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Super New Moon in Pisces: Energize Your Dreams!
Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

March 8th ~ 15th
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. ~ Roald Dahl
We have a Super New Moon this weekend, on Sunday, March 10th, at 20º Pisces 17’. Super Moons occur when the moon is also close to the earth in its orbit. The Super New Moon may not appear to be as spectacular as a Super Full Moon for we cannot see them, but it can still be pretty spectacular in its effects. All the more so with this New Moon where all of the planets are clustered around a Pisces stellium of 4 planets, including the Sun and the Moon. As a result, wherever the New Moon falls in your chart, will be super emphasized.
We have 3 Super New Moons this year, the previous New Moon on February 9th, the current New Moon in Pisces on March 10th and then a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th.
Since the New Moon in Leo of 2023, the majority of these New Moons have been in aspect to illuminating (and often surprising) Uranus. These will end with the New Moon in Taurus in May. This month’s New Moon in Pisces is sextile Uranus, a weaker aspect than some of the others, and yet still an aspect of creative potential and growth. In this sort of aspect, Uranus can open a door to revelation and innovation. The planet of innovation shows us new and better ways of doing things. It can free us up for ever better things to come. And gives us permission to be comfortable with our own personal journey, whatever that may be.
Pisces is a mystical and magical sign, prone to idealistic notions and wistful, philosophical musings. The wistfulness may be more pronounced these days due to the prevailing Jupiter/Neptune semi-square. As the ruling planets of Pisces, this juncture of their cycle can leave us feeling hard pressed to make our dreams a more achievable reality. We also have choices at this juncture. We can give in and give up, perhaps even sink into a miasma of despair. Or we can use the New Moon in Pisces as an opportunity to reframe the narrative.
Boxed in by Saturn and Neptune, the emotional New Moon in Pisces could feel a little ominous. But then there’s that sextile to Uranus. Like an escape hatch, or a brief moment of rebellion, that no matter how dismal things may seem from our perspective we still have a few tricks up our sleeves. It’s not over yet. And better yet, we still have Hope. Hope and the Faith that we do have alternatives, and that perhaps, just maybe, better hearts and minds will prevail.
But also locked within that framework of the Saturn/Neptune narrative is a suggestion to turn down the outer noise of our lives and tune in. This is always good advice within Pisces season when we are being asked to connect with that which we might consider divine or mystical. Whether that means a spiritual practice, or connecting to that part of you which feels somewhat magical and meaningful and true. Something that transcends the ‘real’ world. We listen for its voice in the silence, for its meaning in dreams. We see it in the sunrise, and in the laughter of our children. But its voice is so subtle that it is easily drowned out in the hubbub of our daily lives. Yet it is this very core essence of our existence that feeds our soul, brings meaning to our lives, and serves as a lodestar in all of our endeavors.
And without that connection we would always feel as if something deeply significant is missing from our lives.
And as much as I’d like to believe there’s a truth beyond illusion, I’ve come to believe that there’s no truth beyond illusion. Because, between ‘reality’ on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there’s a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is the space where all art exists, and all magic. ~ Donna Tartt
New Moons are times of new beginnings, and the New Moon in Pisces is also a perfect time to further cultivate and connect to our own Pisces vision:
through our dreams, including dreaming your next best vision, your craft, your voice; connecting to Intuition, or what some refer to as the Higher Self/Spirit guides/divine guidance/conscience; performing acts of compassion and divine service; connecting to nature, and allowing that divine spark to speak through you and what you do.
Then when you do connect with your dreams, dare to cast them like a net out into the ocean of life. There is no telling what might come back. If you choose to cast your own net, try seeding some intentions along with the New Moon this week. Make sure to do so within the New Moon phase, which lasts from the New Moon on March 10th (5 AM Eastern Daylight Time; 9 AM in the United Kingdom; and 2 AM Pacific Daylight Time), until the Crescent Moon on the 13th of March.
Some positive affirmations or intentions for this New Moon might be:
- May I have the faith to allow (divine guidance, my prevailing beliefs, my intuition, my higher self, my conscience) to lead me along the path.
- I am a spiritual being filled with light and a love that knows no bounds. May I draw it forth as needed.
- My imagination has no bounds. May I find the best medium which will allow it to speak through me.
- Through a regular practice of peace and quietude, may I be confident that I will find guidance and understanding.
- I have music, wonder, and possibility in my heart. May I reclaim it, and carry it with me wherever I go.
- My heart is boundless and filled with compassion for all beings everywhere, without exception.
For the New Moon in Pisces for your Sun or natal house placement (if you know it) see this week’s horoscopes:
Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City.
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