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The Council: Early Man and the Animal Kingdom - Part 4

The Council: Early Man and the Animal Kingdom - Part 4

The fourth part of this five-part series continues the previous discussion of while adding insight into the value to us of the animal kingdom.

Questioner:  Yes, it would be sort of similar to how man helped the small horse-type animals by giving it some protection.  Man did something decent and good and godly for that essence that was the dolphin.

The Council:  Yes, but the dolphin originally was an animal that you do not recognize today, you do not have today.  And there was a unique relationship between that animal and early, early man, when man was still virtually a babe in relationship to his nature today, the grossness of his nature today.  So there was a bond there, a love there, that cannot be understood in your minds today.  You barely have the ability to love one another as your actions show.  So it would be quite hard to explain the bond or the love that existed between the spirits or man, the souls, human souls, and that segment that you now have as a dolphin.

Q:  Was that animal even back then that we do not have today that was the dolphin, was that animal a creature of the sea?

C:  It was a creature of the land that had been nurtured and developed and cared for particularly by the early souls and there was a bond there, and then as man became, how shall we put it, more vicious and that negativity then began to bleed over into the animals, that essence, that animal then was not able to cope with that much negativity, and it became easy prey then for many other animals and by man.  Luckily its reproductive ability was quite, how shall we put it, was very good so that there was more than an abundance of these animals, and they gradually fled to the sea then.  Now, they did not jump off the land and start swimming in the water.  They moved to the swampy areas and gradually, because of the terrain, they evolved then into an animal that would be more easily adaptable to swamp, and then finally it went further and further until now it is able to live in the water completely and only return to the surface for air.  It has no facilities to actually live out of the water; it cannot tolerate living out of the water even though it is a mammal, an air-breathing mammal.  So, it fled man and his negativity.  It fled the negativity of the surface life for a more serene world, yet it still remembers the goodness of man.  Now, give your domesticated horse maybe another five million years and you could have a pretty good buddy there.

Q:  Well, we already have one in the sea and we hardly know it.

C:  Well, if it would not be for, well, let us put it in a more positive way.  If your scientists were to look a little more positively on the animal world, they would recognize that there are some animals that are quite unique, quite unique.  Very well.

Next – The final part of this series explains that originally no members of the animal kingdom were intended to be violent in nature.

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Credit - William LePar

For more about William LePar and The Council please view www. WilliamLePar.com
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© Copyright 2012-2024 William LePar. All rights reserved. 

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