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The Council: Christ’s Return to Earth
Written by William LePar Views: 1226

Time and space are the discussed in a unique way by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, in answer to this researcher’s question.
Questioner: In Revelation's description of Christ's return to the earth in physical manifestation by coming down in the clouds or descending in the clouds. If this is the case how will all the world be able to see Him at the same time, such as someone in Italy, someone in New York, Ohio, or someone in California?
The Council: Well, if one would take onto consideration that the workings of the Divine and His Son are not limited to time and space one would then begin to think along these lines and possibly find some answer to the question. What will happen at that time is this: Time is related, shall we say, and so is the material expression, related to a curve, to a curve. It is also related to objects such as spheres. Now at that time when the Lord will appear, coming from the heavens, what will have happened at that time will be that time will no longer exist as man understands it. And nor will space exist as man understands it. For that split, shall we say, instant all will be turned around so that the earth and time will no longer curve, shall we say, to the outside but shall revert to an inside curve wherein at the radius of that curve the Coming of the Lord will be and all of the earth will see it at the same time. It will be, this is an example, it will be as if the earth were turned inside out, such as a rubber ball, for instance, that is hollow. The outside would be the normal existence of the earth, but take that rubber ball, that rubber shell, and turn it inside out so that the outside then becomes the inside surface of that ball. Do you understand?
Q: Yes.
The Council: And then the Lord appearing in the center. Time and physical awareness or physical reality as you know it now will cease for that instant and things will turn inward and upward so that, to be sure and to be very sure, every living entity at that time will actually see the Coming of the Lord. So it is a question of the Divine Hand for one instant changing time and reality, so that those remaining will have a glimpse of the reality of God and the realities of the heavens.
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