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Horoscopes: August 19th Thru The 26th

Horoscopes: August 19th Thru The 26th

For Mars and Uranus through the solar or natal houses, check your sign (or house if you know it) below: 


(Mars in 3rd House) Your ruling planet, Mars, is about to spend an extra long time in the sign of Gemini (until March 24th), a sign associated with communications, words, movement and the myriad of things in our environment, that we see and hear and consequently try to make sense of. Mars speeds things up in this department of our lives, so that our mind is spinning, and we find ourselves in constant motion. Aries is not known for their patience, and having Mars here for an inordinate amount of time, could tax your patience even further, especially with others’ evasiveness, ambiguity or indecisiveness. You just won’t be having it. There are things to do, and places to be when Mars is in Gemini, and anyone who can’t keep up is likely to be left behind. Rather than lashing out at your annoying neighbors or those laggards still sitting on the fence, use the courage and enthusiasm of Mars to find your voice, or attack an intellectual idea or subject. 

(Uranus in 2nd House) As Uranus stations in Taurus this week, it could become more obvious how the economy and your own finances have this capacity to bounce all over the place. But perhaps even more significant with the retrograde station, is giving yourself permission to question the ways that you spend it. And whether or not you are sacrificing your freedom and individuality for the sake of financial (or some other sort of) security. And that includes freedom of choice. What are those things that you want to spend your precious time, money and resources on? And do you feel comfortable giving yourself permission to do so? 


(Uranus in 1st House) We have been asking this one question of Taurus ever since Uranus first entered your sign in 2018. And at each station, Uranus poses the question yet again: “What does it mean to be free to be your truest, most authentic version of yourself?” And as Uranus is poised to enter its retrograde phase at this station this week, it dares to take that idea to an even deeper level. Be open to the new. Don’t shy away from experiences. There could be something in these new experiences that can show you that you don’t always have to keep doing things the way you have in the past. And you need the freedom to know what that could feel like for you. You need the freedom to be able to grow into yourself. 

(Mars in 2nd House) Having Mars in your sign over these past few months should have given you the courage and initiative to take on some new challenges. Now that Mars will be in the sign of Gemini for the next 7 months, you will be challenged to stay the course. But one of the questions that could come up here is whether or not you have the time, money and resources to follow through. It really is a matter of priorities. And unfortunately, it can happen when Mars is in Gemini that you find yourself squabbling over how and what you want to invest your valuable time and resources. And being clear with yourself about what your most important priorities are, will be helpful when needing to state your case or take a stand. 


(Mars in 1st House) Every few years Mars will sail through your sign, re-energizing you and getting you motivated. But rarely does Mars spend such an extended amount of time in your sign, as it will this year. From August 20th thru March 24th, Mars will bring you the courage, energy and decisiveness to follow through with ideas and plans, helping you to charge ahead of the pack, and take the lead. Quick moving Gemini is going to be in high gear for the next 7 months. This will be helpful if you are needing that energy to make a new start, or go in a new direction, or just get things done. You’ll be charging ahead, and anyone who can’t keep up is likely to fall by the wayside. You have things to do and people to see, and anyone who tries to get in your way, will rue the day. Gemini is in high gear and on a mission.

(Uranus in 12th House) Uranus has this way of shaking things up and shaking off a whole batch of things in the process when it moves through this area of your chart. Some of these can be freeing and enlivening in the process. Yet sometimes more precious items and mementos can get caught up in the mix, and these can leave trails of regret and remorse in their wake. Know that there is no blame attached to Uranus, as it reveals, displaces and tosses all the skeletons and remnants of your life from out of the attic, and out on to the street for everyone to peruse. But it can leave us feeling shocked and displaced. Use the retrograde phase of Uranus to reorient yourself to the present. And to the reality that the only thing we can truly hold on to is right here, right now in front of us. Things can change suddenly and inexplicably, and even be taken away. But no one can take away your memories, and the things that you hold so dearly in your heart. 


