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How the Full Moon in Gemini with Jupiter and Pluto Impacts You

How the Full Moon in Gemini with Jupiter and Pluto Impacts You

December 13th ~ 20th

Mind is thus neither the source of light, like a shining sun, nor the reflected light of something greater, like the moon, but a shimmering pool of contingent potential, capable of reflecting sun, moon, and any other object that happens to dance upon its surface. Its function is more important than its essence, and is influenced significantly by the nature of what gets stirred into its pristine waters. ~ Andrew Olendzki

One of the things that happens as we approach the direct station of Mercury on Sunday, December 15th, is that we go through a mental shift, in which we orient ourselves to what we usually think of as normal. Just as we do when we wake up in the morning, clarity is resuming, things are coming into perspective, new information is coming to light, and the world finally feels like it is resuming its regularly scheduled programming. At least to some extent. This is also when those ideas seeded in the darkness of the new Mercury cycle that began on December 5th, will now be able to find some sort of purchase. 

As more information is being revealed in the light of the Full Moon that is also on Sunday, we will see things more clearly, and are being given the green light to proceed with any waylaid plans and schedules. It is not unusual to lose our way or be distracted when Mercury is in its retrograde phase. But on the heels of the Full Moon this weekend it could feel as if we are all waking up to a new reality. And it’s time to get down to business. 

Last week, Venus entered the sign of Aquarius opposing retrograde Mars. This week, as Mercury stations, it will negotiate the conflict between what our heart wants, vs. what our warring and ambivalent passions are urging us to do. And perhaps thankfully so. As a result, certain alliances and relationships will appear to improve. At least for now. At least until Mars perfects its next opposition to Pluto in January. In the mean time, bonds can be forged, and agreements made among those who share certain aims, ideals and perspectives, bringing certain individuals together, while parting others. 

We will see how this all unfolds under the light of the Gemini Full Moon, a sign ruled by, and therefore deeply connected to the vagaries of Mercury and its cycles. Full Moons have this way of illuminating things, bringing them to a crisis, or disclosure. These monthly lunations are times of reaping, where the results of actions already set into motion are brought to a head. 

This is when the Sun and Moon are on the same axis, but in opposition to one another in opposite signs. And whereas the Moon is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini, the Sun is in Jupiter’s sign. The sign of Sagittarius. Both Mercury and Jupiter are in each other’s signs. The consequences of this, especially with Mercury in its retrograde phase, is one of being overwhelmed by an abundance of news and information. It has been all we can do to avoid it. The Full Moon can bring all of what we have been learning, and hearing, and processing, to its final disclosure and rallying cry. Though I suspect we haven’t heard the end of it. 

Jupiter sesquiquadrate Pluto

Just prior to the Full Moon, on Friday the 13th, Jupiter makes its 2nd of 3 sesquares to Pluto. This is important, because this is a transit that has been brewing behind the scenes for some while. And now dares to reveal even more information and deliberation in the light of the Full Moon. Now that we are made aware of certain circumstances, we can no longer look away. We could choose to look away. Refuse to rock the boat. Not get involved. But in the end, we are going to have to face ourselves, and our own conscience. After all, in the Jupiter/Pluto cycles, there are some things that we just need to stand for. And that simply cannot be ignored.

The Jupiter/Pluto cycle which began with their conjunction in Capricorn, the last conjunction being in November of 2024, is now at the Gibbous phase of its cycle. This is when intentions formed during the conjunction are now being more fully cultivated to fulfill their true potential. The results and/or consequences of those intentions will come to a head with the opposition in 2026. In the mean time it is during the Gibbous phase of the opening sesquiquadrate, where we are now, that people take their sides, devoting themselves to whatever causes seem most important to them. This will be different for each of us. But it is something of a rallying cry in which we are asked to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. And so it can be difficult to stand on the sidelines at these times.

Within the Jupiter/Pluto cycle this is when we ask ourselves, and perhaps even each other, what are those principles, when your back is against the wall, that you are willing to put yourself on the line for? This gets back to the core of what we truly believe to be right and true. This can require great courage and a strong sense of who we are, and what we believe in, so much so, that even in the face of extraordinary odds, even in the face of evil if need be, we will stand for what we believe to be right and true. 

When Jupiter is in its retrograde phase, as it is now, we often become aware of the unethical behaviors of others. It will be harder to ignore. But more importantly, this is when we ask ourselves, whether or not we are honestly living up to our own standards of ethical and moral conduct. In this way, these annual retrograde phases of Jupiter, are important and necessary for our own moral and spiritual growth. 

Note that Pluto cycles often have to do with the evolutionary journey of the soul. They also have to do with the distribution of power. And not all things are black and white, or as evident as we may like them to be. Oftentimes, even and often especially with moral and ethical questions, things can be rather gray. And it is these ambiguously gray areas in which we face our most challenging dilemmas. And so we may all be asking ourselves over the next several months: What does it mean to do the RIGHT thing? Or perhaps even in some cases: What does it mean to stand on the right side of history? Big questions for interesting times. 

At the New Moon in Gemini on June 5th, we were being asked to expand our vision, to think more globally, perhaps to even take up a cause. At that time Jupiter was trine Pluto, helping to facilitate that process. At that time we were being asked to consider: 

  • the ways in which you can use your knowledge, your position, your skills, and your resources in order to improve the lives of others, or the world in which we live

  • Holding those in power accountable for their moral and ethical decisions. 

  • Looking at the way we use our power and resources, and whether or not we are living up to our own ethical and moral standards.

  • Placing oneself in service to a larger cause, or a larger movement. Something that feels bigger than ourselves. Something that feels really important.

Now with the current Jupiter/Pluto aspect we are being challenged to meet our potential even in the face of what might seem extraordinary odds. Jupiter/Pluto transits are ambitious. They are neither good nor bad. That is determined how we use it: for our own power and greed? Or for the greater good of all humanity. Jupiter/Pluto transits can literally move mountains and shift our perspectives, so that what once seemed impossible might actually be achievable. This is what can happen if you are willing to reach higher and believe. 

For this week’s horoscopes, click below: 



Image: CrystalWind.ca

Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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