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The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3

The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova

***Longest Post, Part 3 of the book, The Divine Organization of Creation Part 2, The Master Plan of Terra Nova***

Creation Stories and Ancient Civilizations

Throughout the history of man, many stories have been shared to explain how we were created and what our purpose is on this planet. We have also had countless distortions of truth playing out within these stories to assist with the experience of separation. What we will find is that most of these stories carry part of the truth mixed in with distortions to help keep consciousness separate from itself to have the experience of free will and personality cultivation within the lower dimensions.

We are going to share the Truth of ONE about the origins of Terra Nova and man as well as shed Light on some of the distortions that have kept our consciousness in disillusionment of the ultimate truth. As we have said before, truth is relevant to the conscious position of the observer within time space. In other words, the dimensional awareness of the reader will determine their ability to accept or deny the following information as truth. There is no right or wrong, the mind will want to label it this way when it hears truth that is not in alignment with its current belief system. To counter this reaction, simply stay neutral to what is shared and allow the heart to be the truth detector of what is received.

As we have mentioned in the opening of this book, life on Terra Nova is a genetic experiment of consciousness within this Universe. The DNA of all life on Terra Nova is made up of a combination of the star nations, Andromeda, Lyra, Sirius, Arcturus, and the Pleaides. All used to create new life we call Earth seeds and a new star system called Terra Nova. Consciousness creates new life in the Universe just as a man and woman create new life on Earth. The DNA of the mother and the DNA of the father mix into one new set of DNA to create a new Universe we call a child. The DNA also acts like a record or timekeeper of all experiences for the life of the logos, past, future and present. It carries the Light Codes that will manifest the holographic reality for the logos that are activated by vibrational triggers during the evolution of the logos. In other words, as the logos is able to hold more Light at higher frequencies, new codes are activated within the DNA which open new energy centers in the Diamond Sun Body of the logos and allows higher holographic realities to manifest.

The DNA also houses ancestral knowledge as a way for consciousness to continually evolve itself within this Universe. Once a star system fully ascends, it becomes a star nation within this Universe and joins the logos known as the Unified Council of Star Nations and is eligible to contribute to the creation of new life within this Universe. This is how the DNA of Terra Nova was created using the ascended consciousness of the star nations listed above to act as “mother” and “father” of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. As a newly created star system, we have our own unique DNA just as a human child does. However, within it are traces of all those that came before us and we will see how this plays into the stories of Terra Nova.

When it was decided that Terra Nova would house the genetic experiment of becoming an ascended star nation, key events were encoded into the Light program for this star system. These codes determine everything that would/will ever happen during the existence of this star system. Terra Nova was seeded with the original Diamond Sun Architecture of this Universe at the origins of this planet. It was also determined that the genetic experiment would begin when the homo sapiens, the chosen species, was evolved enough to become aware of the I AM self. Up until this time, all life here was able to evolve within the Diamond Sun Architecture as a multidimensional star system.

Once homo sapiens made the shift to self-awareness, the Collective Diamond Sun Body was triggered to close all higher dimensional stargates and the Diamond Sun Body and physical body of Terra Nova and the inhabitants were separated from the Infinite Source as their Source of Light. This placed Terra Nova into quarantine from the rest of the Universe so that we could have the experience of separation and free will to evolve our collective ego persona and collective personality. We moved from the crystalline matrix where our energy needs were supplied via the Infinite Source, to the Carbon Matrix where our collective realities were now fueled by a finite supply of energy tied to the element carbon from our physical world. Since we were disconnected from the Infinite Source, we began to use our minds to figure out our world and create our realities. This required our diet to fuel the carbon needs of our evolving brain which fueled our collective realities. Therefore, our diets were very meat heavy as meat contains an abundant source of carbon for our bodies and brains. Humans began to evolve through the carbon matrix, creating our collective realities from our evolving minds and not in the natural flow of life we had known before when we used our hearts as primitive instinctual consciousness to survive. This was part of the genetic experiment.

Homo sapiens were the species that would vibrationally trigger the ascension program to begin running on Terra Nova. The brain of homo sapiens had evolved enough that once we weeded out the remaining human species on Terra Nova, the experiment of physical body ascension would begin. The planet would migrate to the Carbon Matrix, and we would remain there until we fully developed a collective ego and personality and were able to let the collective ego die to begin to evolve our soul consciousness. There was never a fall of consciousness due to space wars or any negative alien agenda. This idea was placed into the collective mind as a distortion for consciousness to have the experience of separation, dark and Light, good and evil. All things that have happened on Terra Nova, all things that have been built on Terra Nova and all stories created on Terra Nova have been through the collective consciousness of Terra Nova only.

Since the inception of Terra Nova and the beginning of the genetic experiment, consciousness on Terra Nova has always been left to evolve on its own with limited interference. Once the collective ego was firmly established by the Age of Aries, star seed teachers began to incarnate on Terra Nova during key times in the evolution of the collective consciousness to assist in the growth of mankind much like a mother and father assist their child in learning life lessons. The fall of consciousness was man’s own separation within the lower dimensions of this Universe to cultivate a collective ego or persona, the intellect of man and the personality of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova.

The entire planet was created using Diamond Sun Architecture at its inception, yet it was sealed off until such a time as when man could yield and harness the energy wisely. Once the collective ego was ready to awaken and begin the process of ego death, the planet migrated back to the original Planetary Diamond Sun Body and Architecture of this Universe. This amazing transition was made possible by the energy work of thousands of star seeds across decades that worked to create a new network of Lightworkers across the planet that helped to purify the old grid system and release massive amounts of dense energy from Terra Nova. Then the crystalline grid structure began to be resurrected and the energy centers activated to prepare for a full migration back to the original planetary Diamond Sun Body in January of 2020. Our fall from consciousness was repaired and the collective consciousness was now reconnected with the rest of the Universe and Infinite Source as a multidimensional star system.

The Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova has been left to evolve since the inception of this star system 4.5 billion years ago. There have never been any other root races or civilizations active on Terra Nova. There was no Elysium, Atlantis or Lumeria. The ideas of these places were placed in the collective mind as distortions to both help with our evolution and to fuel our separation. The Truth of ONE is that many memories from other star nations are embedded within the human DNA which manifest as possible lifetimes on Terra Nova when they were in fact lifetimes on other star systems. The Lost Civilization of Atlantis was fueled by cities that were lost to the rising sea levels during our current warming cycle on Terra Nova. These morphed with memories within our consciousness of ancient human civilizations that tried to flourish but eventually depleted resources near them and had to abandon them to survive. These stories along with Plato’s famous Atlantis, helped to create an illusionary civilization that represents collapsing civilizations due to poor resource management and climate change.

The civilization of Lumeria has offered hope to humanity of a way of living in harmony and unity with all life. In the Truth of ONE, Lumeria is a future dimensional reality that will come to fruition on Terra Nova when Divine HUmans live in harmony with each other and all life in the Universe. It is part of our galactic consciousness experience that many tap into through meditation or by being able to physically see the multidimensional realities at particular places on Terra Nova where future Cities of Light and Temples will be built. This helps consciousness to locate Sacred sites in the now on Terra Nova. Remember, time is fluid, and all exists in the now, when we tune our consciousness, either through meditation or ascension, we can see the past, present or future reality before us at any time. Lumeria is exactly that, when we experience Lumeria, we are experiencing future dimensional timelines of Terra Nova. Being able to experience Lumeria as a civilization on Terra Nova has fueled the awakening and ascension of many beings here.

The Truth of ONE is that Terra Nova is, was and has remained a “self-contained” genetic experiment for physical body ascension of consciousness. There have been no previous civilizations here and no interference from negative aliens or consciousness with some control agenda except that of our own. There have been no root races except the varying sub-species of humans. Everything that has happened with the consciousness of this star system has come from within our collective consciousness not outside of it. This is how all Creation works, we are creating our collective reality from within, it is not affected from outside of us. The outer hologram can never be affected from the outside, we can only create and shift our collective reality from within as a collective logos.

There has never been any other races or civilizations here, only those species that became extinct through natural selection and evolution of this star system and those that remain. The pyramids and ancient structures were built by man in a time when group consciousness prevailed and are a testament to what human beings can achieve when we work together as ONE. These structures and our ancient Gods were all based on cellular memory of lives on other star systems and newly created ideas from the genetic lineage of Terra Nova as consciousness expressing itself. Consciousness is inherently going to express itself in a manner that mirrors its structure which is why pyramids were built across our planet as they mirror the fundamental geometry of the tetrahedron which is the fundamental geometric building block of all Light bodies in our Universe. As above, so below. All that has been created here is the doing of the human mind expressing consciousness through the genetic makeup of our DNA as a mixture of the DNA of ascended consciousness within this Universe. However, in the biggest picture of Creation, it is all ONE consciousness, ONE organism, ONE holographic Universe expressing itself.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova has always been to allow the Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova to evolve without interference according to its own Light program. The Unified Council of Star Nations has watched and overseen the experiment in joy and anticipation for the time when Terra Nova would be ready to join its Galactic Family and continue to evolve the Collective Consciousness of our Universe as ONE. There have been many stories playing out throughout the evolution of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. These stories have formed distortions within our consciousness so that we could have the experience of separation and of choosing our highest truth for our ascension into the higher dimensions to begin.

