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Feel Empowered by Ho’oponopono
Written by Jessica Woods

In this week’s video my special guest, Jackie White talks to us about her experience of practicing and teaching Ho’oponopono.
This really is a very wonderful and effective way to get us to stop and think about what signals or messages we are giving out to people. Sometimes, without even realising it, we may throw out negative energy, or vibes at another person.
I know I have done this, and especially when driving. When someone has cut me up, nearly causing an accident, my reaction has been to get upset, frustrated, and call them an unpleasant name, which I won’t repeat here! This can happen to any one of us, yet, when it is a stranger, we tend to move on and quickly forget about the incident. When it comes to a friend, colleague, or loved one, our reaction tends to be more emotionally charged, we can see it as a direct attack on us as a person. We tend to not want to forgive or forget quite so easily. We can even go as far as to hold grudges and spend hours, days, or in some cases years not speaking to or having a relationship with that person.
Yet, we have a choice, we can create a different outcome, a more pleasing one that ends well for all. This is where the Ho’oponopono comes to the fore. As we begin to practice using it when we are confronted with negative thoughts about others, a difficult person, situation, or experience, it can be life-changing.
It allows us to stand back and view the issue through a different lens. Rather than one of righteousness, indignance, anger, frustration, hate, or any other negative emotion, saying those words somehow calms us down, helps us to reorientate, and reconsider our claim as the one who is ‘right.’ If we say it with intention, with feeling, and with confidence, we are taking responsibility for our inner world. When we change our inner reality, our outside experience matches it.
We all have negative thoughts and emotions. If we can remember to use the Ho’oponopono we can live more empowered lives. By bringing back to ourselves any misaligned negative energy intended for another, not only diffuses it away from the other person, where it doesn’t belong but back to us because we have the power to transform negative energy directed outwards.
The Ho’oponopono gives us that opportunity to empower ourselves. It realigns us to who we are, kind, loving, eternal beings in a physical body, living this third-dimensional experience. We can’t always get it right, but we can begin right now. I would suggest that you sit down with a cuppa, a place, and a time when you will not be disturbed. Think of all the people from your past that you have had a run-in with. Think of each person one-by-one, and repeat after me… ‘I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you.’
Don’t miss the latest interview with the amazing Jackie White
Jessica Talks... Ho'oponono with Jackie White
Click on the video below to watch the interview.
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