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How Soul Stirring Moments Change Everything

How Soul Stirring Moments Change Everything

Many of us have wondered, at some point, why we took the ascension road, when so many that we know have not, at least not yet. What happened to us that we made that choice?

For most of us, at some point something took place that made us take notice. It got our attention. We wanted to know more. And we headed in the direction of finding some answers.

At that moment, our souls were stirred.

Something inside us came to life. We lit up. A long dormant part of us was activated. It was time for that to happen. Because a group of us came here to be instrumental in bringing in the new time. We came specifically to be a part of this.

We came here to be instrumental in bringing in the new time.

And while we’ve often felt like we’re flying by the seat of our pants, we’ve been deeply and divinely guided.

As a teenager I had a clear vision of the new world, but I had no idea how to find it. In the early years of 2000 I began to see it, floating just inches above the old earth. I wondered how we would access it. But then came messages that we were here to anchor it and to create the New Earth by creating it inside of us first. In other words, to create inner peace and happiness and love, which would then show up in our external world.

This past week, driving to the store to get groceries, I saw for the first time that we’ve done it. The New Earth is now anchored. It’s no longer floating seemingly out of reach. It’s here and in position. The earth has ascended and connected with all this light and we are on the New Earth. Everyone is. That means we are going to see the changes that happen as a result of this enormous and impactful shift.

I’m seeing them already. I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a month. She has been opening to the world of energy and received messages from Sananda and Mary Magdalene that left her feeling transformed. And a neighbor called me. He said with everything going on, he needed some good news, as he was feeling very down. He is unaware of what I do. I said, “I can share some good news.” I told him a little about the shift we are going thru. He said, “Wow, if that’s true, that is really good news.” He was willing to believe it, and for him, that’s significant.

So those we thought might never shift are shifting. We are going to see much change in the coming days and weeks.

I’ll share one more experience. On the day I saw that the New Earth was fully in place, I was on my way to the store, where a friendly greeter told me about a big anniversary sale and handed me a paper. But my vision of New Earth had evidently moved me into a very transformed energetic space, and there was a transparent film between us. I could hear her, but she seemed inaccessible, like she was in another frequency. When she began to repeat her information, I managed to take the paper and say thank you. Fortunately, I was able to do my shopping with no problem. I’m wondering if that’s how we will separate from those who aren’t in the same frequency.

I asked about this and my team said that was a snafu but not to worry, just flow with those small issues. The snafus will be worked out and we will be transformed with as little disruption as possible. We are making incredible progress in taking our physical selves into our new experience. Continue using your intention and all the skills and talents and powers you’ve acquired. And remember how powerful you are. This is truly a miraculous journey.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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