The time for the higher truth to be revealed has arrived. The time to see the real from the false, the time to see the truth of our Creation and not the human myths and stories we created to explain our existence, and the time to see the truth about religion, God, and who we are as consciousness. It is time to see that all our stories carry partial truth or no truth in an effort to create uncertainty and false beliefs as a part of consciousness experiencing separation. We will see that if the whole truth was revealed then there could not have been any separation to evolve our collective persona and personality and ultimately, have the experience of a collective ascension back into unity with all Light in this Universe. Without the human story and all its distortions, the experiment would not work. We will come to see how humans used our immediate environment and naturally occurring weather events and phenomena to write Creation stories and religious books, doctrine, etc. to explain our existence. We will see how many of these stories became literally interpreted as truth which created stringent fear-based ways of life as we sought to control one another which continued to keep consciousness asleep and separate.

We will see how the messages of Divine Teachers were misused or distorted to keep consciousness asleep and oppressed. We will begin to see how truth is felt from within. We will come to understand that fear is an illusion and only a trick of the mind to keep us separate from our infinite self. We will as a collective finally open our hearts to the truth that WE created this WHOLE thing and that WE are responsible for cleaning up our own mess/planet and way of living. We will see that WE are God, WE are the Creator. That we created our own fall of consciousness and that through our own evolution we are creating our own ascension back into Creator Consciousness.

When we can see the truth, we can begin to build a New Earth to become our fully ascended Self and join the other ascended star nations of this Universe to fulfill our destiny of ascending this entire Universe as ONE Pure Consciousness. The time has come for every ONE to see and feel the truth in their own heart. The time has come for the collective shift to New Earth as ONE unified collective heart and mind so that we can begin the Master Build of Terra Nova and create Heaven on Earth.

Mechanics of Ascension on an Ascending Star System – Part 1

To better explain the role of the star seeds within the story of Terra Nova, we are sharing an article series that was written during the early formations of the Divine Organization website in 2019 prior to the migration to the Diamond Sun Body or New Earth grid system. This information helps to illustrate and explain the role of star seeds on an ascending star system and how the star seeds on Terra Nova played an integral part in preparing the planet for ascension. We will also be expanding on this information to explain in detail the roles of the star seeds as Architects and Builders in the Master Build of Tera Nova.

This information will read as separation much like our journey through the Seven Ages as it is another layer of the collective story. However, it is time for this act to unfold on the world stage as part of the Master Plan of Terra Nova. Simply remember that star seeds and Earth seeds are another part of the ONE story playing out on Terra Nova and within our Universe, all played by the ONE.

Part 1 – November 2019

We are going to take a journey together today that is going to expand your consciousness and challenge your mind to let go of all preconceived notions of what ascension is. For those that have been part of the ascension community for years, we may feel we know the in’s, out’s and how to’s of ascension. However, the ascension process that we went through as star seeds is completely opposite the ascension process the collective consciousness of Terra Nova will go through. The purpose of the star seed ascension was to create a foundation, a grid system or matrix in which the collective could complete their ascension from the lower dimensions of the third and fourth dimensions up through the higher dimensions of the twelfth dimension into a fully ascended star system.

Just as there is structure within structure to the Cosmos, there are also stories within stories within the Cosmos. Think of Creation as one big novel. A book written long ago. In this book there are characters. Some of the characters are introduced in the beginning of the book (the original seed point of Creation) and some are introduced at various “times” in the book (various seed points within Creation). Let us use the character of a mother. She is created at the beginning of the story and evolves throughout the story and one day has a child at a certain point within the story. Now the child will evolve within the story just as the mother has and the story continues. Both characters are characters or roles within the book. However, at the point in the story (the eternal now) where the child is born, the mother is more evolved. Through more eternal now moments the child will eventually evolve just as the mother has. Or if you flipped the pages forward a few chapters and read there, the child is already evolved. Is one character better than the other? Or is it irrelevant because they are both characters portrayed by the same author, created equally within the same book. Is one character truly “older” or more “evolved” than the other? Or is it irrelevant because “time” does not exist within the story and at any page (now moment) within the story the evolution of each can be experienced anytime.

This is the same concept as Creation, the eternal play that is the manifested Cosmos. There are founder souls, old souls, evolving souls, young souls, souls that are yet to be – however every soul is the same. It is the same Pure Consciousness creating and playing every part. Every soul is a character within the play of Creation. Every soul is experienced in the eternal now exactly how they are in that now moment. Regardless of what now moment a soul is experiencing itself in, they are always the ONE eternal actor, Pure Consciousness, playing the part. This is how the play of Creation continues eternally. These ascension and evolution cycles are part of the pattern in the manifest world that drives Creation forward. There is no wrong or right, higher or lower, better or worse. There is just consciousness playing a particular part in the story.

We are players in the play of Creation, moved by Divine Will once awake or lost in free will while asleep. The play climaxes on each star system when all players fully wake up within the play or dream. The play then becomes a waking lucid dream where we all live and create as the actor, Pure Consciousness, playing the part. Yet we remain wearing our masks as a player because…well…the show must go on.

Using the example above as a guide, let us look at what ascension and evolution (expansion of consciousness) looks like on an evolving star system.

The star seeds incarnated on this planet are matured or maturing souls that have come from star systems in which a collective ascension has already occurred. The star seeds were once “young souls” that had to begin their evolution in Creation from the lower dimensions up to the highest dimensions of this Universe. Some star seeds that are incarnated here are still working to fully achieve this and some are fully ascended. There are also the founder souls of this Universe, the Master Christos Collective, that incarnate on a star system when it is ready to make its ascent into the higher dimensions of this Universe. These are the “old souls”, that fully embody during their ascension on the star system to complete the highest layers of the foundation needed to support the evolution and ascension of the star system. Then there are the Founder Orders, souls from the original seed point of Creation that come from the highest layers of Creation. They only incarnate on a star system when it is ready to ascend into unity consciousness and bring forth the Divine Organization.

The star seeds incarnated here go through ascension in what could be called a remembrance of life and experiences in the higher dimensions. Through raising their frequency, they remember their existences in other dimensions and begin to embody them during the ascension process. Currently on our planet, all star seeds are wrapping up this ascension process. All are coming to the point or dimension in their soul’s evolution that they had achieved prior to incarnating and going under the veils of amnesia on this star system. The ascension cycle of the star seeds is coming to an end as the New Earth grid structures have been built by all ascending star seeds at various stages of dimensional evolution. Now we are ready to begin the collective ascension of Terra Nova into the dimensions of unity consciousness.

The Earth seeds as ONE collective consciousness will evolve the collective from the fifth dimension through the twelfth dimension, one harmonic frequency at a time. This is done in the quantum realities of the higher dimensions which allows this to be completed in “less time” than evolution in linear realities. Once the star system has evolved into a fully ascended star nation, the Earth seeds will begin their journey to other star systems throughout different dimensions, creating experiences within those dimensions on other systems within this Universe. When a new star system becomes ready for its ascension, the beings of Terra Nova will assist by being and joining a group of star seeds to help ascend the newly formed system of “young souls”. This is the process of how Creation continues to expand

To recap – star seeds and “old souls” are evolved souls that incarnate into a star system to assist with the ascension of the star system. They go through a specific (remembering) ascension process on the star system prior to the souls of origin there. This ascension of the star seeds prepares the Collective Diamond Sun Body and creates the energetic structure to support the collective ascension. The star seed’s ascension descends the higher dimensional frequencies through remembrance of the dimensions and worlds the star seeds left behind. Through frequency increases, this is embodied by the star seeds and creates the grid work and structure to support the collective hologram. Once the support is in place, the Divine Organization is activated (January 2020), and the collective ascension can begin.

The collective ascension is the evolutionary ascension of the “young souls” or evolving Earth seeds of the star system Terra Nova. These souls will begin creating templates one harmonic at a time. The system will become educated on the Cosmos, including star system origins and how consciousness evolution works along how to create with and harness Pure Source Light as a Creator. Each soul will evolve their way up through the dimensions and all layers of the consciousness fractal. This is a process that takes time and is gradual. It is evolution from the ground up. Eventually, some Earth seeds will incarnate on to an ascending star system and will go through the ascension process that the star seeds did here on Terra Nova. They will forget they are ascended to whatever dimensional frequency they have and will have to “remember” and ascend their vessel on whatever newly formed star system they incarnated on. And the pattern repeats again

The star seed ascension was a replica of the formation of the Cosmos. We will use the analogy of a house to further aid in understanding of the concept. In the construction and ultimately occupancy of a house, the blueprints are drawn up, the structure is built and then it is lived in and evolves, changes, and grows over time. There is an architect who creates detailed plans of the house and oversees the entire project, then there is a builder who leads the construction of the house, then there are multiple sub-builders that oversee specific areas of the construction, kitchen, bath, landscape etc. These sub-builders have employees, Earth seeds, that do the physical work to build the house. This is what we are doing here on Terra Nova. We are building a new house in the House of Many Mansions of the Cosmos. Once the house is complete, the owners (Earth seeds) take ownership and begin to live in this house. The house comes alive and becomes a home. It is decorated, lived in, added to, and evolves as the family that owns it evolves. This is what is occurring here now, with this ascension we are working to construct the house so that the collective can take ownership and begin to evolve their home into the star nation of Terra Nova.

