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Written by Andrea Cutlan

“When we choose to consciously seek Abundance in every exchange, the gift of Divine Gratitude will unveil” a gem of light received whilst speaking with my BroStar just a few nights ago and I feel this gem is going to be the life ring required for the next series of portals we are to venture through.
The lack program is about to come up incredibly loud since the anchoring of the new codes for the Sacred Union template which we moved through over the 2/22 portal last month, of course this now makes sense that the bottom falls out of each spectrum as we rise, and that a Sacred Union template is not going to allow the lack or separation to continue its operation, it is now defunct and with this the collective begins to feel the debt, feel the misalignment, feel the imbalance for All to move into a more aligned space.
Of course this hits hard, separation is hard, that’s why life was hard before the heart awakening began, separation is simply our resistance to our life force, and therefore Source.
So in this moment lets change the idea of there is lack, there is no lack anywhere, this earth is abundant, its more of a distribution issue and this comes down to the core frequency of unworthiness, an inability to step up and be counted. So there is no lack, there is only separation and resistance to Divine Unconditional Abundant Love and when we begin to look at it like this we can then observe it playing out, we can notice the fear rise at the thought of placing ourselves in the vulnerable place and space of learning what it is like to step out of the old tried and tested, limiting loops we continue with, that we complained about and yet would once stick to like glue.
Today Venus hits a square with Saturn and we begin the process of realising how much we leak our value into lack experiences, how much time and energy is “spent” engaging in presentations that are plentiful in the lower octave range, all that which is below the baseline of the Sacred Union template and for those new to the reports may I suggest joining the Opal Portal to receive all transmissions that will fill you with the navigational coordinates required for a more precise experience.
Where are we placing our value, what is the input/output flow of your relationships with people, wealth/health, self etc? If there is any part of a reality presentation in which the extra energy is needed to go in to take up the slack then the slack is about to show exactly its truth of where lack is valued more than abundance.
So, now we STAY CONSCIOUS, and we begin to seek ABUNDANCE in every exchange, and when we find it we expand into it, and when we don’t we analyse and compare it to the Sacred Union template and through this very simple method each will see clearly where the value is being spent.
Head over to the Opal Portal to read the Light Gem Trust & Authenticity – its quite a LIGHT HIT already.
Have the most abundant day, with love Always, Andrea
A Gift From Gaia
My mission in this moment is to contribute to humanity and assist in raising the vibration here on Gaia, it is my number one passion and there is nothing more that I love than making a difference and creating a ripple of change across the globe. In this space, here at A Gift from Gaia, you will find many light gems that I share and also regular energetic reports that are crucial when committing to your light path.
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