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Archangel Raphael: Addressing Nervousness

Archangel Raphael: Addressing Nervousness
The distortions are intended to push people back into their fearful minds - this fails. The more unrest spreads, the more clearly people's need for real peace and sincere unity - and for freedom - becomes apparent. It happens in this turning point that all evil is banished from the earth and the age of light is proclaimed. It's happening. Everything Karma?

My work

JJK: To what extent does my work as a medium affect my nervous system? What needs to be taken into account??

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: Whoever is secure in the love of God and in the light of God owns everything. This describes the process of your work. Your question points to a fact that needs to be taken into account. After receiving a message, your vibration is adjusted again to your everyday consciousness and this puts a strain on the nervous system. The solution is good grounding, which means engaging in earthly activities, engaging in physical exercise, cultivating fulfilling human relationships, eating nutrient-dense foods, and regularly disengaging from mediumship work.

JJK: Now the thing is, I've been writing a lot for years - every day for the first few years, then every other day and now every third day. Is that too much??

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: As long as you pay attention to your body and give it what it needs and avoid what harms it, you are and will remain a finely tuned instrument.

JJK: This means eating consciously, making changes if necessary, and consciously paying attention to what is good for my body are essential to being able to do this work?

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: It is important that you keep mental and physical contamination as low as possible. You can solve and harmonize many things with your consciousness, but some things have to be solved and healed on the body level.

JJK: All right, I'm in the picture. I thank you.

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: What is now happening is what is necessary for the next stage of the Light World project. It's happening and your job is to make it happen. Everything is made new.

The next layers of habits and old impressions are stripped away. This is for your mental and physical health.

Thick blood

JJK: Thick blood – why do I have this??

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: This too will resolve and find itself. Your blood reflects your life. Mental, psychological and physical stress affects coagulation. As soon as you have found your lightness again, the blood will also change. It is a constantly changing process, which is why values ​​often differ significantly from one another, even over short survey periods. Be sure: no one and nothing in the world will stop you from completely fulfilling your orders! Physical circumstances and values ​​of concern are a snapshot in time and change.

The only important thing is your focus on mental, emotional and physical health - your vessel should be ready for work on all levels and this should always be taken into account.

Channel media at the limit?

JJK: “Channeling” puts a strain on the nervous system. Am I wrong or is it true: It seems to me that many media outlets are somehow at their limit when it comes to nerves.

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: Everyone goes their own way and has their own specific experiences. Some media are wide open at the top and unprotected, while there is no solid grounding. Working harmoniously as a channel requires a lot of mindfulness, discipline and knowledge so that negative influences are kept to a minimum and the nervous system is not overloaded - and it requires knowledge of one's own abilities and limits.

Your existence is limitless, but your earthly existence is subject to certain conditions and certain limits. This must be taken into account, then everything will go well and nothing will stand in the way of fulfilling spiritual tasks.

War in Israel

JJK: I have a question about the current situation on Earth. There is war in Israel. May I ask you to say a few words about this?

ARCHGEN RAPHAEL: The revelations are being fulfilled, the prophecies are being fulfilled, it is being fulfilled that peace will reign among men when peace is created in Jerusalem. The current discharges are intended to trap people worldwide in the spiral of fear and uncertainty. Wars, unrest and upheavals shape the picture when you look at the global political situation, but at the same time the awareness of individual people increases.

Every injustice, every war, every crime against humanity leads to revenge or awakens humanity. More and more people are choosing peace and justice without seeking revenge. Human consciousness is changing like never before!

The distortions are intended to push people back into their fearful minds - this fails.

The more unrest spreads, the more clearly people's need for real peace and sincere unity - and for freedom - becomes apparent. It happens in this turning point that all evil is banished from the earth and the age of light is proclaimed. It's happening.

With infinite love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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