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August 2024 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!

August 2024 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!



Ehwaz “the Horse”. A powerful element is likely to be introduced in our lives that will resolutely mark the end of a cycle and the beginning of a completely new one. Total change is afoot that will drastically shift our consciousness, opening exciting horizons. August is likely to be a turning point month for us all, leading to a new level of freedom.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Pluto remains retrograde this whole month till October 11. Its shadow period lasts until February 2, 2025. The degree traveled in August (0º40’-0º02’ Aquarius) is associated in the Sabian Symbols with the following image: “An old adobe Mission”. A chance to reassess our relationship to power, our sense of personal mastery, and the strength of our spiritual faith.

Neptune remains retrograde this whole month until December 7th. Its shadow period will remain until March 28, 2025. The degree covered in August (29º42’-29º05’ Pisces) is represented by: “A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it.” As fake information, confusion, and deceit abound, it is important that we choose what we want to see happen in our life and see it as having already happened. The more we keep our mind and our emotions on the positive we wish to achieve, the more we shall be able to bring it into concrete manifestation. As the Indian saying goes: “Man is a creature of reflection. He becomes that upon which he reflects.”

Saturn remains retrograde this whole month until November 15. Its shadow period lasts until February 18, 2025. The degrees traveled in August (18º36’-16º39’ Pisces) are symbolized by: “A Master instructing his disciple”, “In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performance”, and “An Easter promenade”. We are required to re-evaluate our dreams against reality, redefine our boundaries, and become clear on the work that needs to be done to manifest our visions. Our spiritual faith -or lack thereof, is also brought into focus. What do we believe in and how does it help us? A time to enjoy our creativity, expand our imagination, develop our fantasy, while learning and growing in ways that help us enhance our own as well as other people’s lives.

Mercury turns retrograde on August 4 till August 28 between 4º06’ Virgo and 21º39’ Leo. Its shadow period will remain until September 11. The degree it turns retrograde on is symbolized by: “A man becoming aware of Nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies.”  Our attention is being drawn to details. Our psychic energies are likely to develop. The rhythm of life accelerates in significant ways forcing us to examine the selflessness of our service to others, our ability to bring order to chaos and healing to disease. Issues centering around health, diet, and fitness come to the forefront. We also become concerned with romance; if we are single, finding the right partner, or if we are in a committed relationship, reassessing the strength of our partnership, its playfulness, and whether or not it enriches our life. Our connection to children, as well as the development of our creativity also become topics of interest.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The Moon will be Void of Course (V/O –forming no major aspect with any planet before entering the following sign-):

  • On Saturday 8/3 between 3:31 AM and 4:10 AM: when the Moon enters Leo.
  • On Monday 8/5 between 8:16 AM and 2:17 PM: when the Moon enters Virgo.
  • On Thursday 8/8 between 1:40 AM and 2:31 AM: when the Moon enters Libra.
  • From Friday 8/9 at 2”45 PM till Saturday 8/10 at 3:34 PM: when the Moon enters Scorpio.
  • On Tuesday 8/13 between 2:01 AM and 3:01 AM: when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
  • On Thursday 8/15 between 9:52 AM and 10:51 AM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
  • On Saturday 8/17 between 1:43 PM and 2:45 PM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
  • On Monday 8/19 between 11:26 AM and 3:52 PM: when the Moon enters Pisces.
  • On Wednesday 8/21 between 2:54 PM and 4:02 PM: when the Moon enters Aries.
  • On Friday 8/23 between 5:44 AM and 5:00 PM: when the Moon enters Taurus.
  • On Sunday 8/25 between 6:40 PM and 8:04 PM: when the Moon enters Gemini.
  • On Wednesday 8/28 between 12:14 AM and 1:47 AM: when the Moon enters Cancer.
  • On Friday 8/30 between 8:24 AM and 10:09 AM: when the Moon enters Leo.

Mark these periods in red in your calendar and avoid scheduling anything of importance during these times as they would amount to… NO thing!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Scheduling our activities using the zodiacal position of the Moon

Moon in Cancer until Saturday 8/3 at 4:09 AM + between Wednesday 8/28 at 1:47 AM and Friday 8/30 at 10:08 AM: Perfect for family activities, especially those involving children. Good for spending more time at home, cooking, nurturing ourselves and those we love, inviting the people we cherish over for dinner. Excellent also for drawing, creative writing, humor, and anything requiring imagination and a touch of craziness….

