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2025: Ascension to the New Earth Begins

2025: Ascension to the New Earth Begins

Two Types of Fear

The stars are aligned in 2025, ushering the end of an Era! With all generational outer planets moving to zero degrees in a new sign, the global reboot is launching something new, fresh, untarnished.

The world is currently concluding the old Atlantean power system and migrating into the New Earth system. Just as we use Windows or macOS operating systems to access our computers and function online, humanity uses a planetary operating system to thrive.

In the planetary field, there are two parallel operating systems accessible to choose from. Many souls have consciously chosen to abandon the dying patriarchal timeline and migrate to the new Ascension Timeline going forward. We were born into a top-down, hierarchal power system. It is a parasitic control Matrix that feeds and supplies the top-tier elite all the energy, resources, power and life force of the lower tiers on Gaia. A clear example of the global Matrix would be the Holocaust; a systemic, state-run persecution enslavement operation run by white supremacists.

When you choose to shift your energy field into the Ascension Timeline, you start to disentangle from the Matrix top-down power system. It is a gradual process of delayering and erasing matrix programming. You will start to experience a shift in the mind, a new perspective. Like looking through a new lens. The Matrix filter will start to break apart and dissolve.

Your mind will begin to release old Matrix programming, like removing software from a computer. Your mind will no longer be attracted to the control Matrix narrative. More and more discordant, chaotic energies will surface for clearing. Your mind will experience confusion and become more aware of internal mental blocks or barriers to your Higher Self, your inner truth and psychic skills.

The Matrix membranes of separation will feel frustrating. You will become conscious that there has been malicious interference running in the mind and in your life. Emotions will start to rise to the surface of your awareness once you realize you have been controlled and manipulated.

As you disentangle from the global Matrix, you start to recognize how it has been interfering in all areas of your life. This may be a new concept to you, but I’ve been banging into this dark web ever since I started doing energy clearings with clients 25 years ago. It is nebulous and insidious, opposing personal freedom and empowerment.

The amygdala is a part of the brain that processes emotions, especially fear, anxiety, and anger. When feeling unsafe or threatened, the amygdala stimulates a natural survival instinct to protect yourself in the moment. It operates like a ‘red alert’ internal alarm bell. Human fear is our self-protection mechanism. Once you have taken positive action, removed the threat and secured your safety, the fear served its purpose and dissipates.

The Matrix energetically plugs into the primal brainstem and emotional amygdala – it runs on existential fear. An interfering stream of stimulated artificial fear circulates in the primal brainstem and amygdala, perpetuating a downward spiral of chronic anxiety and despair. Matrix fear runs on imagined threats, traumatic memories and ancestral persecution and genocide (Holocaust example) so humans sink into the fearful abyss.

Human fear is self-protection while Matrix artificial fear is disempowering and disassociating. The ‘freeze’ response to fear is the end goal. Instead of protecting yourself from harm, you are frozen, stuck, locked down, immobile. Escapism becomes the secondary response.

In order to exit the Matrix and liberate yourself from fear-based entrapment, it helps to:

  • Own your Fear instead of pushing it away
  • Bring healing light into your Fear
  • Connect with your Higher Self
  • Disentangle from the dark web Matrix system
  • Establish your self-care routine
  • Honor self-protective fear as valuable, essential
  • Identify any artificial existential fear and remove it
  • Commit to regular spiritual self-care practice

As 2025 unfolds, all Light Leaders are being called to take care of their health, wellbeing and maintain inner calm center. We are transcending the fear-based system. We are setting ourselves free! We are collectively creating the New Earth system.

Be well…Meg

Meg Benedicte Bio - Credit

Copyright (c) 2024 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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