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2023 The Sun Visits Libra
Written by Dale Osadchuk

As the Sun enters Libra (Sept 23 at 2.50 am EDT) we experience Equinox the time of balance. As we mentioned in our last post it is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
The symbol for Libra is a straight line representing the horizon with a semi circle above it representing the Sun. In the North it is the setting Sun as we move into the time of transformation and in the South it is the rising Sun as you move into new beginnings and the growing time to come.
As the Sun visits Libra the astrological Earth visits Aries. The theme is finding balance and harmony between self (Aries) and others (Libra). Libra is the sign of partnership, mediation, co-operation, and inclusion. Aries is the sign of individuality and personal power. This theme is also emphasized by the North Node in Aries (new directions) and the South Node in Libra (releasing relationship patterns from the past). I love this description from astrologer Tracy Marks (The Astrology of Self-Discovery) about Aries/Libra.
‘‘When we are in tune with ourselves we are in tune with others and Universal Consciousness. We can develop partnerships that satisfy and value the needs of each individual… an “I” that includes the “We”. The “We” that includes the “I” and leads to fulfilling relationships. While retaining the aim of peace we must be willing to experience conflict within ourselves and others so that resolution can be reached thus creating inner harmony and harmony in relationship”.
Our planetary guide for this Libra solar cycle and the South Node is Venus and since Mars is in Libra she also guides him. At this Equinox and Libra ingress Venus is at 18 degrees Leo 26 minutes travelling with asteroid Juno (committed relationships) at 19 degrees Leo 11. Together they ask us to be centered in our compassionate hearts with Loving Kindness for all. They are sextile Mars at 17 degrees Libra 23 giving us opportunities to create harmony and balance in our relationship to self and others. Venus and Mars are the relationship planets and are currently in the Fourth Quarter phase of their cycle that began in March 2022 (new vision for relationship). They are now in the revision and realignment phase. On Oct 04 to 06 Mars at 24 degrees Libra will join the Libra South Node activating the opportunity to release relationship patterns from the past that kept us dis-empowered. If you have planets or points at 23 to 25 degrees you may find someone from your past coming in for healing and closure. But since Mars guides the Aries North Node it may be someone who will help you move forward in a new direction. The highest expression of Mars in Libra is peaceful action.
Libra is found on the Tarot Constellation of The High Priestess, balanced judgment through intuitive awareness. It is important to listen to your inner knowing as you make choices regarding relationship. Our Animal Totems for this Sun in Libra journey are Crow, sacred law and justice and fairness for all, and Raven, magic and The Mysteries. They guide you to find your sacred center and inner peace. They also guide Mars and the South Node in Libra. Aries is found on the Tarot Constellation of The Emperor, life force and realization of personal power. The Earth and North Node in Aries are guided by Falcon, clear vision, and Red Tailed Hawk, spiritual messenger. Pay attention to the messages from Creator and Great Mystery. The Animal Totem guides are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.
The Clan Mother who guides Libra is Weaves The Web. She is the guardian of the creative force in all things and the keeper of the Life Force. Her torch is the Eternal Flame of Love. She stirs within us the desire to create and take action to give birth to our visions. The Clan Mother for Aries is Looks Far Woman. She is the guardian of the crack in the universe and the Golden Door of Illumination that leads to all other dimensions of awareness. She guides us to find our inner truth. She is also the guardian of our dream-time journeys and messages from spirit. She shows us all possibilities that can exist in the future. (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)
Here are some highlights for the Libra Solar Cycle. All dates and time are EDT.
- Sept 29- 5.58 am EDT- 06 degrees Aries Super Full Moon. This is the fourth Super Full Moon and last for 2023. The theme is balance and harmony in all our relating.
- Sept 29- Mercury reaches 21 degrees Virgo and clears his retrograde shadow. Clear thinking and focused intention is the gift. He enters Libra on Oct 04 at 8.09 pm EDT. Focus on harmonious communication.
- Oct 04 to 06- Mars joins the South Node. Letting the past go with love and peace.
- Oct 07- Venus in Leo clears retrograde shadow. Creation energy is the gift. She enters Virgo Oct 08 at 9.11 pm EDT. Healing into wholeness is the gift.
- Oct 10- 9.10 pm EDT- Pluto in Capricorn moves direct. The Transformer has been retrograde since May 01. We now have the support to release what no longer serves us and truly experience transformation.
- Oct 12- 12.04 am EDT- Mars enters Scorpio. The theme of release and transformation is the focus. Be the Phoenix and rise. Mars is in Scorpio until Nov 24.
- Oct 14- 1.55 pm EDT- Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is a powerful ring of fire New Moon. Its focus is on new ways of relating to self and others. This Eclipse influences us until April 2024. Focus on inner balance and harmony.
- Oct 22- 2.49 am EDT- Mercury enter Scorpio. The focus on release and transformation continues. Oct 23 at 12.21 pm EDT the Sun enters Scorpio. The journey of transformation continues.
We will write more about the Full and New Moons in the next while. Astrology sessions are still on hold. I am having to reinstall all my software on the new computer. Now that Mercury is clearing his shadow on Sept 29 I am hoping it will run smoothly.
Namaste and blessings,
Reprinted exclusively with written permission from Dale Osadchuck on All rights reserved.
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