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Ascension Ain’t Easy

Ascension Ain’t Easy

Remember when the idea of ascension sounded like an exciting and blissful journey in which we’d somehow magically blossom into our true multidimensional selves as we shifted into the Fifth Dimension?

Well, in some ways, it is kind of like this, right? We do have those incredible periods of time in which magical synchronicities occur, joy flows through us, and deeper and deeper spiritual awakening occurs.

Sometimes we expand in our awareness of all-that-is, and we discover ever-greater inner horizons to explore. Deep love streams through us, and profound gratitude fills our hearts.

But then — there are also the times when the ascension process gets really, really hard. Old dysfunctional patterns assail us, sending us into depression or self-pity. Unresolved traumas are reactivated.

We bring old woundings into new relationships. Familiar ways of coping with challenges no longer seem to work. And unsettling anxiety dogs us, sometimes seemingly for no reason at all.

It helps to understand that this is all to be expected in our ascension process into the much higher frequency of the Fifth Dimension. It’s a monumental leap in frequency we’re making. All this third-dimensional debris has to come up to be seen, dealt with, and resolved; we can’t bring it with us where we’re going. So we find we just have to call up emotional reserves we never knew we had, and continue to muscle our way through it.

How Much Longer Will This Go on?

But it can get really old, can’t it? How much longer is this going to go on? How many new challenges are we going to have to meet?

How much more of the Unknown are we going to need to walk into, sometimes fearing for our very survival? How much more loss are we going need to live through?

And of course, it’s not just personal issues we’re dealing with – the chaos in the external world is certainly contributing to our uncertainty and anxiety, as well. Reports from certain hopeful sources do come in, trying to assure us that positive progress is being made to bring down the dark forces now attempting to further weaken us. And yet, nothing is ever really clear that this is occurring.

There’s no knowing how much longer we will need to wait for life to feel safe again for us. And we sometimes wonder, Will it ever be safe again?

Or is the world really going to change so much, with so much of it having collapsed, that we’ll have to go through a long period of deprivation?

No one seems to know answers to these questions. There are always predictions, but they never quite seem to come true. So it becomes overwhelming at times, when there seems to be no end in sight.

We can see that, through this process, we’re getting stronger, more awake, more powerful, in knowing who we are. But there are times when it truly seems we just aren’t going to be able to continue on experiencing what we are.

At Times, Trust is All We Have

What it seems to call for in the end is learning to trust – trust in a way we’ve never had too before. Trust that we are somehow being guided in a loving way along our ascension path in the best way possible. Trust that we will somehow make it into the reality of the Fifth Dimension. And trust we will know what to do, in right timing, in the right way, at each turn along our path there.

This involves a deep leap into the Unknown, one we may think we’ve made in the past, but come to find that this is a much more profound leap than we’ve ever had to make before.

It entails a letting go of much of what we’ve believed to be true, both in how the world works and what has actually been happening out there – and also even what we’ve believed and thought we’ve understood about the spiritual world. Much of what we’ve depended on to feel safe and secure in life is being stripped away.

Ascension Anxiety

So it’s no surprise to find a nagging sense of anxiety fluttering in our gut that can sometimes feel unbearable. We can be aware of what the anxiety is about, and focus on attempting to come up with solutions.

But sometimes, there doesn’t seem to be any real reason to feel it at the moment. Either way, it seems as if we just need to learn to live with what could be called “Ascension Anxiety.”

If you can relate to any this, you might find it helpful to listen to my latest podcast: “Learning to Live with Ascension Anxiety”. It will perhaps remind you of practices you’ve learned over the years in how to deal with anxiety — and also offer you some new ways.

You’re in Good Company

And – you’ll probably realize you’re in good company. Many lightworkers lately seem to be dealing with more intense challenges than ever before that naturally bring up intense anxiety.

In listening, you might further realize that we’re all being prepared for our work that’s probably just ahead of us now.

Those of us who are out on the front lines, understanding the big picture of what is happening, are experiencing at this point the radical transition that ascension requires. In living through it now, we will be better able to assist others who have no clue yet what ascension is all about.

Just remembering this can be helpful. It can at least add a sense of meaning and purpose to all we’re experiencing!


About Vidya
As an author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has had a passion for exploring the phenomenon called the spiritual journey for over forty-five years.  Along with experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. Serving as a unique bridge between the worlds of psychology and spiritual awakening, Vidya acts as a “wayshower” to a wide spectrum of people internationally: from those who are just beginning their spiritual search to those who have experienced profound awakening.
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