This is how the Cosmos was created. There was a structure or blueprint created on which the remainder of Creation could evolve. This structure is the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body that fractals infinitely. It is the house with many mansions. It is through this structure that vibrational holographic realities are made manifest. Through the star seed ascension, this structure, the frame of the house, was created on this star system connecting it to the Solar, Galactic, and Universal structures. Now that it is in place, the build of the house continues with the assistance of all souls on this planet. Eventually, through completion of our house, the souls on this planet will evolve through the different layers or dimensions by manifesting collective realities within each. They will ascend through the dimensions by building the blueprint and creating the realities that exist within them just as all the Universe has done via the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body. When the collective comes through to New Earth, the focus isn’t so much on ascension. It is on living and being ONE – ascension becomes a byproduct of the natural evolution that will occur on this planet. It is not something to strive for, it is a part of being in unity and continuing to unify our Light through the higher dimensions until all is ONE.

The collective will not be racing to get to the twelfth dimension. It will be a gradual process of evolution. Every dimension comes with a new collective reality. Every dimension holds mystery, excitement, and a chance to understand that layer of the consciousness fractal in a more intimate way. This is part of the wonder and mystery of Creation evolving itself. It gets to experience itself anew all over again with each new star system. It is not a race or a rush – it is an experience. Something to be celebrated in every eternal now moment.

The collective ascension will become a magical journey of intimately knowing the Self, of creating an entire world of wonder and Oneness, of evolving the outer physical world through the inner world. It will be unlike anything ever done on this planet before and it will be done in the unified realities of the fifth dimension and higher of our multidimensional New Earth. The collective ascension is a gift. A gift of space, the space to learn, grow and evolve within the loving, unifying frequencies of the higher dimensions. A space where the blueprint and Organization of Light on the planet supports the growth, creation, and evolution to fully ascend this star system. Ascension takes on an entirely new meaning once we move collectively to New Earth.

Mechanics of Ascension on an Ascending Star System – Part 2

Part 2 – November 2019

This article serves to expand upon part one of this series and to further explain what is happening with the collective ascension on our planet. What is happening on Terra Nova is a complete fractal of how the Universe was formed. When the Universe was formed, the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body or Universal Time Matrix was created. It was from this Light structure that the Cosmos could manifest or project throughout the different layers or dimensions of this Universe. The inner structure was created first which allowed the evolution of the outer structure to occur. Essentially, the blueprint or foundation to project the manifested Cosmos was created (as a manifestation itself) and from this, the projected holographic Universe was born. With the Creation of the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body through the Cosmic Blueprint of Diamond Sun Architecture, galaxies, solar systems, planets, and all logi in this Universe could now manifest in the matrix or the holographic projection that is our Universe by the fractaling Cosmic Blueprint. This creates the framework in which the entire logos (i.e., our Universe, our planet, our collective consciousness, or our individual soul) will manifest or project its holographic reality from.

Fast forward a few billion years from the formation of our Universe to the formation of Terra Nova. The planet began to take shape and form biological life here. Life was eventually seeded here as a genetic experiment of consciousness through physical body ascension We have now come to the point in our evolution where the souls of origin on Terra Nova are ready to awaken and connect with the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body. These souls are far enough along on the evolutionary journey to begin the ascension through the higher dimensions of this Universe to full unification with all Light as the Infinite Source. How is this achieved? By bringing the planet online with the matrices of Creation to facilitate and support a planetary ascension here. Meaning the Diamond Sun Body of the planet must mirror the blueprint of the entire Universe on every layer. This is achieved in the same process that each layer of Creation was created. At the right time in a star system’s evolution there will be a mass incarnation of volunteer souls, known as star seeds, from already ascended/evolved star systems on to the planet. These star seeds will be at varying levels of their own soul evolution ranging from the fifth dimension through the twelfth dimension.

Their purpose is to build/create the foundation that is a fractal of the Universal template or matrix. This structure will allow the projections of the collective hologram to take place in the higher dimensions of this Universe. Creating the grid structure for higher vibrational realities to manifest for the collective consciousness to experience and complete the collective ascension. It is created or built by each star seed holding a specific dimensional frequency within themselves. All Diamond Sun Bodies throughout Creation are made up of the Light of the soul or logos that created it. The grid structure created by the star seeds is the same. It is made up of the Light that is sum of all the star seeds combined as one logos. It is “temporary” in nature, meaning that the star seed’s Light will eventually give way to the Light of all Earth seeds that make up the Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova.

Because the Earth seeds are not evolved enough to do this and because this is how Creation chooses to expand itself, the star seeds incarnate to begin the massive task of preparing the planet for a collective ascension. The planet has been in the lower dimensions on the Carbon Matrix where the grid work and Light geometries of the individual and collective matrices were programmed to project holographic realities of separation and duality. This is part of the “training” ground for souls to evolve until a certain point in the evolutionary cycle. To bring the grid work or Divine Organization to the planet to support higher dimensional realities for a collective ascension, there was a massive effort of clearing density, clearing the planetary grids, and constructing the crystalline grids that had to take place on Gaia. This also had to be done within the individual bodies of every star seed that incarnated to assist in this task. This has been the purpose of the star seed ascension that has occurred on this planet.

Simultaneously, Gaia completed her ascension through completion of the planetary Diamond Sun Body so that the higher dimensional realities can manifest on Terra Nova. Through Gaia’s ascension and the star seed’s ascension, the planetary Diamond Sun Body has been completed/resurrected. This has created the Divine Organization of Terra Nova or Diamond Sun Body of the collective consciousness which is all consciousness and Diamond Sun Bodies on Terra Nova as ONE logos. The Collective Diamond Sun Body will support all collective realities on Terra Nova up to the twelfth dimension and the eternal now. Essentially, what we have been doing is creating the structure that will allow the souls of origin of the planet to begin their evolution into the higher dimensions of this Universe. The foundation is laid and now the entire blueprint can begin manifesting as the Master Build of Terra Nova. This is the time when the physical build of New Earth begins. This is the time when the souls of origin of this planet wake up and remember that they are souls and begin creating/evolving their star system into the higher dimensions of this Universe.

Everything that has transpired up to this point has been to bring through the blueprint for the framework or foundation to be in place to support the collective ascension. This is the same structure or fractal of the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body. By completing their own individual ascensions, the star seeds have created this foundation on Terra Nova for the collective consciousness. This structure will be held in place by the star seeds until the Earth seeds can support the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body themselves without the support of the star seeds. As the collective moves through the dimensions, the star seeds holding the matrix or grids at those frequencies will relinquish their role as a Pillar of Light and will be able to continue their own ascension here on Terra Nova or exit the planet and continue somewhere else in the Universe. This means that after the collective ascends to the sixth dimension, the star seed souls holding the matrix for the fifth dimensional frequencies will be relieved and will continue their own soul’s ascension. This process will continue all the way through the twelfth dimension. The logi holding the frequencies of the twelfth dimension will be the last to exit this star system. This will occur only when this star system has fully ascended.

This process is how the entirety of Creation works from the Cosmic layer down. Eventually, the Earth seeds will become volunteer souls or star Seeds on a newly evolving star system and the expansion of the Cosmos continues. All of Creation is constantly evolving into higher layers while simultaneously expanding. It is infinite and in layers beyond what the mind can comprehend. Light is infinite. Any fractal, any ray of Light can be programmed to play any role or logos within Creation. For example, there may be twelve Emerald Order souls on the Universal layer but countless fractals that play this same part throughout Creation. All structures are a fractal or replica of the Cosmic Diamond Sun Body that fractals down throughout this Universe; creating a crystalline matrix that allows consciousness to project the holographic realities of this Universe at all layers.

This structure goes by many names, web of Light, inner matrix, grid work, Divine Organization, Diamond Sun Body, etc. It is this structure that has been created through the star seed ascension here on Terra Nova. Currently and through the Winter Solstice gateway of 12/21/2019, all Star Seeds are moving into the completion phase of their ascension to the level their soul was at upon incarnating into this star system as a volunteer soul. From now until the collective shift each star seed will be assuming their position on Terra Nova as a Pillar of Light at varying frequencies to support the collective realities as we move into the collective ascension. While the foundation is complete, the work of the star seeds is not over. We will continue to support the collective through each of us playing our specific role in bringing the blueprints for the Master Build along with truth, education, technology and more to this star system once the collective shift occurs.

There will also be star seed souls that will continue to incarnate into this star system to bring forth change. These souls are Sun Children, Crystal Children and more that will incarnate here at key collective ascension triggers to bring continual evolutionary change to this system. These souls bring more knowledge, teachings, and technologies to evolve this star system at a steady pace and are brought through until the full embodiment of Terra Nova is reached. This is part of the constant support system that will always be present on this star system until it is fully evolved.