Moon in Leo between Saturday 8/3 at 4:10 AM and Monday 8/5 at 2:16 PM + between Friday 8/30 at 10:09 AM and Sunday 9/1 at 8:47 PM: Excellent for anything glamorous, dramatic performances, being in the public’s eye, throwing or attending an elegant party, playing with children, romance, and creativity in general…

Moon in Virgo between Monday 8/5 at 2:17 PM and Thursday 8/8 at 2:30 AM: Excellent for starting a new fitness program, learning, healthy nutrition, fasting, clearing our closets, cleaning our home, reorganizing our drawers…. Perfect also for detailed work, the focused use of our intelligence, and taking care of small pets….

Moon in Libra between Thursday 8/8 at 2:31 AM and Saturday 8/10 at 3:33 PM: Great for relationships, associations, diplomatic exchanges with others, anything related to beauty (a haircut, buying new clothes, a make-over…), art (especially painting and decorating…), a pleasant social event (concert, art exhibition…).

Moon in Scorpio between Saturday 8/10 at 3:34 PM and Tuesday 8/13 at 3:00 AM: Perfect for scientific research, esoteric studies, self-transformation, shamanism, dealing with the mysteries of life, death, and sexuality, as well as insurances and issues involving personal power.

Moon in Sagittarius between Tuesday 8/13 at 3:01 AM and Thursday 8/15 at 10:50 AM: Perfect for traveling, religious and/or philosophical activities or matters related to higher education and the law. Excellent for lecturing, learning, perfecting a foreign language, exploring other cultures… Perfect also for athletic training and tending to large animals (horses….).

Moon in Capricorn between Thursday 8/15 at 10:51 AM and Saturday 8/17 at 2:44 PM: Good for furthering our ambitions, asking for a promotion, enlisting the support of people in positions of authority, making a good impression, re-structuring our business, and redefining our long-term goals…

Moon in Aquarius between Saturday 8/17 at 2:45 PM and Monday 8/19 at 3:51 PM: Perfect for philanthropic activities, charitable organizations, meeting with friends, making new acquaintances. Good also for inventions, far out, progressive ideas, inter-dimensional and time travel, anything related to UFOs, computers, and technology in general….

Moon in Pisces between Monday 8/19 at 3:52 PM and Wednesday 8/21 at 4:01 PM: Great for meditating, sitting by the ocean, anything related to the sacred, dancing, painting, swimming, dreaming, music, photography, film, sleeping, channeling, connecting with the mystical, the magic and the oneness of all that is…

Moon in Aries between Wednesday 8/21 at 4:02 PM and Friday 8/23 at 4:59 PM: Perfect for intense physical activities, anything requiring forceful, direct action and self-assertion. Good also for leadership, spontaneity, good will, being a way shower, initiating new projects or bringing our car to the mechanic….

Moon in Taurus between Friday 8/23 at 5:00 PM and Sunday 8/25 at 8:03 PM: Perfect for any financial matter: paying our bills/debts, asking for the money that is owed to us, opening a bank account, investing in real estate, buying, and selling. Perfect also for a stroll in the park, going to the countryside, connecting with our Mother the Earth… Good also for gardening, pottery, sculpting, as well as bodywork…

Moon in Gemini between Sunday 8/25 at 8:04 PM and Wednesday 8/28 at 1:46 AM: Excellent for multi-tasking, curiosity, any form of communication, exchanging information, sending e-mails, calling friends and acquaintances. Great also for social activities, attending conferences, reading a book, watching a documentary, gathering data on various topics, connecting with new people….

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This month’s intentional meditation started on Sunday 7/21 with the Full Moon in Capricorn at exactly 3:17 AM.

On Sunday 8/4take out your blank full moon charged papers and write on each a concise, positive intention. Place them on a balcony, in a garden or near a window so that they are out by exactly 4:13 AM for the New Moon in Leo. Once that moment has passed, staple them together and put them away in a folder expecting the manifestation of all your dreams….

Next month’s intentional meditation starts on Monday 8/19. Take out as many blank sheets of paper as you have intentions and place them near a window, on a balcony or in a garden so that they basked in the light of the Full Moon in Aquarius at exactly 11:26 AM. Once that moment passed, gather your Full Moon charged blank sheets and place them in a folder until the next New Moon next month.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Friday 8/2: Venus Square Uranus (6:27 AM)

Sudden changes in our social life could be shocking. An old friend could re-emerge revealing how differently we have evolved. Relationships that have run their course are likely to explode. Somewhat irresponsible with regard to our emotional commitments, we might unwillingly get into arguments leading to sudden separations. We could be faced with unexpected expenses. A day to be careful when dealing with others.

Sunday 8/4: Venus enters Virgo (7:23 PM) till 8/29, Mercury turns retrograde (9:56 PM) till 8/28

During the next 3 weeks, our approach to relationships is realistic and pragmatic. We do not court illusions but seek purity, harmony, and are willing to be of selfless service to the one we love.  Taking care of our health feels important, putting order in our environment, and helping those who are in need are important goals. Regarding Mercury turning retrograde today for 3 weeks, kindly refer to the opening paragraph.

