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The Council: Influences from the Spirit World
Written by William LePar

In this posting William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives an example of how positive influences from the spirit world can occur.
The Council: When some spiritual mediums claim that they see visions of departed loved ones and friends, they in effect do and in reality do. In those situations this may transpire for many reasons. From the spiritual level, from the Spirit World, those there have a desire to have a closeness with those in the world or in the material manifestation because in the process of review those loved ones come before them through their thought process; and in so doing then they have, shall we say, an affection for those, thus there is the opportunity then for, shall we say, a relationship or a contact to be made. Also, all things tend to gravitate or move to like things. To give you an answer to a question that you gave us some time ago concerning help from the other side, maybe this will give you a greater understanding.
For instance, suppose someone of the medical profession is present in the Spirit World, because of the soul's progression through a number of lifetimes it has developed an affection for healing or for service or demonstration of spiritual love to others through that medium or modelle. And as this individual then, this soul, re-evaluates its efforts and because the affection is so strong it has a tendency then to move to those in the material manifestation that have like affections or love, and in this process then there can be an influence by those in the spiritual realms over those in the material. Does this answer your question?
Q: Yes.
C: Very well. If this transpires from the God-made realms much benefit can be achieved. In many cases these can be referred to as "guides." They can also be referred to as "guardian angels." Now there are those souls in the material manifestation that do have a communion or a relationship with actual angels, those spiritual beings that man recognizes with wings. That is a possibility, and it does occur.
Another area of help and guidance comes from the second level which is the Angelic Level. These are those souls that have developed then to a higher degree of understanding, and they too can influence the material manifestation. Now, in the Spirit World, that of the God-made heavenly realms, your primary step of learning or process of learning is the awareness again of the effects that you have had on yourself and on others, the realization of your responsibility of your actions.
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