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Being in the Living Energy of Creation

Being in the Living Energy of Creation

Last week I wrote about the experience of being in what feels like a ball of living energy. We are creating our world in this space, and we can now see the actual creating taking place as we are creating it. The feeling of this is amazing.


Here’s what was in my last post: 

As you move out of linear time, you will experience things differently than you have in the past. It will seem like a ball of living energy, with different things rising to the surface at different times, yet all of it available depending on your need and focus. Everything is available in the present moment and you will pull forth what is needed.

This past week, I experienced this same thing on an even larger scale. I’ve been working with a small but dedicated group of people on community issues, and one of the issues rose to the forefront. There was a series of emails from another committee, and as our group was hearing about this and expressing our intention, we watched this intention—very magically, it seemed—come into being in the other group. And resolution was reached very quickly, exactly what we wanted to happen. There seemed to be no explanation, other than my new self, and by extension, this group, was creating this. And this group is not aware of working in this way, so to see it take place with them was unexpected.

This is the first time I have seen this take place where the energy of what I am creating was extended to a 3D group. I watched as the energy I was holding—our power as creators—was able to bring into being a community creation that was good for our community.

It was amazing to watch this and to see that our power is greater than we know. We have been working with our own power to create our world around us, but this was my first time to see this power be expanded to a group experience. The whole group was empowered and thus created something significant. I could barely believe it was happening as I watched it unfold. And yet I could see it taking place.

I can’t even say exactly how it happened. But this is next for us, to be able to create on this bigger scale as we begin to create our communities—communities that work for us and support what is best for all.

This is next for us, to be able to create on a bigger scale as we create communities that work for us and support us.

This creation was effortless, and we saw it happening as we gathered for a spontaneous, low-key evening social event at someone’s house. There we were, having appetizers and seeing this creation come into being. It was fun, it was lighthearted, it was effortless. It was surprising and so affirming. Because yes, this group has worked hard in the last couple of years and we’ve created a focused, cohesive group that wants a strong, unified community. And now we are seeing the creation come into being as part of our new world.

This is another indicator of the changes that are happening now. Change is accelerating, and those who are creating these changes will see this transpiring. It will feel like riding a wave. All we have to do is stay with it. We have put so much in place energetically that we are now ready for the ride. This is the ride of creation, the high point we have come to, the place where our world comes into being in noticeable ways, thru our divinity, thru our divine creative ability. We have spent years getting to this point, we’ve done the hard work of clearing our patterns and our limitations. Now we can soar and see the magic take place.

We are ready to experience something we have wanted for a long time—our true self in our New Earth, our new self in our true home.

Here is the message that came thru for us: 

You have waited for this time and now it is here. You will begin to feel the elation, the love that is absolute, the support that is essential, the trust that is key, and the knowing. When this coalesces, this is when the real magic begins, because you are able to completely release what held you back and move into your truth. In this sacred space, you find your power, and you use this power to create your new Heaven on Earth. You experiencing your power is a sight to behold, and you will see this reflected beautifully around you, in what is taking place, as you shine your light and become a beacon for all who are around you, moving forward with you, following your burgeoning leadership. There is no more time spent worrying, wondering or doubting, because you now know, and your knowing is secure within. And this impacts everyone you care about, all those you love. You are a way-shower, brightly shining all the light you hold, and leading the way, as a being of love.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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