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Daily Angel Message: Powerful Momentum
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for July 19, 2023
July’s Theme: You will be receiving important guidance this month regarding your path. Help things along by making room and staying in balance. If something compels you to take action this is the time to go for it!
Focusing on being the best you can be is like lighting a candle in the dark. It helps light the way to the place of self-empowerment. Cat
Today’s Message:
719: When we are confident in ourselves and the direction we are headed things just naturally seem to flow together.
Even if you’re not exactly sure where you’re going you can still be confident in your direction. By embracing our self-confidence we find that we are able to rely more on our intuition and the messages and guidance we receive from the Universe. It also helps us to use this information to our best advantage which ultimately helps us along our path. This confidence generates both blessings and opportunities and helps us to create new versions of ourselves as we update our lives. Today we are receiving a big hug from our spiritual helpers. Their message is simple, ” Your power gives you the momentum to move forward toward your goals with a light heart and open mind.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Uriel teaches us how to access our creative database. He reminds us that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to use a non-conventional approach. He gives us essential information that we need when we need it. This assists us during the manifestation process by enhancing our problem solving skills so that we can make the decisions that are best for our current situations.
The Ascended Master El Morya can help if you have trouble staying present and focused in the now. He teaches us the importance of putting aside what we cannot control so that we are free to think about other things. He reminds us that it is our faith that keeps us grounded so that we can embrace both the patience and the clear decision making needed to make things happen.
The Hawaiian fire goddess Pele helps us to ignite our inner fire. This fire when channeled correctly helps to fuel our passions and sense of purpose. She is a goddess of empowerment teaches us about honest communication and how it aids our goal setting and getting. “Within you lives the sacred fire that gives life to your greatest dreams and passions. This part of you must be allowed to come forward, not smothered beneath fear, resentment or the expectations of others. Your fire will help you forge new paths!”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Amethyst is a powerful protector that helps to shield us from unwanted energies while dispelling anxiety and fear. It helps the decision making process by promoting common sense and spiritual insight. It also enables us to set realistic goals and sets us on the road to personal achievement. It calms and quiets internal chatter and “monkey mind”, which in turn enables us to relax and allow grounding and balancing to take place which help us to focus.
Eulite (Hypersthene) which helps us to find solutions to problems (large and small) that get in our way and can hold us back. It will also make seeing the answers and solutions easier by stopping the need to overthink or overly critical thinking. Eulite is also useful for building solid relationships which are necessary for the manifestation process and our personal evolution.
Unakite. This green and pink stone helps us to see blocks that we have erected within ourselves and then provides valuable insights on removing them so that we can move forward. It helps us to appreciate the present moment and works with both base and heart chakras.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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