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How to Remove Negative Energy from the Workplace

How to Remove Negative Energy from the Workplace

A lot of people go into their workplace every morning with the attitude that more befits one in front of a firing squad. The problem with this attitude lies in the fact that there are a lot of factors regarding your workplace that you simply can’t affect. There are some skeletons in the closet of every enterprise out there that you just can’t see until you get employed there and quitting isn’t the ideal solution either. First of all, what’s there to guarantee that your next employer or collective is going to be any better. Second, the job market might be quite unforgiving. Still, there’s something for you to do regardless of how grim the situation may look and here are five tips to help you remove negative energy from the workplace.

1.      Start your day a bit earlier

The first source of negative energy can come from the fact that you just don’t have enough time to handle your daily chores or even accomplish more in your workplace. The solution to this problem is to simply start getting up earlier in the morning and arriving to work early, as well. This way, you can start your day with something productive (exercising, microlearning, visualizing your goals) or arrive at the office while there’s still no one there. This way, you can prepare everything for work and prepare your early tea/coffee even before your workday officially begins.

2.      Identify those who spread negativity

The next thing you need to do is learn how to identify those who might cause a problem in the workplace and avoid them like a plague. You see, this is not as simple as it may seem at first, due to the fact that there are different types of people who are hurting your productivity and your mood. For instance, every human being has an innate ability to recognize emotional vampires (because you just feel drained around these people). However, what about the sirens? These are the people who are fun to be around but are too distracting and waste too much of your time, which ends up in more stress for you, in the long run.

3.      Protect your own rights

 Protect your own rights

One more thing you need to understand is the fact that force is the only language that some people understand. You need to protect yourself at all costs, which is not an easy task to handle. We’re not suggesting that you confront people who trouble you in the workplace physically (that would be illegal, unethical and even dangerous). Instead, you need to contact workplace harassment lawyers and check what are your legal rights in these scenarios. Sometimes, just by filing a complaint, you’ll be able to make some people fall back in line. Keep in mind that your protection is your own responsibility and that there’s no limit to how far some people will be ready to do unless you stop them.

4.      Your work-life balance matters a great deal

Your personal life affects your professional performance, as well as your workplace mood more than you can imagine. If you have relationship problems, if you struggle financially or have a family member with serious health issues, chances are that you’ll already be on the edge and might even contribute to making the ambiance even more hostile. Unless you have an exhaust vent or a way to keep these things separate, chances are that you don’t have great odds at removing negative energy from the workplace. Sure, this is easier said than done but bringing your personal life in order should always be your top priority.

5.      Avoid getting overworked

Avoid getting overworked

Sun Tzu once stated that in order to triumph in a battle, you need to know your opponent and know yourself. This part with knowing yourself is something that a lot of people underestimate and overlook, regardless of what they’re doing. Skipping a break when you’re behind on a deadline won’t make you complete the task faster. It will make you feel exhausted and burned out, as well as more likely to make a silly and avoidable error. Don’t push yourself harder than you have to and you might already alleviate some stress that you feel in the workplace.

In conclusion

There is nothing more important than learning how to rely on your own abilities and coping mechanisms. Sure, changing a job is a valid option, as well as something that may truly solve the bulk of your problems. However, this means that you’re putting your fate in an outside entity (your future colleagues and employer) to provide a healthy and positive work environment. Provided that you know what you’re looking for, you can indeed achieve this, yet, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find a workplace without issues of its own. Therefore, developing your own coping mechanisms in these scenarios is an absolute paramount.

About the author:

Alexander Hunkin is an Australian based startup advisor with in-depth experience in growing business. His meaningful and strategic advices have helped in setting and growing many startup companies in Brisbane and Perth. Alexander is also a content creator for different niches. The top ones are business, career, finance and marketing. He aspires to share his experiences and is always on the lookout for the next opportunity to enhance his skills. When he isn’t busy working, you can find him cooking exotic meals, scuba diving and cycling.

Submitted  Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Alexander Hunkin © 2019 crystalwind.ca


Submitted  Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Alexander Hunkin © 2019 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Alexander Hunkin is an Australian based startup advisor with in-depth experience in growing business. His meaningful and strategic advices have helped in setting and growing many startup companies in Brisbane and Perth. Alexander is also a content creator for different niches. The top ones are business, career, finance and marketing. He aspires to share his experiences and is always on the lookout for the next opportunity to enhance his skills. When he isn’t busy working, you can find him cooking exotic meals, scuba diving and cycling.

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