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Archangel Nathanael Shares Insights on the Light Event

Archangel Nathanael Shares Insights on the Light Event

The light event will activate the spiritual longing in people and for the first time people will be able to do what was previously impossible - an expansion of consciousness: so that death no longer has power over you!

Then all fears will disappear, political institutions will lose their influence as will religious communities. Everything turns towards people as soon as they experience themselves as directly connected to creation, as directly connected to the Creator, as directly contributing to creation.

Act of love

Events that will change everything, that will go beyond your imagination and align you with the light of GOD are coming! Interpreting the future from today's perspective is hardly possible or leads to inaccurate results.

That is why humanity is being brought into a new perception of life - first introduced imperceptibly, as in previous decades - and then gaining knowledge in a single act of love. The light of heaven, the ray of light from heaven and the light event that overcomes all barriers of consciousness – that is what we are talking about here. My job is to prepare you for this - and you will be prepared if you continue to weed your garden.

When you consciously organize your days and purify your hearts, as you purify your homes when you expect a guest.

The light event will activate the spiritual longing in people and for the first time people will be able to do what was previously impossible - an expansion of consciousness: so that death no longer has power over you!

Then all fears will disappear, political institutions will lose their influence as will religious communities.

Everything turns towards people as soon as they experience themselves as directly connected to creation, as directly connected to the Creator, as directly contributing to creation.

You are the master!

And this day in human history is reserved for the generations existing on this earth today. You have qualified for this through many lives, in many existences, on many worlds. You are the masters, you are the master, even if you don't necessarily experience yourself as a master today, here and now.

Surrounded by worries, fears and deficiency symptoms, your life neither feels successful nor are your days a source of joy. Your perception is clouded, your inner senses are blocked, your alignment with the light never seems to last.

You fight your daily battle and despite all your efforts, you find no lasting way out, no lasting peace, no lasting harmony in your life.

What you are experiencing is experienced by many light workers and light messengers today.

The spiritual path gradually reveals all the gifts to you and the greatest gift is that one day you realize that it is you who is blocking the flow of your life and that it was you who was clinging to old experiences even when yours Lips have longed for something new for a long time.

Your path is:

You know, beloved one, your path is: to complete yourself on the chosen timeline. To this consummation, the light event of heaven will give the boost it needs so that people can reorient themselves and lose all fears. There's not much time left until then! So you remain the most faithful servants. Seize the opportunities for transformation and change your destiny by making your heart shine in the omnipresence of GOD and healing your soul.

Miracles happen to those who surrender themselves and whose mind does not interrupt the flow of love between themselves and GOD.

Complete yourself or you will be accomplished! This is the way, the truth and the life. This is the gift of GOD. On all levels of being.


Translated by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
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