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As We Awake From The Quantum Dream - The Awakening Begins!
Written by Ramona Lappin
So much healing is happening within, and between people right now! Karmic storylines and contracts are ending as the New Consciousness births forth powerfully, changing ALL, to allow for new connections free of attachment, based in respect, mutual understanding and unconditional Love!
This is Divine Union happening for the Collective!
We had the most powerful week we have ever seen within this Collective Ascension process and overall had 146 Solar flares reported last month, including 1 X-Class and 13 M-class Solar Flares last week alone!! Twice what was overall predicted!
The most powerful Diamond Rainbow Plasma LightBody and DNA Activations continue as well as all that is keeping us connected to the old artificial Matrix imprints is dissolving. Activations to our crown and third eye, heart, solar plexus, the lower chakra areas are clearing all the distortions of the lower Realities. Our bodies are achy and require much rest to integrate and anchor this massive Frequency increase and influx of light that washes all distortions and all that is not true away, once and for all!
Many Ascension symptoms, challenges/ initiations and interferences are being experienced. Powerful blood/line Purification is clearing any remaining reversals, lower DNA coding’s, toxins and AI materials and signals. Along with the karmic storylines, contracts and miasma clearing, this is also released as data/ memories from our cells, DNA and bodies.
The old false Matrix and all its programming, implants, holographic inserts and overlays are being cleared, released and dissolved through our bodies and field. Some of us are being more affected than others as we are receiving full Plasma LightBody Activations, ready to take flight and fully ignite our Kryst-All Avatar Self and New Earth Realities on behalf of ALL!
Much of the old, limiting, false programming is coming up for release before the FINAL RESET OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS completes and WE FULLY AWAKEN FROM THE QUANTUM DREAM, in the One True Organic Ascension Reality!
Instead we integrate them as all these parts of us that we have been rejecting, judging, ostracizing, betraying and denying.
Trinity Kryst-all Codes, light codes, Cosmic Rays and Plasma infusions are anchoring the new Tri-Wave/ Unity Grid/ Zero Point Field current, and assisting the final preparations, purification, realignments, upgrades and re-encryptions of the Planetary and HUman morphogenetic field.
ALL MATTER IS CHANGING & TRANSFORMING, just as we are & I AM BEING SHOWN A BIG CLOUD OF PLASMA connected to the three M-class Solar Flares from Saturday, which is about to hit the planet over the next three days – CHANGING ALL!
I am being shown that the elementals, platonic solids and periodic table are being upgraded and expanded.
Matter as we know it is being ‘shapeshifted’ and transformed!
As we collectively re-connect to the Cosmic Mind, the Heart and Mind of Source, the Godhead!
The Masculine has been going through Rod repair and reclamation assisting with the healing of our Masculine and mental principal of energy current and realignment of our Merkabah field and spin rate, which is being fully corrected! ‘It assists with Metatronic repair which is a Nephilim 9D body correction. Electron splitting and reversal electron light patterns have.’ Source Ascension Glossary, link to more information in comments below.
The Masculine is busy re-claiming all his codes!
THE DIVINE SOLAR FEMININE rises in all her Divinity, Light, Power and Glory & IS RE-BIRTHING ALL!
Full and final mass exodus and clearing of negative alien forces and the effects of their manipulation, is in full force. Negative entities, demons, demon seeds, vampiric entity’s, parasites, attachments, cords, implants, inserts, seals, miasma etc are being cleared, dissolved and removed and this process is almost fully complete, with The Final Event and flash about to finish the job, any moment now! This is allowing for Mass Soul walk-ins to continue and all the fractals of the Cosmic Soul and World logos to merge back together as ONE, healing the fragmentation within the Consciousness.
The Grids are glowing in Diamond Platinum White and Golden Rainbow Plasma Light bringing many clearings, healings and upgrades to our bodies that are requiring much self care.
Alien technology and machinery that have been used to generate the reversal currents and loosh/ energy harvesting is being fully dissembled, dissolved and removed.
Many fears, anxiety, traumas and false, inverted and artificial thought forms and beliefs are arising to be released.
I am sharing more information of what I see currently unfolding in my latest COSMIC ENERGY UPDATE. I speak about False Light, Ego Death, what I see lies ahead for us, along with many other topics, including plenty of navigational tips. I also recorded as part of the video, a new Activation assisted by Light language, that shall assist us to ‘AWAKEN FROM THE QUANTUM DREAM’ in the blink of an eye.
I also included the MP3 download links to the Activations I recorded, to support us at this time. Links below!
Happy surfing!
Eternal Love & Blessings,
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