(Mars in 12th House) Usually when Mars is in Gemini, this is not a time for Cancer to necessarily make new beginnings, or push forward with initiatives. It can even feel as if you are not being seen at all, and/or noticed. And this can be frustrating this time around, as Mars will be in Gemini until the end of March, which is such an extended period of time. You may even get to the edge of creating a new initiative, only then to step back again, and go back to the drawing board. However, what can occur during these months are a lot of personal insights into your own motivations and what drives you. As a result of this inner awareness, when Mars finally enters your sign at the end of March, you will know precisely what it is that you want, and be fully prepared. Therefore this is a good time to do the research and make plans for when Mars will enter Cancer, and your life takes on a more active and progressive role. 

(Uranus in 11th House) As Uranus stations and shifts for its retrograde phase this week, you are being given a different point of view. Perhaps you are being shown an alternative way of being, a new possibility and path. You have been progressively growing and evolving over the years, but your outward circumstances may not necessarily reflect this. If that is so, you will begin to feel a deep dissatisfaction, and desire to free yourself up for better things. In the process you will find yourself moving out into the world, making new contacts and creating new dreams. Uranus is daring you to expand your vision for a world that can better accommodate the person you are in the process of becoming, shaking off the remnants of old dreams along the way. And during the retrograde phase of Uranus, which lasts 5 months, you are being asked to accustom yourself to this idea of growing out into the world and beyond your previous expectations. To a world of new possibility. 


(Uranus in 10th House) As Uranus stations for its upcoming 5-month retrograde phase, it will be preparing you for any sort of adjustments or changes in your goals or aspirations. This can be a time of reassessment of your life’s goals. It can often feel as if we are outgrowing our current circumstances when Uranus stations here, as we flail about for something that seems more accommodating. If you have already made changes, then the next 5 months will be a time of internal adjustment to these new circumstances. And if you are thinking about making some sort of change in the future, this will be when you will be accustoming yourself to the idea of doing so. In all cases, you will be assessing how your current circumstances reflect the person you genuinely are now, or hope to become in the future. 

(Mars in 11th House) Now that specific goals had been defined while Mars was in Taurus, you will want to pursue these goals with greater energy and enthusiasm. Especially now that Mars is in Gemini for the next 7 months. And you could even find yourself part of a group that shares the same goals, and feeds into that energy and enthusiasm. This would work especially well for any kind of sports or competitive activities. However, in some circumstances that same competitive drive could make working with some people very difficult. Especially if you are not on the same page and working at cross purposes. Working with others often requires compromise and cooperation, something that you won’t feel like doing as much with Mars in Gemini. However, if you can find common cause with others, and are able to coordinate your goals, this 7-month long transit of Mars in Gemini can be truly fierce. 


(Mars in 10th House) Mars is going to be spending an inordinate amount of time in the sign of Gemini, from Aug 20th thru March 24th. Usually it only spends a few months here. These are often times, every few years, when Virgo feels particularly ambitious and driven. You have the courage to take on new roles, to take charge, and take a stand. You could rediscover the courage of your voice, and even declare to use it in defense of those who might not have a voice of their own. Do be cautious however. With Mars retrograding and carrying on in Gemini these many months, you could find yourself crossing swords with others, and stepping on the wrong toes. Be brave, but cautiously so. Used carefully and strategically you can positively use this courage and initiative to pick up the gauntlet and take on challenges, and achieve goals that you normally would not even consider. 

(Uranus in 9th House) For the past 4 years that Uranus has been in Taurus, it has been trying to open Virgo up to new ways of thinking, and new ways of viewing the world. And that can also include challenging previously held ideas and beliefs. If you had outgrown those previous beliefs they will no longer suffice. And sudden breaks from the past would have become necessary. If you have not yet made any specific changes, or evolutionary leaps of faith, then these annual stations of Uranus can inspire you to think outside your accustomed ways of seeing things. Uranus wants you to expand your vision. And sometimes that can be as simple as being introduced to new and innovative ways of looking at the world. And once your eyes are opened, you will never quite see the world the same way again. 


