the review it is down to business and brass tacks.  No time for such things.


For more about William LePar and The Council please view www. WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
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