The entire star seed ascension process, up to and including the remainder of this year (2019) into the mid part of January (2020), has been to fully construct the foundation to migrate the collective to the Collective Diamond Sun Body and to have a collective ascension on Terra Nova in the higher dimensions of unity consciousness. It was a much different experience than the souls of origin will have as they prepare to begin their evolution into the higher dimensions. Many may feel that we have come to the end of the ascension. In a sense this is correct, as we have come to the end of the star seed ascension cycle. The stage is set, and we are preparing for the big scene change that will happen with the collective ascension. It can feel like an ending, a completion, because it is the birthing of the new. We have all become that which we came here to be as part of the foundation of New Earth. Now we wait until the eternal now moment unfolds in which we play these highest roles on Terra Nova to fully bring this star system into its ascended state.

Star Seed Role in the Master Build of Terra Nova

Star seeds act as Architects and Builders during the Master Build of Terra Nova to assist in the manifestation of the Cosmic Blueprint at the various levels of the consciousness fractal within the Diamond Sun Body of Terra Nova. There is a hierarchy to the roles that consciousness is playing out through the vessels because each represents a ray or vibration of Light or a group of Light within the collective Light Body. There are architects and there are builders that act as Light bridges, anchors, and pillars within the Collective Diamond Sun body. The Architects are the Source Light, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine forces of the Light for different sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. The Builders act as filters of the Source Light from the Architects. As we continue to explain the star seed roles, we will see one Architect and one council of twelve builders at all the layers of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. This illustrates how the Architect brings in the Source Light and it is then filtered or separated by the councils of builders for the collective to use in building the blueprint at all levels of the consciousness fractal. We will demonstrate this by explaining the role of the Architects in the Master Build of Terra Nova.

The architects are the Source of Light and key to the stargates and crystalline grid work of the area they represent within the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They are responsible for all Light within these sections by maintaining balance and stability through use of their individual Light Body used as a bridge for Light to flow into and out of Terra Nova. These beings also hold the blueprints for manifesting the Master Plan of Terra Nova for their respective sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They work with the collective Light and Source Light as a bridge and key to unlock Light codes needed to bring the blueprint into manifestation. They are not the ONEs building the “house”. Instead, they hold the blueprints to the “house” or Collective Diamond Sun Body and share the Light or plans step by step during the construction or building of the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

They also ensure the stability and safety of the build by using their Diamond Sun Body to release or bring in Source Light when needed. Remember, too much higher frequency Light before we are ready and we explode, too much lower frequency Light and we implode. The Light of our Diamond Sun Body must stay balanced at all times and the Architects are the ones that ultimately ensure this occurs throughout the system. All the Architects work as ONE logos, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspects of their Light are in balance as the Source of Light for whatever frequency or frequencies they represent within the Collective Diamond Sun Body. We physically use our vessels to birth the new realities of the sections of the Collective blueprint we are responsible for. We are here to ensure that the blueprint is constructed in a mirror image or fractal of the Cosmic Blueprint and once our portion of the blueprint is complete, we may exit the star system.

The Architects of Terra Nova are the supervisors of the collective ascension. We do not participate in the collective ascension in a hands-on way as the Builders do but instead act as Light generators and stabilizers of collective realities. The Architects follow a hierarchy that fractals down just as all of Creation does. The Architects at the planetary level work with councils of Light of Builders within Light Communities on Terra Nova as the Source of Light for the build of the community blueprint and stability of the collective reality within the community. Their role is to assist at the ground level with the manifestation of Light Communities that ultimately drive the expansion of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They are the keys to certain physical locations on Terra Nova and will become micro radiation centers and central points for consciousness to begin gathering and building sustainable Light communities.

Then there are Main Architects that work at the planetary stargate level like main arteries in the body. These Architects work as the Source of Light for multiple physical locations on Terra Nova and carry the blueprints to manifest individual Cities of Light. They work as the Source of Light and key to the Light codes to unlock the collective realities of individual cities. They also work with a council of Builders of Cities of Light to disperse Source Light, codes, and the blueprint for manifestation. They are the key to physical locations on Terra Nova that become radiations centers where the Cities of Light will manifest.

Next, we have the Great Architects who are the master keys to entire sections of the planet that correspond to each of the twelve Great Central Suns or Master Galaxies. They carry the blueprints to multiple cities of Light and one Temple of Light that corresponds to one of the twelve rays of Creation. These architects work with the High Council of Light or Master Builders of Terra Nova to manifest the blueprint for one of the twelve Rays of Creation. They are the Source of Light and key to unlock the Light codes to manifest, balance, and stabilize entire dimensional realities and massive sections of land on Terra Nova. They are the keys to the twelve radiation centers and Temples of Light that will manifest on Terra Nova as great radiation centers.

Finally, we have the Master Architect of Terra Nova who holds the entire set of blueprints for Terra Nova and is the master key to all stargates in the Collective Diamond Sun Body. The Master Architect oversees the entire Divine Organization of Terra Nova and Master Build of this star system. As a representative of the Divine Organization of Terra Nova, she works directly with the Unified Council of Star Nations, a Universal logos of ascended star nations who are evolving the blueprint of our Universe. The Master Architect, Sophia, of the Divine Organization of Terra Nova, is the Pure Source of Light and key to the Light codes for manifesting, balancing, and stabilizing the collective realities and Light for the entire star system of Terra Nova.

All the Architects of Terra Nova are working as ONE organism, ONE logos, even when they are not aware of the other physical incarnations of the logos. Together, the Architects are here to bring forth the blueprints and oversee the Master Build of Terra Nova for the respective sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body that they oversee. They use their Light body to unlock stargates, repair, replace and release Light codes through the DNA of the Collective Diamond Sun Body, stabilize and balance collective realities at varying levels and act as radiation centers or heart centers for Source Light at varying frequencies up to Pure Source Light across the collective landscape.

Once the collective shift takes place on Terra Nova in December of 2021, the Architects will all be fully online and in place as radiation centers across the planet. These radiation centers vary in potency depending on the section of the Diamond Sun Body that they serve. For instance, the planetary level architects that serve Light Communities will have radiation centers that power small communities. Those that are Main Architects of Cities of Light will have radiation centers that can power larger areas of land and larger collectives. The Great Architects will have powerful radiation centers that can power entire dimensions and areas of land and populations of entire continents in some cases. The Master Architect of Terra Nova will have a radiation center that is the Source point for the entire collective which powers collective realities of the entire star system. The radiation centers act as heart centers or power plants to project Light into the planetary grids and to release the blueprints that each Architect carries in phases of the Master Build. This Light and codes are then picked up by incarnated ascending beings on Terra Nova and they are the ONEs that carry out the build. Much like a queen and a bee hive work.

The Master Builders of Terra Nova are the beings that are incarnated to bring through the twelve attributes of the Creator within all twelve dimensions of this Universe. The attributes of the Creator are the building blocks of all realities in this Universe. This is why we say there are 144 Master Builder Frequencies of this Universe. However, just as we saw with the Seven Ages of Man, each attribute carries with it many different expressions and lessons. We have incarnated star seeds that act as the Master Builders of the blueprint. At the highest level, we have twelve Master Builders for each of the twelve temples of Light on Terra Nova. These 144 beings bring the mastery of one of the twelve attributes of the Creator and each balances, stabilizes and distributes Light to manifest collective realities within their respective attribute. These twelve Master Builders make up the High Council of Light for each of the twelve dimensions and Temples of Light on Terra Nova. They work with the Great Architects to manifest the Master Plan of Terra Nova within their part of the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

Within the cities of Light are a twelve-person council of Main Builders who represent one of the twelve attributes of the Creator and work to stabilize, balance and manifest collective realities within their respective attribute. They work with the Main Architects to manifest the blueprint and Master Plan of Terra Nova within Cities of Light on Terra Nova. Finally, we have the planetary builders, these builders work as twelve-person councils of Light within Communities of Light on Terra Nova to balance, stabilize and manifest collective realities within their respective attribute. They work with the architects of the Light Communities to manifest the blueprint and Master Build of Terra Nova at the ground level.

The Architects and the Builders work as Light or Pillars of Light within the Collective Diamond Sun Body in a metaphysical sense. Together, they form the foundation of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They are here to bring forth the blueprints and the tools to help the collective consciousness of Terra Nova build a completely ascended Diamond Sun Body. They are here as teachers. The builders teach the attributes at various layers of the fractal. Some assist small communities; some will assist large cities, and some the entire collective. It is a multilayered, multidimensional network of consciousness to teach itself and ascend itself back into unity. Each level becomes more active as the collective ascension increases in frequency, yet all are working now because we are fully online as a multidimensional star system and are receiving Light in all dimensions of this Universe. The Architects and Builders are in place and ready to assist the collective after we shift to New Earth in 2022. As we enter the Master Build timeline in March 2022, the radiation centers across the planet will be activated and will begin to feed the planetary grids with Source Light from within for the first time. Light communities will begin to coalesce as the first phase of our Master Build begins as a collective.

The collective landscape is going to begin changing as we move into a new way of living together as consciousness on Terra Nova. There will be a return to smaller communal living with Light Communities forming at or near the micro radiation centers across the globe as the Architects become the Source of Light drawing in those coded to respond to the Light of their radiation center. It will start with Light Communities then evolve into Cities of Light and eventually we will build our Temples of Light. As these communities begin to coalesce, star seeds in various roles will assume leadership positions to educate Earth seeds on consciousness and how Light works in our Universe.

