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Do Children Need More Sleep? The Council Weighs In - Part 2
Written by William LePar

In this final quote of the series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council gives us more detail concerning the learning activities of a baby from conception onward.
The Council: Once the child is born, then every little item of experience, every little remark, every little anything, must be processed in a new ground. Now, true the Subconscious Mind is there. The limitations are there. The plan for the life is there, but the foundations and those are the first impressions, the first learning, which is through sight, sound, naturally a baby does not learn through its own activities, but through observing, through hearing, they must be very well seeded and this takes much time, so the Conscious Mind and the Subjective Mind and the Subconscious Mind mull every little experience over and over and over and over, until it is a very solid foundation. This continues then until the age of five or so. After that then the foundations are there, the hardcore foundations are there. A child then begins to need less and less sleep time or dream time. Do you understand?
Questioner: Yes.
C: And the child then learns from what it observes and what it hears. Intellectually speaking, a baby really is not able, shall we say, to understand everything it hears, yet it senses an understanding by the tone of voice and what it is able to see and respond in relationship to what it hears. Those things that it cannot relate to, the mind registers those things and then as the child becomes older and is intellectually stimulated or the learning process then, the formal learning process evolves or informal learning process, those words or those activities then develop their meaning or understanding. Do you understand?
Q: Yes.
C: So that is why we have said it is extremely important to watch what is said and done in front of a child and we mean from the moment of conception to that particular moment. You may think that the child does not understand, but it is quite capable of understanding much more than you think it does, and even what it is not able to understand at the present time, it will understand as it gets older because it has already been put into the Conscious Mind, then during the sleep time into the Subconscious Mind and then registered in the Subjective Mind. So, does that answer the question?
Next – The Spirit of God
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