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How Mindfulness & Make-Up Go Hand In Hand

How Mindfulness & Make-Up Go Hand In Hand

Believe it or not, but mindfulness and make-up have a lot more in common than you think. Many people find the process of putting on make-up very therapeutic and relaxing. Some even use that time to meditate and connect with their inner self. Whatever it is, these two do really go hand in hand for several reasons.

“Me” time

One of the reasons why make-up and happiness go hand in hand is the fact that make-is one of the instances of the "me" time. When you get your eye shadows, lipsticks, foundation, and bronzer, the real fun starts. Once you start applying the make-up and looking for the perfect shades to match, you instantly become focused on that activity solely. It's like everything else disappears for some time and you are fully present at that moment.

Of course, there is a ton of distractions, even when you put your make-up on. Someone might call you, you could look for something, etc. However, when you think about the usual meditation, you also kind of expect some distractions. Even though these distractions can occur, putting make-up on still allows you to run off from everyday worries into a simpler, stress-free world.

It helps you relax

Getting caught up in daily activities can cause a lot of stress to build up. If you feel like you're constantly nervous, under a lot of pressure, and if you feel tense all the time, you need to find effective ways to relax. Fortunately, you can do that easily. All you need is your make-up bag and some time.

Applying make-up is in a way like a painting. You look for the right angles and shades. You are working on something beautiful. If you are usually busy, and you don't have the time to paint to calm your nerves, don't despair. You can achieve a similar effect with your make-up brushes and the right choice of shades. The whole process of putting make-up on will relax your body but the benefits of it won't stop there. Once you are done and happy with the results, you'll discover new levels of self-confidence.

How Mindfulness & Make-up Go Hand In Hand

Your skincare routine

Skincare comes as a way of prepping your skin for makeup and it is a very important step. Not only is it good for your skin to pamper it and take good care of it, but it is also very relaxing. Your skincare routine is your time to relax, pamper yourself, and be extra gentle with your skin. Doing your skincare routine can be very personal time and experience that you share with yourself only. Prepping your skin with your favorite gentle organic skincare products and taking all the time that you need, sure feels like a type of meditation. Skin, being our biggest organ, needs extra care and love. That is why preparing your skin for makeup can be very relaxing and soothing. 

Real-life vs relaxation

If you’re someone who leads a very hectic life and has a very messy bedroom, you might need some area where you can relax and slow down for a second. Having a lounge for doing your makeup can be that area for you. All you need to do is install a make-up mirror and find a way to organize your makeup. This can be your small oasis where you can relax and forget about your problems as you focus on doing your makeup. As has been mentioned above, doing your makeup can be very relaxing. It will quite literally freeze the time for you and make you feel as if you were in your own world.

Find your way

Makeup is not only fun and creative; it can help you relax physically. As you're sitting in that make-up chair, your shoulders drop, you instantly relax your jaw, and you get to be creative and to paint your face the same way an artist does with canvas. This is where many people take time to meditate, practice mindfulness, and relax in every way possible.

However, it is totally okay if you have a completely different attitude towards make-up. You might not even like the process of putting on make-up. You might find it stressful or frustrating even. That just means it may not be for you, and that is just fine.

What matters is that you find your own way and enjoy doing it. You need to find your own peace and keep doing it in a way that feels good for you. Embrace whatever it is that works for you and you will be able to reach mindfulness and a peaceful state of mind even when you are stressed out or overwhelmed by everyday activities in your life.


In conclusion, make-up and mindfulness have a lot in common. For many people, a simple act of putting on make-up can be such a peaceful and mindful process.


helen bradfordHelen Bradford is a journalism student who always seeks new ideas to write about. She enjoys blogging about beauty, health and style trends for women. When she’s not writing, she spends her spare time being active through fitness and traveling.   

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Helen Bradford

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