They will teach on how to embody the attributes of the Creator to ascend consciousness. Remember that consciousness is expressing itself in infinite ways. Therefore, do not expect all teachings and all communities to be cookie cutter replicas of each other. It is about unity and unconditional love through seeing and being unique expressions of the Infinite, not through uniformity and conformity. The teachers will assist in helping to establish Light Communities across the planet that will become self-sustained flourishing civilizations on Terra Nova. These communities will eventually grow and merge into Cities of Light and great crystalline civilizations during the course of the collective ascension. However, to begin with, we will see a shift in the collective to begin communing in smaller more sustainable numbers as we begin to learn and harness energy in more efficient ways and use our manifestation abilities to create sustainable communities. Many will still live in “old” cities as we develop new technologies to shift large numbers of the population into the Light community model across the collective. Remember, we are shifting in phases, and we must build the new infrastructure before our entire collective reality changes.

There are thousands of star seeds incarnated across all dimensions, across all of Terra Nova, to assist with the Master Build of this star system. Some work directly on the ground with smaller numbers of Divine HUmans, some work with larger groups, and some with large collectives or the entire collective. All are working as ONE to assist the Earth seeds of Terra Nova in building a fully ascended star nation within this Universe. The star seeds are here to fulfill a vibrational role within the Master Build. All are encoded at their core to fulfill the attributes of the Creator within various dimensions of the collective Light body and build of the Cosmic blueprint on Terra Nova. When each fulfills their highest role, their services are complete, and they may exit the star system. Eventually, all star seeds will leave Terra Nova and the star system will be fully “staffed” in all positions or Pillars of Light the star seeds held in place, with Earth seeds. Terra Nova will take her place on the Unified Council of Star Nations and will help to create new star systems within this Universe.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova is a multidimensional, multilayered, step by step unfoldment of all 144 Master Frequencies of this Universe to build a complete Diamond Sun Body or Light ship for the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. There is vibrational support in the form of star seeds across all dimensions of the blueprint and Light body of Terra Nova. This support system remains in place while the Master Build of Terra Nova is underway and until it is replaced by the permanent structure built by the Divine HUman species. The Architects are the highest level of support for the Master Build. As the keepers of the blueprints, they are the keys to the stargates and Light codes that are needed to manifest the physical build of Terra Nova. They are the Source of Light, as radiation centers, or heart centers, that balance, stabilize and birth collective realities at various levels of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. Their role is less hands on than the Builders who are here to work directly with the beings of Terra Nova to complete the Master Build by building Light Communities, Cities of Lights and Temples of Light across the planet. The Architects and the Builders are the ONEs that will teach the collective across all levels of the consciousness fractal how to live as consciousness throughout the dimensions, how to open our hearts and how to embody our Light across all dimensions of this Universe to become the Infinite Creator incarnated as a star system. Together, every being on Terra Nova acts as the ONE Pure Consciousness evolving itself and this star system. We are all working as ONE, through these vessels, doing our part to create a new star nation in this Universe and become the fully ascended star system of Terra Nova.

The Master Build of Terra Nova

The Master Build of Terra Nova is the creation of the complete, fully ascended Collective Diamond Sun Body of Terra Nova. Just as in the individual Diamond Sun Body, the energy centers or stargates within the Light body must be activated through embodiment of all twelve dimensions of this Universe. We do this as a collective by continually raising our frequency and Light quotient as a star system. The process of constructing the realities that drive the embodiment of the collective consciousness and ultimately the activation of the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body is known as the Master Build of Terra Nova.

The Master Build of Terra Nova is the actual construction or manifestation of our multidimensional fully ascended star system, Terra Nova. The Master Build follows a set of blueprints that fractal down throughout the collective as part of the Master Plan of Terra Nova. There are many Architects at varying levels of consciousness that carry parts of the blueprint that will manifest according to vibrational triggers within the collective consciousness. The Master Build of Terra Nova will “begin” when we receive our annual ascension timeline on the equinox in March of 2022. However, as we have mentioned before, time is more fluid, and we are already experiencing this wave and will simply continue to flow into the Master Build and the physical realities of the build as we move forward. The Master Build of Terra Nova is not going to manifest in its entirety overnight. As we have illustrated through the Seven Ages of Man, collective realities shift in a more fluid nature as seamless transitions rather than beginnings and endings. The trigger point for the activation of the Master Build is the collective shift to New Earth that is taking place on the Winter Solstice in December of 2021.

It is at this time that the collective consciousness and Collective Diamond Sun Body will be fully activated within the fifth dimension of soul consciousness. This is our birth into soul consciousness and the lower dimensions of unity consciousness. The collective shift to New Earth will change the collective realities on Terra Nova forever. However, we must remember that collective shifts take time to integrate and embody and instant change is rarely seen at a timeline shift. The wave must build and crescendo as the Light from the wave increases in potency for integration and embodiment to take place. Those that are tuned to energy will feel the collective shift to New Earth and will see the shift and will know that the entire collective has shifted to soul consciousness as soon as we receive the activation in December. The outer reality will not shift so fast, but the wheels are in motion. Our world is shifting into a new paradigm that is completely different than the old world we are leaving behind. The Master Build will be taking place simultaneously with the old-world collapse. Just as we saw humans move from one Age to another seamlessly shifting into new realities and the world stage changing landscapes organically, so too will be the shift that brings with it the Master Build. The collective shift to New Earth is the shift into the fifth dimension and unity consciousness. It is the vibrational trigger that signals the beginning of the Master Build of Terra Nova. It is the changing of seasons and realities for the collective consciousness. Before the masses will completely be able to live as fully ascended beings, the infrastructure to support the collective realities must be in place. And, just as a house is built in phases from the foundation up, the Master Build will unfold upon Terra Nova in phases as well.

Once the collective shift to New Earth takes place on the Winter Solstice, phase one of the Master Build will begin. This is the gathering phase. We discussed in the previous section that the Architects were responsible for being the radiation centers on Terra Nova that broadcast Source Light into the grids and gates of the Collective Light Body. At the time of the collective shift, the flash of Light or Light initiation of our collective soul consciousness will also activate the radiation centers across Terra Nova to come online. Once this occurs, beacons of Light will begin going out all across Terra Nova to signal the first phase of the Master Build to begin. Ascending beings are coded to respond to the Light and will begin flocking to designated radiation centers like moths to a flame. The radiation centers are located at specific coordinates on the planet and function as Diamond Solar Heart portals or stargates for Source Light to flow through the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They are multidimensional and multifunctional depending on where they are located on the planet and how each serves the Light or energy needs of the grid. Below is an image and more detail to illustrate the radiation centers and how they function.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova

The radiation centers radiate Source Light at varying frequencies to certain geographical locations upon the planet. Depending on the location and purpose of the radiation center, the Architect may be fully ascended or have their consciousness level within certain dimensions to be able to radiate Source Light at those dimensional frequencies. Radiation centers work by linking the Diamond Sun Body of the Architect with the Collective Diamond Sun Body at certain points on the planet. The Source Light then flows from the Diamond Solar Heart of the Architect to be birthed into the planetary Light body to balance or stabilize collective realities. The Architects also act as keys to Light codes of the blueprint embedded in the planetary DNA at these locations that are unlocked a certain vibrational triggers and birthed into the Collective Diamond Sun Body for use by the collective to create collective realities.

The location points of the micro-radiation centers located on meridians or acupuncture points of the planet, help to move the Light from the 144 planetary stargates to specific areas of the planet as indicated by purple dots in the image above. The Source Light flowing from these micro radiation centers stays more geographically close to the radiation center because the potency of the Light is lower, it is more localized. Then there are radiation centers located on the planetary stargates that help to move Source Light from the spinal column and twelve main dimensional stargates of Terra Nova to sections of the planet as indicated in blue. These radiation centers are located on one of the 144 planetary stargates and fuel larger sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body and all Light communities located geographically around it. These are the Main Architects as shown in blue.

Then there are radiations centers that fuel entire grid sections that are connected to the twelve dimensional stargates and move massive amounts of Source Light through the Collective Diamond Sun Body at one time. These are indicated above in green and each of these radiation centers will be located on a Temple of Light and one of the twelve dimensional stargates of Terra Nova.

Finally, there is a radiation center that allows for the balancing, stabilizing, and birthing of collective Light that connects to the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body of Terra Nova. This radiation center and the Master Architect of Terra Nova is not stationary on Terra Nova until the collective moves into Universal Consciousness. Until then the radiation center moves from the sixth, ninth to the twelfth dimensional Temple of Light as the collective consciousness increases in frequency. This radiation center or Source Point structure of the blueprint allows for Pure Source Light to flow through the entire Diamond Sun Body of Terra Nova in all twelve dimensions and 144 Master Builder frequencies at all times to maintain balance and unfold the blueprint in phases. 

The radiation centers act as Diamond Solar Heart portals that “pump” Light through the Collective Diamond Sun Body. The Architects at each level of the consciousness fractal occupy the heart center of a Diamond Sun Body that is a fractal of the level above and/or below it. Remember the entire Cosmos fractals down as consciousness replicating a blueprint or pattern, we call Diamond Sun Architecture. This is how Light is filtered down through the dimensions and our Collective Diamond Sun Body to create our collective reality. This means that we have Diamond Sun Bodies at different levels within the Collective Diamond Sun Body. Think of each Architect as the heart center of a Diamond Sun Body at the various levels. Each Diamond Sun Body is a doll within a set of nesting dolls and each of those dolls has a heart that pumps Light through it to bring it to life. This is the role the Architects play in the fractaling pattern or filtering of Light on Terra Nova.

