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Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel: How to Stay Centered Now
Written by Linda Robinson
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered in the present moment.
You are making rapid progress on your ascension path. You are continuing to incorporate the energetic changes as you move forward with your mission.
Being centered in the present moment allows you to stay focused on what is most important to you. It allows you to tune out the outer noise and focus on your priorities.
Because the energetic shifts are ongoing, being centered in the present moment is even more important.
Each time an energetic shift occurs, your own energy field adjusts to incorporate the new higher frequency energy. You are releasing lower frequencies and incorporating the higher ones.
This can affect what is important to you at the moment. The higher frequency energy is inviting you to view situations from a new and higher perspective. What you were drawn to yesterday may no longer call to you today. What you were attracted to previously may no longer feel right for you or be a good fit. Or, you may feel a desire to refine your mission as you gain new insights.
You have moved to a higher level, and you are being invited to explore new possibilities.
When you are centered in the present moment, you can more easily recognize what is being shown to you.
You can discern what resonates with you at that time. As this occurs, you can decide what concepts to keep and what to release. Your focus has shifted to a higher perspective, and you will recognize where you are on your path.
Because the energy shifts are ongoing, remaining focused in the present moment is even more important. The new insights may be subtle, or they may be more profound. When you are centered in the present moment, you can determine what resonates with your energetic field.
You may have several consecutive shifts in a short time, or they may be spaced further apart.
The important point is to be open to what you are being shown and what you are sensing energetically.
This awareness can present itself in different ways. You may find yourself participating in an activity that has been part of your path, and you sense that there is a change in the way it resonates with you. It may be stronger, or it may have diminished. When this occurs, you may wish to turn inward to your inner guidance for more insight. If this change in resonance continues, it may be a signal that you are at a new level.
This discernment concerning your goals and activities is easier when you are focused on the present moment. If you are thinking about what happened yesterday or what you will do tomorrow, this can cause interference with what you are perceiving. Remaining centered in the present moment helps to keep your energetic channels clear.
To facilitate this process, you can take several steps.
Pausing throughout the day to focus on your breath brings your awareness to the present moment. Then you can ask yourself how you are feeling about what you are doing. You can determine whether everything feels aligned energetically. Then you will know whether to continue or to make any adjustments.
Periodically you may wish to set aside some time to turn inward to review your mission and goals. As you focus on each part, you will know whether it resonates energetically and is still a good fit. Then you can make adjustments if needed.
The more you are centered in the present moment, the easier it will be for you to move forward on your path.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are being centered in the present moment.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,
…and WE surround you with Love.
And so it is.
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