(Mars in 9th House) Mars will be in the sign of Gemini for 7 months, beginning this weekend. Normally it would fly right through in a few months. This extended period of time in Gemini will have Libra re-examining and fueling a desire to defend their ideas and beliefs. When you make a statement, you are more likely to stand by it. And will not back down. This could bring you into conflict with others who do not agree, but Libra has this remarkable capacity to diplomatically debate an issue into the ground if necessary. Libra will often weigh both sides of an argument equally. But this placement of Mars could find Libra unusually decisive, and much less likely to back down. Nonetheless, this could present an unusual opportunity to learn by engaging others in debate. You will know if an idea is sound when it can stand up to even the most rigorous arguments.

(Uranus in 8th House) One thing that can become apparent to Libra during the years that Uranus is in Taurus, is that the only real constant in life is Change. And these can be all the more apparent around the annual stations of Uranus, such as we are having this week. During the 7 years that Uranus is in Taurus, from 2018 thru 2025, Libra will see their lives changing, perhaps even dramatically so in some cases. But perhaps the most important changes that occur during the 5 month retrograde phases of Uranus in Taurus, are more internal. We all have accustomed ways of doing things, patterns we have established out of habit. These can get us into ruts, and prevent us from being able to grow. These retrograde phases afford us the opportunity to free up our lives, by giving us permission to change these old ways of doing things. This is how evolution occurs, beginning from an inner necessity, that evolves from within outwards. 


(Mars in 8th House) Your ruling planet, Mars, is going to be in the sign of Gemini for an extended period of time, from August 20th thru March 24th. As a result it will bring a lot of activity into your life that could ultimately transform your life in some significant way. This will take effort, and require you to take some kind of action for this to occur, but you have the motivation and the will to follow through once you get started. And once you do, things could move quite quickly. This is great if you are needing to make some sort of change in your life. On another note, Mars can sometimes bring conflict, and in Gemini this could be over some sort of shared property, agreements or resources shared with others. Mars could compel you to reassess your position on these matters, and revise financial agreements or contracts. Others may challenge you on this, but once your mind is made up you will defend your decision. Even if it takes the full 7 months to do so. 

(Uranus in 7th House) At some point in the Uranus in Taurus 7-year transit you come to realize that you don’t need a partner, or other people to define you. In fact by revolving your life around others, it can prove to be a distraction from discovering and realizing who you actually are. When Uranus is in Taurus, what it offers Scorpio is a fuller appreciation of your own independence and freedom to define yourself and your own life. Whether you realize it or not, you are needing to breathe and spread your wings. In some way the people and circumstances in your life are showing you new and alternative ways of being, that will allow you to grow in ways that you might not have even anticipated. 


(Mars in 7th House) During the months that Mars is in Gemini, Sagittarius will feel as if they are constantly being challenged and thwarted. Normally Mars would only spend a few months in this sign, but this year Mars will be in Gemini for a full 7 months, all the way through to March. This will require you to have to defend and protect yourself for what feels like eons. Luckily Sagittarius is rarely at a loss for words. And Mars in Gemini can enforce that, by giving you an extra surge of enthusiasm and competitive courage to debate and defend your position if you have to. Or to deal with challenging events that require an additional amount of confidence and energy. In this way Sagittarius will be more than ready to take on all challengers, jousts and competitions, come what may. 

(Uranus in 6th House) Uranus will station this week for its retrograde phase which lasts until January 22nd. We have a tendency to get ourselves into habits, and accustomed routines. Healthy habits and routines can help to support our well-being. But unhealthy habits and tendencies can also undermine our well-being. During the retrograde phase of Uranus, Sagittarius is being given the opportunity to free themselves up from any self-limiting habits or routines that are holding them back and preventing them from growing. One thing that can become apparent is that you don’t have to keep doing things the way you always have in the past, and that there might be better ways of doing things, or ideas that you had not  even previously considered.


