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Taking Charge of Life: Helping Loved One Overcome the Addiction

Taking Charge of Life: Helping Loved One Overcome the Addiction

We all face difficulties in life, and we all have different ways of dealing with problems. Some turn to prayers and try to develop a positive attitude, while others occupy themselves with work, so they don’t have the time to think about their problems. Some people put their thoughts on paper to get a clearer vision of their problems, and sadly, some don’t really see a way out and turn to substance abuse. As they try to escape their troubles, they tend to distance themselves from others, distracting themselves from their personal problems by using illegal substances. However, there is a way out, and with hard work and effort, everyone can overcome their addiction and get on the right track. Here are some of the ways you can help someone you love get better and take charge of their life.

Search for the signs of addiction

Search for the signs of addiction

Substance addiction is an inside battle, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell whether someone you know is going facing the risks of substance dependency. People who are addicted tend to deny they have a problem, even to themselves, and they continue to act normal, trying to keep their habits hidden for as long as possible. Symptoms differ depending on the type of addiction they’re struggling with, but some of the common signs of addiction can be observed through their behavior, as well as physical changes they go through. Lying, stealing, and social alienation are common behavioral patterns of someone coping with addiction. As for the physical symptoms of addiction, bloodshot eyes, memory problems, and unkempt appearance are all signs that someone may be using their addiction as a way of escaping reality.

Understand the risks of substance abuse and addiction

Understand the risks of substance abuse and addiction

Substance abuse has numerous negative effects on both the body and the mind of someone who’s addicted. They tend to change as a person, which causes them to distance themselves from their family and friends, resulting in and stop enjoying things they once loved doing. The feeling of not belonging anywhere is common, and it’s often followed by suicidal thoughts that push them even deeper into the addiction, providing them with an illusion of comfort. Someone who uses heroin to divert their attention away from daily problems will often use their heroin addiction to justify their position in life, perceiving the substance dependence as something that helps them. However, that can’t be further from the truth, with heart disease, cognitive damage, and increased depression as long-term effects of substance abuse. The sooner you notice the symptoms, the easier it will be to reverse addiction damage.

Use compassion to bond with them

Use compassion to bond with them

When trying to help someone struggling with substance dependency, the approach you take towards them can affect your relationship and it can change the way they perceive you. By adopting the right attitude, you can get closer to them, which makes the progress go more smoothly. Compassion and ability to understand what others are going through helps build trust between two sides. Trust plays a vital role in recovering as it provides much-needed positive social support. Be honest with them and try to understand what they’re going through. Respect their privacy and don’t try to impose control over them, as that will only push them further away.

Understand that there will be some barriers

Understand that there will be some barriers

Helping someone realize they have a problem with substance addiction can be difficult. First off, many people coping with addiction don’t even admit it to themselves. They also may not want to change their lifestyle, thinking that what they’re doing is actually helping them. Their distorted view of reality paralyzes them from making any positive changes until there is some consequence to their behavior. However, as much as you might feel angry about the whole situation, avoid using shame or guilt as a way of changing their behavior – doing so will only push them further away, creating a wall between the two of you and causing their motivation to decrease. Instead, look for ways of encouraging them to get back on track and regain control over their lives. You can do that by asking open questions, emphasizing concern for their well-being, as well as suggesting family inclusion in therapy. By recognizing their suffering, you will let them know how much you care and value them, which will boost their motivation to do something about their current life situation.

Breaking bad habits

Breaking bad habits and replacing them with good ones is achievable. Follow these guidelines to ensure your loved one finally starts taking charge of their life and overcoming the addiction.

traceyc1About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."


Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Tracy Clayton © 2019 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Tracey Clayton is a mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids. She’s also passionate about traveling, fashion and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live."

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