Wednesday 8/7: Sun Sextile Jupiter (6:37 AM), Mercury Conjunct Venus (8:12 PM)

A very happy and harmonious day. Our cheerful enthusiasm, and kind, respectful, diplomatic approach ensure the success of our endeavors. We inspire trust. Valuable doors open. Financial investments are rewarding. Great for an enjoyable journey, studying a topic of legal, philosophical, spiritual, or cultural interest, and anything related to publishing.

Wednesday 8/14: Mars Conjunct Jupiter (8:22 AM), Mercury enters Leo (5:16 PM) till September 8

A day to defend the principles we believe in and be straightforward in our actions. Considerable progress is possible if we remain fair and ethical. Great for any athletic activity, defending the underprivileged, or going on a dynamic trip. During the next 3 weeks, we are likely to express our ideas with panache. We could be drawn to the theater. Our organizational and leadership abilities come to the forefront. Activities with children are favored.

Thursday 8/15: Mars Square Saturn (10:30 PM)

Today, plagued by a certain sense of insecurity, our actions could be inhibited, our actions, curbed, and our efforts prove discouraging. A day to not seek outer support, but stick to the grinder with resilience, the willingness to work hard, focus, and exert real discipline. We are -albeit painfully, laying the groundwork for the future.

Sunday 8/18: Mercury Square Uranus (2:47 AM), Sun Conjunct Mercury (6:58 PM), Venus Square Jupiter (10:53 PM)

Nothing is likely to turn out the way we thought. Breakdowns in communication are possible. We should be careful to not jump too hastily to conclusions without having all the facts. Explosive information could emerge. We might over-estimate ourselves in a way that causes a separation from someone close to us. Exaggerating our emotions could be tempting but is not advised. We could be vulnerable to legal and financial difficulties and spend more money than necessary on an item we may end up regretting buying. Not a good day to form partnerships.  

Monday 8/19: Venus Opposition Saturn (1:30 AM), Sun Square Uranus (9:45 AM), Jupiter Square Saturn (2:46 PM)

Unexpected events, a sense of isolation, discouragement in a love relationship, or heavy financial demands could make this day rather depressing. The calmer, more reserved, serious, hard-working, and grounded we are, the better. Not a good day to start a new project nor establish any kind of partnership.  

Thursday 8/22: the Sun enters Virgo (7:56 AM) till September 22, Venus Square Mars (8:20 PM)

During the next month, we are likely to be more attentive to details, are willing to work hard with great selflessness, and seek to be of service to others by bringing healing and order. Today, more specifically, we could experience volatile relationships. Our social life may not run as smoothly as we’d like it to. Others could be moody, impatient, or rejecting in some way. A day best spent engaged in a physical activity that allows us to blow some steam off.

Friday 8/23: Mercury Sextile Mars (9:31 PM)

Our mind is sharp, alert, and quick. We voice our convictions with courage and are drawn to decisive actions. Greatly confident in our ideas, we are willing to fight for them. Seeking to take the lead of any project we believe in, we find change stimulating. Great for seizing money-making opportunities.

Tuesday 8/27: Venus Trine Uranus (12:24 AM)

More popular and charismatic than usual, our social life is likely to become quite exciting. Love could turn into friendship and a friendship could lead to love. We seek an intimate relationship that supports the expression of our individuality and our need for freedom and independence. Money matters could fluctuate, bringing an unexpected financial gain.

Wednesday 8/28: Venus Opposition Neptune (1:25 PM), Mercury turns direct (2:14 PM)

Relationships could be a little confusing today. We could be more in love with love than with an actual person. A seemingly perfect soulmate encounter could not be all that it appears to be. Lies, deceit, or fogginess could blur the reality of our connections making us believe in something that is not quite real. Let us also be cautious of potential financial frauds. Communications may still be a little wobbly today, but they will completely have returned to normal by tomorrow.

Thursday 8/29: Venus enters Libra (6:23 AM) till September 22, Venus Trine Pluto (7:32 AM)

During the coming 3 weeks, relationships assume a greater than usual importance. We seek companionships that are balanced, loving, and harmonious. Beauty is important to us. A great period for a make-over or re-decorating our home. Artistic endeavors are also favored. Today, more specifically, our magnetic appeal is intensified, encouraging us to infuse our relationship with passion. Our ability to make a lot of money is enhanced. The intensity of our inspiration can lead to powerful creations.

Wishing you a joyful month of August!

In Loving Light.

Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.

Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.

The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. 

Copyright © 2024 Michelle Karen Books. www.michellekaren.com

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