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6 Healthy Habits To Revamp Your 30's

6 Healthy Habits To Revamp Your 30's

The 30’s are a time when we are usually quite busy with our careers, marriage and kids. Sometimes it’s pretty challenging to maintain a balance between our regular daily activities and a healthy lifestyle. However, it is important to find time to focus on our body, soul and mind as well, as our 30’s bring along a slow decline in vitality and energy. Luckily, there are some healthy habits to revamp our 30’s.

1. Regular exercise

Having regular physical activity is of key importance for the longevity to-do list for your 30’s. Even though it can sometimes seem that you don’t have time to exercise, you must try to squeeze in some to be physically active. Not only you will be in better shape and physical condition, but you’ll also feel more energetic and thus be more efficient in your work. Furthermore, being physically active will also influence your sleep and creativity in a positive way. You’ll be able to sleep well and hence be more creative. Physical exercises are also a perfect way to maintain your proper body weight since any extra weight is a strain not only on your body but on your emotions as well. There are many options for you here, you can choose a sport you like, going to the gym, taking a walk, cycling or you can take small steps such as getting off one station before your last stop or taking the stairs. Any type of physical movement will do the trick.

2. Healthy sleeping habits

Healthy sleeping habits

Sleep is another crucial thing. Regular sleep means going to bed and getting up at approximately the same time. This is of high importance because oversleeping even just for a few days can reset your body clock to a different time and that means you’ll start getting tired later in the day.  It also means falling asleep within 30 minutes of going to bed and sleeping soundly through the night. One of the steps towards a sound sleep is to avoid looking at your phone or basically any screen one hour before hitting the pillow.

Sleep affects our productivity at work and how we feel during the day so that’s why it’s crucial to take special care of it and to learn to deal with any possible problems we might experience. The way we wake up is also important. Experts suggest we should use light alarm sound in order to wake up gradually in comparison to an abrupt alarm sound that fuels our body with adrenaline.

3. Healthy eating habits

Healthy eating habits

A balanced diet is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle at any age. You should especially take care of what you eat when you reach a certain age and your 30’s are a good time to start. Experts suggest that the number one rule for a healthy diet is to eat vegetables, fruits and plants. Enrich your diet with a variety and combination of different colour produce and it will lead you to have a strong heart and to age healthily. However, if you don’t have time to prepare all your meals with fresh fruits and vegetables, you can also order these ready-made. In order to kickstart our healthy eating habits, we can rely on options available at My Muscle Chef or any other similar option.

4. Relaxing

It is essential to find time for relaxing and turning off every day. You should try to find the time and do something that relaxes you. The daily stress we all face is the starter of many stress-related illnesses and that’s why we must do everything we can to prevent it. Relaxing usually means establishing a deep connection with yourself by relaxing the soul and mind. For some people it’s meditation, for other yoga. Basically, it can be anything that relaxes you since spirituality has a different meaning for different people. Some studies have found the connection between spirituality and mental health. They also suggest that being spiritual may add years to your life. By practising spirituality in any way that suits you, you are working on reducing stress levels and depression.

5. Maintaining social connections

As people are social beings, maintaining social connections is in our nature. As a matter of fact, feeling connected to other people and feeling needed can boost your immune system. How is this connected? Well, if you have a problem you have more social resources at your disposal so your immune system works better. Some studies have also shown that you develop less chronic diseases when you have strong social connections. Your 30’s can be a difficult age concerning your friendships. Just like you, your friends are probably quite busy with their careers, marriages and kids. Nevertheless, you should make an effort to arrange meetings, trips, dinners and parties to get together with your friends.

6. Medical check-ups

Nobody likes to hear this, but at the age of your 30’s you should start doing your medical check-ups more regularly in order to prevent some diseases. Health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are very common and can usually be detected early. It is important to catch any health condition on time so you can get proper measures. The most effective way to reduce symptoms is to detect any medical condition at its beginning phase. You need to take particular care, especially if you have a family history of some illnesses. Regular check-ups can save your life.

Keeping yourself happy, healthy and sane can become a challenge when you reach the age of 30. It becomes more and more difficult to manage everything: your career, your family, physical activity, regular sleep, eating habits and practising spirituality. However, it is not impossible. If you know what you want and why you need it, you can make yourself a schedule where everything fits. Start slowly by introducing one thing at a time. These changes you make in your 30’s will set you up for lifelong success.

Image source: Unsplash.com

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Mianna Korben

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