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6 Health Tips for Elderly Citizens in 2021

6 Health Tips for Elderly Citizens in 2021

A new year has started, however, unfortunately, that does not mean that we can let our guards down when it comes to protecting our health. The pandemic has made all of us more conscious about the fragility of our wellbeing, so continuing to practice healthy habits is paramount.

Elderly citizens should especially arm themselves with knowledge about how they can keep healthy and strong. Here are a few tips that will come in handy in the new year.

1. Healthy nutrition

Eating well is of crucial importance for our wellbeing. However, it can become difficult to attend to all of our nutritional needs as we step into our senior years and our calorie intake needs to decrease. You have to pay attention that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis to get the antioxidants that will protect your cells from oxidation. In addition, eat beans, nuts, legumes, and always go for whole-grain products.

Drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration. It will also aid in digestion – in addition to eating fibres. Steer clear of fatty meats and instead, choose chicken and turkey. Consult your doctor on the supplements you need – for instance, calcium and vitamin D are often prescribed for women in their senior years. The appropriate dietary changes will help you prevent diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and type 2 diabetes.

2. Staying active

Most of us have been staying home for the majority of the year, and this is especially true for the elderly. In this situation, it is easy to become inactive. However, physical exercise is one of the pillars of health and longevity, so even if stay-at-home orders persist, you have to find ways to stay physically active and preserve your health.

Nature walks are great for both heart health and stress-relief, so if it’s allowed, try to have a daily walk. Other activities that the elderly can practice are gardening, jogging, yoga, dancing, and so on. Staying active is paramount to keep weight issues at bay, improve your balance, and even improve your brain functions and mental health, all of which are prerequisites for good health.

3. Prevention

It has always been said that prevention is the best medicine, and this is something you should live by. Especially in the age of COVID-19, you should avoid contact with people who are sick (even if it’s not COVID-19). In addition, do not slack when it comes to preventative checkups. Regardless of whether you have any health concerns at the moment, an annual visit to your doctor’s is in place. This will allow your doctor to notice any potential problems ahead of time and act accordingly.

6 Health Tips for Elderly Citizens in 2021

4. Getting vaccinated

As the COVID-19 vaccine will soon become available in some parts of the world, it is more than recommended that you sign up for this vaccination. Needless to say, the previous year has shown us the devastating effects this virus can have.

So, taking all the preventative measures and getting vaccinated at a facility that has the appropriate lab equipment is of the utmost importance. However, the most important thing you have to keep in mind is that even if you do get the vaccine, you should continue practising the precautions you have until now, since it might now give you complete protection. That means wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently, as usual.

6 Health Tips for Elderly Citizens in 2021

5. Staying social

As we age, it is natural that the number of our social connections decrease. However, this can really take a toll on one’s mental health, so you have to make an effort to maintain your social network. This is especially difficult in this day and age, however, it is one of the key healthy habits we must keep up. If meeting with your family members physically is not possible, schedule video calls.

Talk to your friends and neighbours daily, even if it’s through a phone call. Make sure that you stay engaged with your environment and take up activities that will make you feel happy and fulfilled. Depression in seniors is something that does not get talked about often enough, but it is a serious concern.

6. Taking enough rest

Some of the problems that seniors often experience are sleep problems. Insomnia is common among the elderly, however, sleep deprivation has negative effects on your immune system and your health in general. It is a misconception that seniors don’t need as much sleep, therefore, you should take measures to ensure that you will have a good night’s sleep every night. First of all, make sure you follow the previously mentioned piece of advice about staying active.

Physical exercise will tire you out and allow you to fall asleep more easily. In addition, turn that TV off, dim the lights, and decrease your caffeine intake… It is also a good idea to avoid taking naps throughout the day. If none of these things seems to work, talk to your doctor to investigate a possible underlying condition that prevents you from getting enough shuteye.

Your health is the top priority in the new year too. Therefore, follow the aforementioned tips and protect your wellbeing!

Author Bio

Patrick Adams

Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about lifestyle-oriented topics, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Patrick Adams.

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All post and information provided within this blog is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any products or information discussed are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illness, disease or lifestyle. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and wellbeing or on any opinions expressed within this website.


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