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Archangel Raphael's Revelation: Nothing Reflects Anymore!
Written by Jahn J Kassl

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of these days, it is time for you to enter the place of peace - this holy place within you where you meet GOD.
You have the choice to despair internally about the events of this time or to grow internally from them.
It's time!
Love heals everything, light transforms everything, grace does everything!
A loved person,
surrender yourself to GOD with body and soul. Live your life in the awareness that GOD is always at your side and that GOD will guide you to the right decisions. Your soul knows this direct access to GOD. You have forgotten this fact, but now the memory is returning. Your soul knows that now is the time to reconnect with GOD.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of these days, it is time for you to enter the place of peace – that holy place within you where you meet GOD.
You have the choice to despair internally about the events of this time or to grow internally from them.
Humanity is moving out of time and it is doing so by slowly breaking its ties to this world. More and more people are reorienting themselves and aligning themselves with the light of creation. The old is being discarded and the new is becoming increasingly important. In this way, the old rulers are receiving less and less attention and less and less energy. People are turning away from them and turning more and more to their own healing and to shared light projects. The silent inner transformation of people's hearts that has characterized the past few years is now taking effect.
It is a unique event in the history of a planet in the third dimension that everything that was valid until now is stripped away like an old cloak.
No man's land
Today, many people find themselves in a kind of no man’s land.
The old direction arrows are no longer useful and the new signposts cannot yet be fully trusted. Learning to trust the invisible reality within you is the task that more and more people are facing today.
At this point of awareness, the door to GOD is thrown wide open and so, despite all initial doubts, man's reconnection with the source of all life begins.
This message serves as an encouragement to willingly embrace your inner transformation and to trust your inner voice more and more.
The noises outside distract you and only by perceiving the inner voice can you stay with yourself and make the right decisions. Activating your inner wisdom by connecting with the knowledge of your soul is what matters now.
Therefore, I invite you to devote more time to your own spiritual affairs until you have completely freed yourself from old imprints and until the spiritual channels are opened.
How to connect with the soul or with GOD, you ask? By naming, recognizing and removing the burdens that this matrix has placed on you life after life.
Your inner longing for peace, your desire for KNOWLEDGE OF GOD can only be met in one way – by redeeming everything that blocks your clear view of your DIVINITY.
… and nothing is reflected anymore.
Translation by
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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