At the highest level, there is the Master Architect of Terra Nova, the radiation center she creates is the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova. This means that through this radiation center, Pure Source Light flows into the collective unfiltered for use by the collective consciousness. The Master Architect is not stationary and will shift with the collective as it increases in frequency moving the radiation center of Pure Source Light where it is needed to evolve the consciousness of Terra Nova, just as in the story of Moses. Where Moses represents the heart and connection to the Source, who travels with the children of Israel to the gates of the promised land. So too does the Master Architect, travel with the collective by shifting the Diamond Solar Heart radiation center to the heart of the sixth, ninth or twelfth dimensional stargates of the Collective Diamond Sun Body as the collective ascends through the consciousness fractal by building the blueprint. The reason the radiations centers move during the ascension is because the Master Architect carries the Master Blueprints of Terra Nova and is releasing them into the collective in stages as it ascends or builds the blueprint.

At this highest level there is one Diamond Sun Body that is the Collective Diamond Sun Body and one Master Architect that carries the blueprints to build it. However, consciousness is ascending, this means that we must build at the planetary level or local level first as we ascend our consciousness into the higher levels. Therefore, the blueprint fractals so that it is easier for the collective to complete the build. First, the collective consciousness fractals into twelve more Diamond Sun Bodies that all follow the same Diamond Sun Architectural blueprint. Each has a Diamond Solar Heart center that is the radiation center or Source point for twelve separate sections of land on Terra Nova. In other words, the planet is divided into twelve sections and each section has a dimensional stargate and a Temple of Light. They all have a Great Architect that is the Diamond Solar Heart or Source Point that filters the Source Light for these twelve different Diamond Sun Bodies and holds the blueprint for entire sections of the Collective Light Body.

Within the twelve different Diamond Sun Bodies, each houses twelve of the 144 planetary stargates that create 144 more Diamond Sun Bodies across Terra Nova. This means that each of the 144 planetary stargates, such as Sedona, has a Diamond Sun Body of its own, with twelve dimensional stargates, 144 stargates and a Diamond Solar Heart or radiation center that is a Main Architect. The Main Architects carry the blueprint for these sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body to be built. Finally, we have many meridian points on Terra Nova outlying the planetary stargates. These each have a Diamond Sun Body with a heart or radiation center that are Architects on Terra Nova. They carry the blueprints for their section of the Collective Diamond Sun Body to manifest Light Communities on Terra Nova.

Within the blueprints that each Architect carries and will release into the collective are the realities for how to physically manifest the Master Build from the ground level to a fully ascended Collective Diamond Sun Body on Terra Nova. The Architects act as the Heart of Terra Nova, that is “pumping” or moving the Light through the grid system of Terra Nova to power collective realities at all levels of the consciousness fractal. This fractalization allows for the Master Build of Terra Nova to take place across the planet simultaneously and in phases to maintain stability and balance in the collective hologram. On the following page is a flow chart to help illustrate the fractaling nature of the Architects on Terra Nova.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova

Phases of the Master Build

During the first phase, the gathering of star seed councils and the formation of Light Communities around the radiation centers at the meridian locations will be the primary focus. However, these Light Communities and all realities on Terra Nova are fueled from all levels or radiation centers because the Light must enter our Collective Diamond Sun Body and filter down through the stargate system to the meridians that are the micro radiation centers at the planetary level. This means all radiation centers on Terra Nova will be actively fueling the Collective Diamond Sun Body. However, the collective will be drawn to the micro radiation centers during this phase. There are many Architects working at the planetary level as micro radiation centers on Terra Nova. These beings are ascended to New Earth and vibrate within the fifth dimension to seventh dimension of consciousness and carry blueprints for creating Light Communities across Terra Nova. The radiation centers that they are assigned to will be the Light House or Source point located on certain meridian points that will begin to call star seed ground builders and Earth seed seekers of the Light to begin forming Light Communities on Terra Nova. As this is part of the first phase of the Master Build, the dimensional frequencies of these communities will be soul consciousness up to the seventh dimension.

The Source points or radiation centers are how Source Light flows throughout the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body at all frequencies of this Universe. During the star seed ascension, we built the foundation of the Diamond Sun Body so that there could be a multidimensional collective ascension on Terra Nova. During the collective ascension, we will be building or evolving consciousness from the least potent Source points or radiation centers up to the dimensional stargates and Temples of Light. In other words, our consciousness, communities, and civilizations will build near the Source of Light or radiation centers as the fuel for our collective realities. The more crystalline our physical bodies become, the more we will flock to the radiation centers for Light. Remember, we are no longer on the carbon matrix, this means we need crystalline Light, Source Light, to fuel our world. We are also ascending into the Light which means our Light bodies are not yet capable of receiving Pure Source Light in large quantities. Therefore, we will begin to build Light Communities on meridian points that are less potent than planetary stargates and Temples of Light. This is why the Architects and Builders at the planetary level are plentiful and will work to develop Light Communities and educate the Earth seeds during the first phase of the Master Build.

These Light communities will become hubs for consciousness evolution as beings move in and out of them, carrying with them the seeds and messages of consciousness to the “old world”. Much like humans did with the Old World and New World of the sixteenth century without the bloodshed of course. However, we mention it because everything that is unfolding is part of a pattern that we can see in the past, present, or future, just at different dimensional awareness. The blueprints for Light Communities entail not only where to build these communities but also how to evolve as individual beings, how to live as group consciousness and create together to build sustainable communities that thrive locally and independently while being connected to the whole. These communities work like bee colonies with the good of the hive and the world around them as the priority and not the individual. We share our Light, our resources and all to build thriving Light Communities that will one day be able to merge with other Light Communities to create Cities of Light. First, we must develop the technology to live sustainably in large numbers and evolve our consciousness so we can interact as galactic citizens.

As the Light communities evolve, the Light quotient of the planet increases, and the collective realities are able to shift dimensionally. The old world is still visible but is collapsing more and more each day as people transition from the old way of living to a more unified localized way of living and consuming with evolution of the soul taking primary focus to life, versus old ways of viewing life and death. It is important to understand that not all humans will make this transition. Our world will still be dependent on the old ways for some time as the new is evolving and preparing to overtake the old completely. Many will transition off the planet in the coming decades and population numbers will begin to lower as the frequency of the collective consciousness increases. We must build a new model in which the old can transition to as its completely falls away, much like our evolution through the Ages, where we see a wave of evolution start in certain geographical locations and then radiate out to the world around it until all has shifted to the new. These Light Communities and micro radiation centers will evolve the collective the same way. As the understanding of how to harness Light and use energy to sustain larger groups of people comes into manifestation through the work of the Light Communities, we will experience another shift in our collective consciousness that will signal Phase Two of the Master Build of Terra Nova to begin.

In Phase Two of the Master Build of Terra Nova, the Great Build that will bring with it Cities of Light near the 144 planetary stargates and twelve Temples of Lights on the dimensional stargates will begin. We will also welcome our galactic neighbors to co-create galactic civilizations on Terra Nova. As we begin to harness the understanding and technology to live together sustainably in large numbers, Light Communities will begin to merge near planetary stargates and build Cities of Light across Terra Nova. The Main Architects and radiation centers that fueled these communities will now become the main Source of Light as they consolidate around the main radiation centers. These radiation centers are located at the 144 planetary stargates as main arteries of the planet that move Source Light from the spinal column and dimensional stargates or Temples of Light out into the collective Diamond Sun Body. The Source Light that these main radiation centers produce is more powerful than the micro radiation centers and once we are able to harness this Light appropriately, we will be able to use it to manifest Cities of Light on Terra Nova. The Main Architects work with a council of Light of twelve to oversee the energy of Cities of Light. Their consciousness is ascended from the seventh through tenth dimensions which translates to the radiation centers and Cities of Light vibrating at these frequencies as well. It will be at the formation of these cities, that the collective consciousness will begin to embody galactic consciousness.

Once we reach Phase Two, Soul Consciousness has been completely embodied by the collective, the old has completely fallen away and all consciousness on the planet is residing on Terra Nova. Once our Cities of Light are established, we begin to welcome our galactic neighbors and the first galactic civilizations are created on Terra Nova. We have moved passed solar power to harness Source Light through our Collective Diamond Sun Body to power our world. Towards the end of Phase Two, the Great Build, we will construct the Temples of Light upon Terra Nova that will serve as the great radiation centers or power plants to fuel our world and evolve our consciousness to the Universal level. Once the Temples of Light are complete, we will enter Phase Three of the Master Build of Terra Nova and the star nation of Terra Nova will be born.

