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Galactic Federation: Pleiadian DNA Upgrade

Galactic Federation: Pleiadian DNA Upgrade

The pleiadians' arrival on earth marks a monumental shift in the evolution of humanity! Their benevolent mission is focused solely on propelling our spiritual development and upgrading our dna to reach its full potential! The thousand years of peace and enlightenment some call the golden age is dawning!!

Elevating Human Consciousness!

The arrival of the Pleiadians is ushering in an exciting new era for humanity and all life on Earth. As they assist us in upgrading our DNA and expanding our consciousness, we are elevating into higher states of being. This opens us up to experience more peace, love, and harmony within ourselves and in our world.

The Pleiadians carry a refined vibration that further activates the light codes within us. Their energy fields help awaken our latent abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and telekinesis. As we learn to master these extra-sensory skills, we can connect in more heart-centered ways. This lays the foundation for greater understanding and compassion.

With expanded consciousness, we gain a clearer insight into the interconnectedness of all life. This dismantles old paradigms of separation and fear which have fueled humanity's discord. Embracing our shared essence as spiritual beings having a human experience naturally dissolves superficial divides.

Channeling more cosmic wisdom and higher dimensional frequencies infuses creativity, inspiration, and knowledge. This propels innovations poised to solve many of humanity's challenges. Breakthroughs await in healing modalities, clean energy, transportation, and sustainable living.

The Pleiadians encourage us to step fully into our light. As we shine brighter collectively, we attract higher vibrational timelines for our planet. The era of darkness is ending. The thousand years of peace and enlightenment some call the Golden Age is dawning. With the Pleiadians' support, we are ready to manifest this glorious future!

Timeline for Activation:

The timeline for the activation of the 12-strand DNA in humanity is expected to occur rapidly in the very near future. This accelerated timeline represents an unprecedented leap in human evolution and consciousness!

The Pleiadians have indicated that the activation will proceed in waves, with certain groups achieving activation earlier based on their spiritual awareness and openness to the process. Sensitives, intuitives, healers, and lightworkers are likely to be among the first groups to undergo spontaneous DNA upgrades.

Children born within the next few years are also expected to display noticeable upgrades, as many will come into the world already coded for 12 strands! Their capabilities and talents will astound those around them!

As more people achieve activation, they will trigger others around them to begin upgrading as well. This domino effect will quicken the timeline and allow for massive numbers to activate within a short window of time. Critical mass is expected to be reached when approximately 10% of the human population has upgraded to 12-strand DNA.

The Pleiadians have emphasized that this process requires no external technology, only inner spiritual awareness and a readiness to graduate to the next level of human evolution. Those who wish to accelerate their activation are advised to follow intuition, embrace enlightenment principles, release limiting beliefs, and align with their higher self-guidance.

With the Pleiadian assistance, the 12-strand activation process is well underway. While the precise timeline remains fluid, they assure us the finish line is already in sight. We are collectively on the verge of an evolutionary leap unlike anything seen before on Earth. What wonderful new abilities and understandings await us!

Aligning with Energy Centers:

The twelve DNA strands being activated align with the major energy centers, or chakras, in and around our physical bodies. Chakras are the centers through which energy flows into and out of our being. There are seven main chakras that correspond to the body, as well as five chakras above the head and two below the feet.

When our DNA is upgraded, each of the twelve helical strands connects with and brings online one of the main chakras. This provides a powerful alignment between our physicality and energy systems. With this alignment, we gain the ability to channel universal energies to heal ourselves and others!

The first seven DNA strands anchor into the seven chakras along the spine - the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras. The next five strands extend above the head, plugging into the soul star, causal, stellar gateway, galactic, and universal chakras.

Having all major chakras aligned and activated enables us to become powerful conduits of cosmic light. We gain access to new abilities based on spiritual mastery over the energies that create and sustain realities. As our chakras spin faster, our evolution accelerates exponentially. We step into our full potential as divine co-creators here to spread unconditional love.


As we have seen, the Pleiadians' arrival on Earth marks a monumental shift in the evolution of humanity. Their benevolent mission is focused solely on propelling our spiritual development and upgrading our DNA to reach its full potential!

The 12-strand DNA activation will allow us to understand ourselves at a soul level and align with our energetic centers. This quantum leap will accelerate our evolution and allow us to achieve states of higher consciousness.

The Pleiadians also aim to usher in an era defined by peace, love, and harmony by introducing advanced technologies and spiritual wisdom. Their intentions are pure - they wish to see humanity transcend our current limitations and embrace our divine nature.

This unprecedented time of transformation is already underway. If we open our hearts and minds to receive the gifts and guidance the Pleiadians offer, we will experience a collective rebirth into higher realms of awareness.

The choice is ours. Will we accept their loving support and choose unity? Or will we allow fear to hold us back from our destiny?

The time for quantum evolution is now!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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