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The Council: Miraculous Healing - Part 2
Written by William LePar

This is the second of our two-part series on miraculous healing.
In this selection William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council talks about Divine Intervention. This dissertation provides an interesting perspective on healing.
The Council: Yes, you are made in the likeness of God, and your ability to demonstrate a true miraculous occurrence is in a way, or in another sense, a glorification of God, a demonstration of God. Now, what would be best is to recognize that there was an element of Divine Intervention.
Now this Divine Intervention can come in a number of different ways, either through you, by reaching down deep inside of yourself and allowing that healing strength from your Creator to flow through you and create the healing in you, or through an exterior event, in other words, reaching outwardly through whatever means or facilities might be made available for a healing.
You must understand this and understand it completely: There are uncountable healings going on constantly, only you just do not recognize them as healings. A doctor can give you no medication whatsoever that will heal you.
A doctor can cut, cut, cut until there is nothing left of you and that will not heal you.
It is you and the relationship between you and your God that has brought a healing about. Now, someone could say that, well, those old boys are suggesting that you all do not need pills and doctors. We are not suggesting that in the least. What we are saying is that ultimately the healing comes from within you.
The instruments or the triggers used may have been a doctor and his knife, may have been a doctor and his prescription that he has given you, or what have you.
The reason that these events or occurrences or happenings are necessary is because you must grow through inner changes or inner actions and activities with other individuals and in other situations, so it is necessary then to have points of contact or activity so that everyone has an equal opportunity to cancel out any karmic situation that they may have created for themselves, thus a need for doctors and what have you.
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