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Guardians of Earth: Ascension Is My Reality!
Written by Jahn J Kassl

People who are full of doomsday scenarios and who constantly feed their consciousness with negative reports will experience a downfall: the downfall of their own inner world.
The truth is: The rise and resurrection of humanity is happening and it is happening now! A clarified consciousness knows the way and knows the outcome of this game. Remove the fog from your consciousness and you will gain security. The security that is needed now to manifest the new and eliminate all the inhumanity from this earth. Just as you determined the past through your thoughts and feelings, you determine your present and your future. Your power is great, beloved person, use it so that the New Earth can be born in you.
Ascension and resurrection are my reality!
No more detours!
No more wasting time, no more taking detours and distinguishing the true from the false - that is what this last stretch of the journey before ascension is all about!
Loved people,
you are in God's hand, you are children of the Creator, you are spirit from spirit, heart from heart and beings born of love.
Now is the time for you to become aware, to become aware of who you really are and what really brought you to Earth.
Now is the time for you to take courage and give a clear and unequivocal answer to all the prophets of doom:
The scenario of doom is reserved only for those who think, feel and live in these scenarios. Only those people who no longer want to overcome their programming and beliefs and who see things in a bleak light will experience their last day, when new pain and suffering will fatefully descend upon the earth.
What you are inside, how you feel inside, how you secretly think, these things determine your fate. But an unfavorable fate never descends upon your head without your participation.
Everything comes from your inner programming and beliefs.
Your opinions and ideas about yourself and the world create the world that is for you. You look at the events of the time and feel confirmed, someone else looks at the events of the time with their eyes and feels just as confirmed.
This means that it is your perception that determines the past, present and future. The past, present and future only gain meaning and reality through human consciousness. They are not phenomena separate from humans, but are linked to human consciousness. This means:
- What you see is the result of your consciousness and not of your eyes.
- What you experience is the result of your inner programming and not an inevitable and predetermined fate.
- What matters is what you are and how aware you are of it.
Hold on!
So hold on tight, beloved!
Hold on to your divinity, to your uniqueness, to your awareness! Hold on to the paths your soul reveals to you and the possibilities your heart offers you. The end of this great game on earth will be GOOD, LIGHTFUL, SUBLIME, there is no doubt about that! So do not doubt and continue to work consistently and unwaveringly on an intact, vital and loving connection with GOD.
Your Creator knows you and your Creator knows your needs, your Creator intervenes in your life. The purpose is that GOD lives with people, in people and through people.
People who are full of doomsday scenarios and who constantly feed their consciousness with negative reports will experience a downfall: the downfall of their own inner world.
What is true is that the ascension and resurrection of humanity is happening and it is happening now!
A clarified consciousness knows the way and knows the outcome of this game. Remove the fog from your consciousness and you will gain security.
The security that is needed now to manifest the new and eliminate all inhumanity from this earth.
Just as you determined the past through your thoughts and feelings, you determine your present and your future.
Your power is great, beloved human, use it so that the New Earth can be born in you.
In infinite love
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