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5 Ways to Increase and Cleanse Your Spiritual Energy

5 Ways to Increase and Cleanse Your Spiritual Energy

Cleansing your aura is an important way to maintain spiritual balance and reconnect with what truly matters in life. If you're finding it difficult to concentrate and feel as though you're "going through the motions" of your daily life, you may need to cleanse your spiritual energy. Following are five tips you can use to increase your spiritual energy and revitalize your soul.

1.   Carry Calming Crystals

If you're feeling detached from those around you and your creative inspiration is suffering, you could be suffering from blocked spiritual energy. Healing crystals work by channeling the negative energy in and around your physical body, pulling it out, and realigning your positive energy flow. Rose quartz is an example of a powerful calming crystal, as it serves to enhance interpersonal connection, provide a sense of calmness during times of stress, and restore trust within personal relationships. By carrying a piece of rose quartz in your pocket you'll have the ability to use it to recharge and cleanse your spiritual energy whenever the need arises.

2.   Cleanse Your Tarot Deck for Accurate Spiritual Readings

Using a tarot card deck can be a great way to connect to your spiritual energy. Conducting a reading and interpreting the cards that are pulled is an efficient way of getting in touch with your subconscious beliefs and fears. A tarot card reading doesn't need to be complex or complicated in order to be beneficial. Pulling your cards and identifying simple tarot card meanings can increase your spiritual energy and provide guidance when you need it most. Before engaging in a new reading it is important to rid your deck of all negative energy. There are many ways in which you can cleanse your cards. You could knock on the deck three times before pulling the first card, or your could softly blow on the top to clear the deck of old or negative energy.

3.   Cleanse Your Surroundings With Sage Juniper and Lavender

The use of natural plants and herbs to clear negative spiritual energy is a practice that has been passed down for thousands of years. Sage has long been used to rid a home of negative spiritual energy, however, burning juniper and lavender are also powerful ways to cleanse your personal spiritual energy too. Once you've decided on the type of smudge to use, light it and gently guide the smudge in front of your body from head to toe. Meditate on cleansing your aura and receiving healing power and lightness to your spirit. You should feel a renewed sense of light within your spiritual energy after you are done.

4.   Neutralize Negativity With Natural Light

Nature is one of the most powerful tools you can use when looking for ways to cleanse your spiritual energy. Whether it's a crystal clear lake, serene forest, or a local walking trail, your spiritual energy will greatly benefit from you stepping outside and taking in the natural sights and sounds around you. Not only can the sun provide you with ample amounts of vitamin D, but closing your eyes and feeling the warmth can help wash away all of your anxiety and stressful thoughts, leaving you with a more positive mindset and spiritual energy.

5.   Practice Daily Meditation

One of the most effective ways to connect with and realign your spiritual energy is through the art of meditation. Meditation has been around for thousands of years and is used to help those suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, and other ailments. Meditation is also a powerful way to gain control over one's thoughts and enjoy a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Consider making meditation a part of your everyday life. You can begin your mornings with a quick session to start your day off on the right foot. You could even make meditation part of your bedtime routine to clear your mind before falling asleep. Whichever time of day you choose, meditation is an inexpensive, yet efficient, way to realign your chakras and cleanse your spiritual energy.

As you strive for a deeper connection to your spiritual energy, it is important to be able to identify when your energy is being blocked. By using these aforementioned tips, you'll rid yourself of negative energy and enhance your connection to your spirituality and positive energy.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Maggie Bloom.

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