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Druidry: Our Animal Nature

Druidry: Our Animal Nature

The idea that humans are somehow separate from ‘nature’ underpins everything that is wrong with us a species.

It causes us to act in ways that are harmful to us and destructive of life on the planet. Consequently, engaging with our own animal natures is important work that allows us to challenge and change this dangerous misconception.

I’ve been making this part of my daily practice for some time now. I make a point of stopping regularly and just checking in with how my body is doing. I’ve become much more alert to my own needs for breaks, for rest and for very quiet downtime. I’ve increased the amount of contemplation I do.

Like many people, a lot of my work is intrinsically sedentary. I’ve become more aware of my own discomfort around spending long periods sat at a computer. I’m making a point of taking more breaks to stretch and move, and take care of my body.

Nature is part of us. We are mammals, creatures, animals and in the habit of denying this. We all need food, rest, sleep and comfort. We aren’t machines to be productively grinding out labour all the time. We’re creating ways of living and being that don’t suit us at all. The human animal needs green space for physical and mental wellbeing. We need fresh air and movement, peacefulness and also the right kinds of stimulation. We need less noise and more content.

Finding out what kind of creature you are is a journey. We all have our times of day when we best function and many of us are not suited to a nine to five job. We each need specific things in terms of diet. Some of us need more rest and sleep than others. Some of us need more stimulation than others. Making time to explore what we most need is a way of connecting with nature. Making room for nature as it manifests in our own bodies is a good choice for a Pagan. It’s about making honouring nature less of a nice but impractical idea and more of a lived reality.

In my experience, being more in tune with my animal self calls upon me to be gentler and kinder. I move at a slower pace, and I rest more. I also get more done that way and I don’t waste time on pointless, unfulfilling things. I’m better able to support and encourage restfulness in others – which is impossible if you’re rushing round all the time. I can make more space for the quiet, soothing activities that support and nurture the people around me.

There’s only so far with this we can go as individuals, because what we need is social change. However, being an individual and embracing nature within yourself will impact on the people in your life in all kinds of ways. Change can ripple out from us, inviting others to drop pace, and find ways to live kinder, easier lives too.


druid life

About Nimue Brown

Druid, author, dreamer, folk enthusiast, parent, wife to the most amazing artist -Tom Brown. Drinker of coffee, maker of puddings.
Credit: druidlife.wordpress.com
Source Here

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