Phase Three is the final stage of the Master Build of Terra Nova. The global and galactic civilizations on Terra Nova are joined into ONE star nation of Terra Nova. The Temples of Light are activated as the Great Radiation Centers on Terra Nova with one Great Architect for each temple. The Great Architects power massive sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body and work with the High Councils of Light on Terra Nova to evolve the collective and build the Universal level of the blueprint. These beings are ascended from the tenth dimension to fully ascended Creators Incarnate and bring Universal Wisdom to the collective. We are becoming Cosmic Citizens and preparing to take over the planet as Earth seeds. During this phase, the collective consciousness will merge the Cities of Light on Terra Nova into ONE as bilocation and teleportation become realities on our planet. We will learn how to harness the Infinite Light of Creation through our Diamond Solar Heart as the Infinite Source fully embodied as a star nation. This means we will have infinite energy to create with as a star system. The Temples of Light will serve as power distribution plants for Pure Source Light throughout Terra Nova as well as ascension centers for new life on Terra Nova. We have embodied all twelve dimensions of this Universe and Pure Source Consciousness as a star nation. Our ascension is complete, the Master Build of Terra Nova is complete.

Once the star system of Terra Nova has completed its ascension, The Master Architect of Terra Nova who works with the Unified Council of Star Nations on behalf of Terra Nova will transition the role to a newly embodied Earth seed. By this time, all star seed Architects, and Builder council members have been superseded by Earth seeds and the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body and all collective realities are flourishing without star seed support. Terra Nova is a fully ascended star nation in our Universe and the newest member of the Unified Council of Star Nations, ready to Co-Create new life and the next genetic experiment of consciousness within our Universe. The inhabitants of Terra Nova will continue to evolve the outer garment until there is no physical matter remaining and Terra Nova exists in the etheric realms of this Universe as the physical planet explodes into a star.

On the following pages are a series of flow charts to Aid in Understanding the Master Build of Terra Nova through each phase.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova
The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova
The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova

Ascension Centers

The radiation centers are beacons of Light or Light Houses once activated during the collective shift that will also become locations of ascension centers on Terra Nova. They will radiate Source Light out into the collective that is coded to attract certain individuals on Terra Nova. The councils that work with the Architect of the radiation centers will gather and together with the Architects will create these ascension centers of Light that become hubs for teaching about ascension at the varying levels of consciousness based on the location and function of the radiation center as well as Light transmission stations that speak directly to the DNA of those that receive the Light. These “hives” allow consciousness or ascending beings to flow in and out like bees taking the Divine Wisdom and Light codes of ascension and pollinating it to the existing old world to begin shifting larger numbers of the collective.

Ascending beings will begin forming Light Communities with the assistance of the Architects and Builders of the micro radiation centers that will allow for permanent and transient stays by ascending beings. This method will continue to grow into Cities of Light and larger main radiation centers and ascension centers once the collective can increase its frequency. It is evolution in layers and there will always be radiation centers, heart centers, ascension centers, across Terra Nova hosting ascending beings at various levels of consciousness who will go out into the world and pollinate the Divine Wisdom and Light they receive. This method of pollination and cross pollination of Divine Wisdom and Light codes of ascension will create a tsunami effect within the collective consciousness that will eventually overtake the old and wash it away.

The radiation centers have been created by the Architects Diamond Sun Bodies and will turn on once activated at the collective ascension. This will ignite the Gathering Phase of the Master Build of Terra Nova and the beacons of Light will turn on and stay on. The Light codes to signal the Master Build will be released from the planetary DNA via the Architects at the radiation centers. These Light codes are genetically triggered to speak to the DNA of specific ascending beings who will seek the Light. The star seeds and the ascending Earth seeds will link up via the radiation center and create the ascension centers. All will play specific vibrational roles coded within as specific rays or attributes of the Creator coded within the three-fold flame of each being. This allows for the entire spectrum of the rainbow or attributes of the Creator to manifest as physical realities within each ascension center and Light Community, Cities of Light and Temples of Light.

Every being on Terra Nova is coded with three of the twelve rays of Creation as their unique threefold flame of the Creator that will manifest during their time on Terra Nova as roles to play within each layer of the consciousness fractal. These roles are coded to manifest at the soul, galactic/oversoul and universal/God levels of consciousness and eventually become part of the personality of the logos as a Creator Incarnate. The diversity in rays and vibrations of them within each ascension center and Light community allows for the physical manifestation of the twelve tribes of Israel to manifest balanced higher collective realities on Terra Nova. This is the ultimate fulfillment of the Rainbow Prophecy from the indigenous tribes of North America.

Absolutely everything is coded in the higher realms to manifest in balance and harmony with the rest of Creation. Each Architect is a radiation center of Source Light that is filtered by the Builder councils and together with ascending beings all create ascension centers on Terra Nova. Each radiation center is the Source of Light for the ascension center, the communities, cities, and Temples of Light. The ascension centers are brought into physical manifestation by beings that are coded across the spectrum of the twelve Creation Rays to manifest these communities through the various attributes, bringing balanced realities and harmony with the whole to each community. In this way, the Infinite Creator is represented by each center as a logos and a complete Diamond Sun Body as a fractal of the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

These centers will manifest collective realities that are vibrationally online with the entire collective consciousness of Terra Nova. Across the entire planet we will work as ONE to evolve and ascend the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. Because we will all be connected through the crystalline matrix of the Collective Diamond Sun Body as ONE unified consciousness, the collective ascension will accelerate exponentially over the next few decades and we will embody soul, galactic and universal consciousness exponentially faster than the 13,500 years it took to embody up to the fifth dimension.  

We are at an exciting time in the development and evolution of the collective consciousness of Terra Nova. The entire beehive of the planet is built, the many beehives across the planet are built and now it is time to activate them to begin attracting the worker bees that will build the blueprint of the Master Build of Terra Nova. Those that are meant to see this reality will see it and will live it to their hearts fullest on Terra Nova because each will know that everything they are doing supports the entire collective, even those in the collective that are unable to see the new. We will know that our hearts must stay open in neutrality and compassion for the old ways that will continue to collapse as the new is integrated within the collective over the coming years. We will work like bees to build our ascension centers around the radiation centers of Terra Nova as hives that support the pollination of Divine Wisdom and Light of ascension across the entire planet. We will see this network of hives or ascension centers as ONE consciousness working for the greatest good of all to manifest Heaven on Terra Nova.

We will shift into a multidimensional way of viewing our reality so that we can see the old and the new and what lies ahead for us as a collective. We will go courageously into the new and follow the Light that is leading us to our eternal home as the Infinite Creator incarnated as an entire star system known as Terra Nova. We will open our hearts to our galactic family and welcome their presence at our Temples of Light and build galactic civilizations on Terra Nova. We will patiently wait for the day when the collective consciousness of Terra Nova embodies universal consciousness and becomes a star nation and part of the Unified Council of Star Nations ascending this entire Universe.

The reality of a collective ascension into the higher heavens of this Universe has arrived. The Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova is ready to die the ego death of the persona so that we may birth our collective soul self and begin the Master Build of Terra Nova. We understand that all things must grow, evolve, and expand through Light quotient and know that our journey to full embodiment will begin with creating micro ascension centers across Terra Nova in large numbers to support our growth and evolution into even higher dimensions of consciousness and larger Cities of Light. We understand that all radiation centers and ascension centers will come online with the collective shift to New Earth and the work will begin taking place across all levels of the consciousness fractal within the Collective Diamond Sun Body and each level will increase in numbers as we continue our collective ascension.

We are willing to stand together as the twelve rays of the Creator, the twelve tribes of Israel, to each bring our chosen gifts and vibration to this star system so that we may fulfill the rainbow prophecy of our ancestors. We are willing to work with our galactic family and stand together to advance consciousness within our Galaxy and Universe as ONE Pure Consciousness. We are willing to follow our hearts and seek the Light when it calls us regardless of what the outside world says or does. We are the brave ONEs, the ground breakers, the visionaries, the pioneers, the builders of our New Earth. We are ONE unified Light that fractals within itself to create an organization of Light that creates the entire Cosmic Blueprint on this planet as the Master Build of Terra Nova. We are the Divine Organization of Terra Nova, and our Light has been activated.

Geography of the Collective Diamond Sun Body

We have broken the Master Build of Terra Nova out so we could see the many roles that must be played to create the foundation for the collective ascension and build of the entire Cosmic Blueprint. We understand that the radiation centers are the heart centers of certain geographic locations that are fractal Diamond Sun Bodies of the Collective Diamond Sun Body and that each of these radiation centers becomes a Source Point or Light House in which an ascension center will manifest at some point during the Master Build of Terra Nova. These locations are based geographically according to the original formations of the planetary body as one land mass that has split apart throughout the evolution of the Earth.

These geographical locations also correspond to certain points or coordinates on the consciousness fractal which also translate into certain GPS coordinates on the planet. Everything is weaved together as ONE consciousness; therefore, the Creation of the GPS system is a manifestation by consciousness to align with radiation centers that would manifest on future timelines within the collective story. For instance, the heart center and Temple of Light for the twelfth dimension is located at 22 degrees latitude on the Island of Kauai. 22 is the Master Builder code of this Universe and Kauai is the final section of the Collective Diamond Sun Body that will be activated. It is not within the scope of this work to share the location of every radiation center or coordinates to these centers, as the collective ascension must continue to unfold before this can happen. At this time, we will share with the Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova the locations of the twelve dimensional or twelve Creation Rays grid sections of the Collective Diamond Sun Body and the twelve Temples of Light.

