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Lions Gate Activations

LionsGate Activations

In just hours we will reach peak LionsGate power on Tuesday, August 8th. When we step into the Lionsgate portal and set our Intentions and visions, there will be increased magnetic potency. This is an empowering event, so take advantage of the Leo magic sprinkled on your LionsGate Intentions.

We are celebrating the annual Zep Tepi – Sirian Elders Lions Gate in the constellation of Leo and the Royal Star Regulus. While the LionsGate portal is fully open, intense diamond light waves stream from the Great Central Sun, through Blue Star Sirius, our Sun and into the Zep Tepi grid points of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. The LionsGate portal is opening the ‘Universal Heart’ to all. As you open your heart in resonance with loving consciousness, you begin to hold the frequency of Leo’s brave heart.

The ancient Egyptians celebrated the annual event when Star Sirius aligned with the Great Pyramid and Sphynx forming a frequency receptor of celestial light transmission. Leo represents the Sun, the center of the solar system. Just as the Sun radiates light throughout the cosmos, Leo enhances your ability to become the source of Light in your own reality. As you step into tomorrow’s LionsGate, your star power is being activated. You have an opportunity to build and expand your inner Soul super-radiance and heart-felt mindset!

LionsGate magic surges on 8-8. In numerology the Infinity ‘8’ is the symbol of balance, union and infinite abundance. The zero-point center of the Infinity 8 exists ‘out of time’, in the NOW. In the stillness at zero point, the Heart Center opens and expands to unite with the quantum field of ‘All That Is’… the quantum field of infinite possibilities and abundance.

Run an Infinity Loop vertically around your heart and mind, weaving them into more harmonic coherence. Let’s empower heart magnetism to manifest your true Soul desires!

Don’t miss this golden opportunity to proclaim and initiate your visions and intentions for living as a divine human. Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world for the LionsGate Global Activations on TuesdayAugust 8th at 12pm Pacific Time.

We will perform healing activations and global intentions with bold hearts and clear visions during our Lionsgate gathering. The show is recorded for replay. The annual 88 LionsGate is open and alive with cosmic fire! Register Here!

Lovingly, Meg


Copyright (c) 2023 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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