(Mars in 6th House) Work can sometimes feel challenging for Capricorn when Mars is in Gemini. People are grumpy, and competitive, and there just seems to be a bit of commotion in the work environment. But that can also be challenging in a good way, as things get sped up, which in turn can make you feel ever more energized and motivated. All those projects that you had been meaning to get to can now get accomplished. However, you will probably find it easier to work on your own if people are seemingly disgruntled. But also if others are not able to keep up with that extra surge of energy you are feeling. Another way this extended stay of Mars in Gemini (which lasts 7 months this year) can be positively used, is through some sort of physical activity or fitness regimen. In fact this might be a good idea, as it could help to lower any tendencies towards inflammation that Mars can bring. So join the gym, get out and walk, sign up for that race or walkathon, and get yourself moving. 

(Uranus in 5th House) With Uranus in Taurus these past 4 years, what could have become apparent is that it’s not the accolades and the applause that make a project or a goal worth its while, it’s the actual process and doing. You could still receive the recognition you thought you wanted, but then realize that it is all empty and vacuous, and not what you need. Capricorn needs to do. They need to feel useful. And the more passionately you feel about what you do, create or engage with others, the more it will feed your soul. In some way, Uranus has been asking Capricorn to reclaim their soul. And in doing so, also shows you what your soul is needing for its continued growth and well-being. The more starved it has been, the greater the necessity to feed it during the 5-month retrograde phase of Uranus which begins this week. 


(Uranus in 4th House) This week Uranus will station for its retrograde phase. For the 5 months that Uranus is in its retrograde phase we are given the opportunity to adjust and accustom ourselves to any changes that have occurred, or that we are planning on making in the foreseeable future. There can sometimes be changes in the home or family environment for Aquarius when Uranus is in Taurus. This is when we do the internal adjustments. The psychological shifts that allow us to internally process what the new paradigm might look like for you. In the process you might be asked to leave some old dreams behind of what you thought things should be like, or what you had hoped they should be. But know that if that is so, it is allowing you to grow into the person you are yet to be. 

(Mars in 5th House) With Mars in Gemini for the next 7 months, Aquarius is likely to feel more energized and motivated. You will probably want to get yourself moving. And could even feel more competitive than usual. Lucky for Aquarius, Mars does well in this placement. To make the most of it, this is probably not a time for Aquarius to be idle or to stand on the side lines. Look for activities that you can participate in that are within your activity range, and can get you moving. Whether that means joining the gym, going out dancing with friends, running around after the kids, or signing up for a race. Mars wants you to be active right now. Mars in this sector of the solar or natal chart can also be very sensual and self-indulgent, and why the heck not? After all, if it harms no one, it does no harm. And Mars in Gemini is trying to remind you that you are alive and kicking. 


(Mars in 4th House) Mars usually spends only a few months in a sign, but due to Mars’ retrograde phase later this year, it will be in Gemini for an unusually long time, until March 24th. This is a sign that Pisces usually associates with home and family, areas of life where we would usually prefer peace and security. But with Mars banging around in this sector of your solar or natal chart for an extended period of time, there could be more commotion than usual. This can be okay if you are in the process of renovating, rearranging or decorating, or doing repairs. Things that require a little commotion, noise and a dollop of energy. It can also unfortunately feed into any lingering contention or challenges with family members. A better way to use up all that active Mars energy is through family activities, game nights, friendly competitions or group outings. 

(Uranus in 3rd House) If you were to walk through your neighborhood, or your immediate environment, and pay attention, really pay attention, you might notice that some things had changed, evolved, and are different and yet the same. During the 5 month retrograde phase of Uranus, dare to look at your environment as if you were looking through the lens of a camera. As if you were a tourist seeing your neighborhood for the very first time. This allows you to see your world through a slightly different lens. And could even feel like the very landscape is shifting. But more importantly it can allow us to see things that we hadn’t before, and to see things from a whole new perspective. In this way, the retrograde phase of Uranus can be incredibly illuminating. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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