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5 Ways to De-Stress After Work

5 Ways to De-Stress After Work

When you're stressed at work, it's easy to take that stress home with you and see the effects on both yourself and those you love. But once we leave the office, a signal should go off to our brains that indicates it’s time to de-stress, recover from a long day and not let work-related energies impact our lives outside the office.

Like with many things, it’s easier to say stress should be left at the office than to actually ensure your stress doesn’t follow you home. The good news is there are ways to help you leave your stress behind at the office and to enjoy your free time. If you follow these five tips and tricks, you–and your loved ones–will thank us later.

  1. Find good entertainment for your commute.

Whether you walk to work, drive to work or take public transportation, your commute to and from the office is best spent with your mind off your job. Read a book, listen to a podcast or music, play a game or call a friend. Keeping your mind off work–both on the way to work and on the way home–will help you keep your stress at the office. If you're not occupied while traveling to work, there’s a good chance your mind will run wild, which can lead to added stress and frustration. Thinking about all of the things you need to do or what you're going to prioritize for the day ahead are natural thoughts for your commute. But leave that for work! Those thoughts can wait until you make it into the office. Finding good entertainment for your trip to and from the office will ease the travel time along while productively using your time.

  1. Finish up incomplete projects before leaving the office.

Some projects take weeks if not months to complete, but whenever it’s feasible, finish the tasks you’re working on and tie up loose ends before you leave the office. Leaving work with incomplete projects may lead to your mind continually wander back to your unfinished task, the time required to get it done and any other moving pieces standing in the way of the work being completed. When the clock is ticking and you know you’re due to leave work shortly, make a plan and see it through to ensure everything you want to complete is finalized before you head out the door.

Put on your workout gear.
  1. Put on your workout gear.

One of the best ways to leave your stress behind you and to clear your mind is to work out. Stock up your house with exercise and fitness equipment so that you can come home and burn off some steam. Workout accessories like a fitness mat and exercise ball can get you started, coupled with staples like a treadmill or weight training equipment if you’re looking to get toned. Exercise has "direct stress-busting benefits," according to the Mayo Clinic. Those benefits include boosting your endorphins and improving your mood.

“Exercise reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators,” according to Harvard Health Publishing.

After a stress-inducing day at work, make the first thing you do once you get home a sweat-dripping workout. Your brain and body will both benefit.

  1. Cook up a tasty meal.

After your workout, you’re going to be hungry, and even if you skipped the workout, it’s going to be dinner time sooner or later. Use an electric range to whip up a delicious and nutritious dinner. You won’t have time to be stressed about work if you’re keeping busy and staying productive. Make a favorite recipe, or if you’re feeling adventurous, try something new. Even when you're busy, cooking for yourself will make you feel accomplished. Plus, when you cook your own food, it's easier to ensure you're eating healthy and delicious recipes. If you’re running low on time, try an easy weeknight recipe. Cut down on time by investing in small kitchen appliances like a food processor, mixer, rice cooker or can opener.

Cooking has been said to help relieve depression and anxiety, and a study in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that those who try small, creative projects report feeling more relaxed and healthier. Cooking and baking were both counted among those projects, but if there’s another non-work project you enjoy, consider doing that to keep your mind happily off work.

Make time for you
  1. Make time for you.

When you’re stressed, it’s important to remember to prioritize yourself and enjoy your hobbies. Do you play an instrument? Enjoy bike riding? Need a trip to the spa or want to buy a new pair of shoes? Don’t deprive yourself. Remember to make time for yourself, whether that means spending an hour watching your favorite TV show, playing a round of golf, reading a book or even taking a nap. No one will judge you for taking a nap after a crazy day at the office. If that’s how you want to spend your time away from the office, that’s what you should do.

One great option when you’re feeling stressed is to spend time with friends or loved ones. There’s nothing like a joke told by your best friend, and a 2016 study found "friends don’t just create a ‘social buffer’ by helping us during stressful times—they may also reduce our overall stress levels just by being present in our lives, regulating the way our bodies manage stress-indicating hormones," according to Quartz.

Did science just give you a reason to call your best friends and see if they want to come over? As if you needed another reason, a 2011 study found "being around a best friend decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol." The next time you're leaving work feeling stressed, remember your best friend is just a phone call away.

It’s not always easy to keep your stress at the office, but you’ll be happier if you do and your friends and family likely will be, too. Keep your mind busy on stressful days with non-work activities, spend time with loved ones and don’t forget to do something for yourself. Work stress can wait to resume until you’re back in the office.

Author Bio: Lauren Silver is a Marketing Coordinator for Abt Electronics, the largest independent retailer of consumer electronics and major appliances. Lauren oversees all content creation from their Glenview, Illinois Headquarters. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga, and cooking for her family.

Submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Lauren Silver © 2020 crystalwind.ca


Author Bio: Lauren Silver is a Marketing Coordinator for Abt Electronics, the largest independent retailer of consumer electronics and major appliances. Lauren oversees all content creation from their Glenview, Illinois Headquarters. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga, and cooking for her family.

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