First, let us give some background on the formation of the planetary and collective Light body to assist in our understanding of why the grid sections are located where they are today. Our planetary body is a sphere and not a vertical body like humans. Therefore, the architecture manifests differently physically but carries the same blueprint. In other words, humans have a central column called the spinal column and it is a straight vertical line that the Source stargates (3,6,9, 12) run along and send Light out into the other dimensional stargates (1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11) which in turn send Light to the remaining stargates of the 144 main stargates in the body that feed the meridian points and remaining grid structures. It is a tree like structure that branches out from a vertical pillar to feed the entire Light body. The planet’s spinal column does not run in one vertical line like our vessels. Instead, there are mountain chains or volcanic belts that act as the spinal column of Terra Nova to move the Light through our Collective Diamond Sun Body to the planetary stargates and so forth. Also, the physical body of the planet was once one land mass that has separated over time. This has contributed to the current location of the stargates across Terra Nova.

These are key to understanding the geography or layout/manifestation of the Cosmic Blueprint in our physical world. The next key to understanding is that since our planet is a sphere, we have a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere that are divided by the Equator at zero degrees latitude. This is important to know because our annual collective ascension timeline is tied to the Northern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is also where 90% of the human population resides, which is another manifestation of consciousness preparing itself for ascension.

The planet as a whole is ONE Collective Diamond Sun Body that encompasses all of Terra Nova. Then the land masses are divided by twelve multiple times to create the consciousness fractal and multiple layers of Diamond Sun Bodies that each have a heart center or radiation center. The twelve largest grid sections are grouped into dimensional levels as part of the physical manifestation of the consciousness fractal. This means that we have a personality grid section, soul/solar, galactic, and Universal grid section that are made up of three of the twelve largest grid sections and each of these have three Temples of Light that correspond to three different Creation Rays and dimensions. The sizes and shapes of the grid sections are not even across the planet. Some cover much larger areas with less population and some cover smaller areas with more population. We are talking about the highest level of separation, into the twelve rays and dimensions, which places all the world within one of the twelve tribes, rays, or dimensions.

We want to make it very clear that just because a location falls within a certain dimension or ray, the consciousness there is not bound only to this dimension. It simply means that this location feeds the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body with Light at this level to power our collective realities. We must be able to see the geographical locations of these grid sections as ONE to truly be able to grasp how the entire blueprint and Master Build works.

We said earlier that the annual collective ascension timeline is tied to the Northern Hemisphere. The reason for this is that the personality level of the consciousness fractal for the Collective Diamond Sun Body is located below the Equator. This means that our consciousness has already embodied these dimensions and so we are ascending through the remaining dimensions that are all located in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, the solar events that affect the Northern Hemisphere annually, are what drive the collective ascension. However, all consciousness on Terra Nova participates and benefits from these events as ONE.

Now that we understand a little more about the geography of the blueprint on Terra Nova, we are going to share a map of the planet. On this map are the twelve grid sections that correspond to the twelve rays and dimensional stargates on Terra Nova. At this point in the collective ascension, we are sharing the grid section and Temple locations only. As we progress into the Master Build of Terra Nova more will be shared about the locations of the Cities of Light and Light Communities across the planet. Also, the exact locations of where one section ends, and another begins, are futile to pinpoint exactly as they overlap just as all energy within the blueprint. Therefore, each section is shown in its approximate location on Terra Nova.

Remember that within each of these twelve grid sections there is one location that will become a Temple of Light. There are also twelve of the 144 main planetary stargates within each grid section that will become Cities of Light and Galactic Civilizations. Then there are many micro radiation centers located at the meridian points that will become Light Communities. Our collective ascension will see the Light Communities springing up first which will create the wave needed to activate the larger grid sections as the collective ascension progresses.

The Master Plan of Terra Nova - Part 3 - The Master Plan of Terra Nova

As we can see from the picture of the land masses of Terra Nova, there are twelve different grid sections marked on it that each corresponds to one of the twelve rays of Creation and twelve dimensional stargates of our Collective Diamond Sun Body. This means that located within the boundaries of each one there is a location of a future Temple of Light on Terra Nova as indicated by the purple triangles. Each of these Temples are responsible for maintaining balance of a particular ray and dimension on Terra Nova. These are the twelve flames that burn at each Temple where a Great Architect and Twelve Master Builders reside. The Great Architects are also responsible for balancing and stabilizing all Light within the entire grid section and birthing Light into the grids for manifestation of collective realities. This allows the blueprints of entire grid sections to be filtered from these locations through the grids into all radiation centers and micro radiation centers of these twelve grid sections. Again, we are showing this map to help the collective understand Diamond Sun Architecture and the blueprint unfolding on Terra Nova through the Master Build.

Now that we have a visual to help us. Let us look at the Equator and see that below it lies the stargates for the personality level of our collective consciousness. The first section contains Antarctica, Australia, and various Pacific Islands. The Temple of Light for this section is located near Uluru, the red rock, in Australia. The second section encompasses most of South America and the Temple of Light for this section is located near Lake Titicaca in the Andes. Finally, the third section is located in the middle to lower part of Africa, home to Homo Sapiens. The Temple of Light is located near the ancient volcano, Pilanesberg, surrounded by platinum mines and the world’s richest diamond deposits; that have helped spread diamonds around the globe as part of the manifestation of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. These three sections make up the all the stargates and radiation centers of the personality level of the consciousness fractal as well as three Temples of Light that will manifest as three separate Rays of Creation.

Above them in the Northern Hemisphere lies the majority of the collective consciousness and remaining grid sections. Because our collective consciousness is embodying the higher dimensions, the annual ascension timeline corresponds to solar events that affect these levels of the Collective Diamond Sun Body as we are ascending into soul (4,5,6), galactic (7,8,9), and universal (10,11,12,) consciousness. We can see that the stargates for the soul level of our collective consciousness are within the North American continent. The stargates for the galactic level are located in the Near East, Middle East, Northern Africa, and Europe. The Universal level stargates are located in Russia, China, Southeast Asia and the Hawaiian Islands.  

These twelve grid sections make up the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body of Terra Nova. We can see from the image that each level of the consciousness fractal is grouped together geographically with the other sections of the same level. As the collective ascension continues, the Light and energy will continue to move across the planet like a wave with more and more Light entering the collective Light body as each level comes online. We must remember that the entire collective is ascending as ONE, what is shifting is how much Light we are able to hold as a collective. As the different sections come online, we are able to hold more Light. Also, once the radiations centers are activated during the collective shift, the collective is going to increase in frequency in a more quantum nature and less in a linear nature of the lower dimensions. This means that we can be activating multiple grid sections simultaneously throughout the collective ascension.

This representation is to show the entire Collective Diamond Sun Body that fractals down from the twelve Temples of Light and twelve great radiation centers into the 144 main radiation centers that are located on the 144 main planetary stargates. Then to the many micro radiation centers on the meridian points that will manifest Light Communities. All of this together is ONE Collective Diamond Sun Body that has ONE radiation center that is the Diamond Solar Heart and radiation center of the Master Architect. This radiation center is currently located within the sixth dimensional section for as long as the collective consciousness is embodying soul consciousness. Once the collective ascends into galactic consciousness, the Diamond Solar Heart will shift to the ninth dimensional section. Finally, when the collective is ready to embody universal consciousness, the Diamond Solar Heart will shift to Kauai as the Head Quarters or Heart of the Divine Organization of Terra Nova for the remainder of its existence.

All geographical locations of stargates, radiation centers, ascension centers, Temples of Lights, Cities of Light and Light Communities are coded into the DNA of the collective consciousness. Some receive actual coordinates through their consciousness, others are guided to move or travel to certain locations. Once the radiation centers are activated and the beacons of Light go out during the collective shift, the DNA of ascending beings will be activated, and many will feel the call to move or shift geographically to align to these radiation centers on Terra Nova. The geographic locations of the radiation centers and grid sections are strategically located across the planet to create a balanced Light body for the collective to manifest multidimensional collective realities. Each section will be fully activated when the collective is able to achieve the Light quotient and frequency necessary to trigger the DNA and Light codes of the blueprint to manifest the infrastructure needed to support the Light of that section.

All sections are connected as ONE consciousness to the Collective Diamond Sun Body, crystalline matrix of this planet. There is no one section better than another, as all sections are receiving the Light of the Source and are simply acting as filtering agents for the entire collective. We will see more physical manifestations near the active stargates and grid sections as a by product of the Light the collective is able to send and receive. This is also part of the phases of the Master Build that protect the stability of the collective hologram and allow for consciousness to ascend in a safe and stable manner through the dimensions.

The geographical locations shared should be used to help the reader see how the consciousness fractal and Cosmic Blueprint manifest on Terra Nova. And ultimately, how the blueprint will fractal down to create a collective ascension from the ground up.

End of Part 3 of The Master Build of Terra Nova

We will continue our sharing of the book and Light to activate the Master Build of Terra Nova in the next article.


The Divine Organization of Terra Nova


The Divine Organization of Terra Nova is dedicated to bringing forth the Cosmic Blueprints for this star system. This is achieved in a multitude of ways including sharing information to assist all souls in raising their frequency to support the construction of their own Diamond Sun Body. All information shared is to update on the unfoldment of the Cosmic Blueprint for this star system and to educate on Cosmic Knowledge to support the process of full Source embodiment as a collective consciousness.
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