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Tantra: Orgasm & Healing Part I
Written by Sofia Falcone Views: 1785

Most people who are unfamiliar with Tantra or the healing arts of the East are often oblivious or tend to dismiss the healing power of the orgasm – this is only viewed as a way of releasing tension, that is usually as far as it goes.
But what if I told you that in addition to prompting us to reproduce, orgasms when properly achieved, can also help keep our brains healthy? - that’s right, this marvelous power has been demonized as destructive for centuries, but that is only half of the whole. Like anything powerful, an orgasm can heal or destroy its host — it is pure raw energy, and energy does not distinguish between right or wrong; it just is… it shall move and do according to the channels and motivations provided by the individual.
For centuries, the secret power of the orgasm has been suppressed or outright condemned as malignant or diabolical; some did this to “protect” people from their own self-destruction (due to their ignorance on the matter). Others did it to chain individuals and control them. For when the individual sees himself as nothing but a sinner, his ability to channel and utilize his own Divine Power to create (of which sexuality is one of the highest forms of expression) simply becomes null. But the orgasm also can liberate, heal, and expand our consciousness; in other words, the orgasm covers the individual as a whole – mind, body, soul- and that can be transformative in a positive way!
Even though they are not ready to dive deep into the esoteric field of the orgasm, scientists are now fascinated by its healing powers; evolutionarily speaking, since this activity increases blood flow through the brain so dramatically, it helps keep the brain healthy.
The brain activation produced by an orgasm is complete and more intense than that involved in doing crossword puzzles or Sudoku.
According to scientists, the reason for this is sexual climax exercises the brain as a whole by generating a “huge increase in blood flow” that “carries all the nutrients and oxygenation” necessary to the mind. Mental exercises such as crossword puzzles and sudoku increase mental activity but only in relatively localized areas, orgasms activate them all. However, excessive orgasms can lead to brain deterioration; no different than when using cocaine — this is partly an echo of what Tantra has been saying from the beginning- although in Tantra we don’t blame the quantity of orgasms but the quality and channeling of the force; for orgasms awaken the Kundalini energy, an energy meant to induce altered healing states of consciousness, but a force that can also be detrimental to novices. Like anything pure Tantra, Esotericism, and Alchemy teaches…Balance is Key — free of any extremes.
Surprisingly, the brain doesn’t differentiate between sex and other pleasurable experiences. The parts of your brain that make you feel good after enjoying dessert or winning at poker are the same areas that light up during orgasm. Sex is experienced as pleasurable, and this is because the reward pathways in our brain are activated during orgasm and lead to it. These are the same networks that are activated in response to drug use, alcohol consumption, gambling, listening to your favorite song or enjoying a delicious meal.
During sex, the body is less sensitive to pain, but did you know that during the orgasm one can sever old neuron connections (where bad habits or traumas are stored), this doesn’t mean one forgets, it just means the individual becomes able to reframe the experience, looking at it from a more detached point of view. In doing so, new neuron pathways are created - as the pituitary gland is activated, the release of endorphins, oxytocin, and vasopressin promote pain reduction while increasing a sense of peace, objectivity, intimacy and bonding. This means when properly utilized, the orgasm can simply transform our lives for the better, but it all starts with the basics…educating ourselves about its power, our bodies, releasing shame and finding balance – you can be uninhibited yet still honor your essence in the process, or what we Tantrics like to call “Wild yet Sacred”.
On my next article, I will discuss pleasure as medicine to alter consciousness by changing brain patterns.
We will deep and learn:
- What causes distortions in self perception
- What are Counterfeit Personality Structures?
- How do you manage a C.P.S?
- What is Neural Plasticity?
- 3 Layers of the Brain and its Functions
- Reprogramming the mind with pleasure
Sofia Falcone
I passionately believe one person can make a difference. I write from my own experiences and interests. It is my greatest hope that by writing about my own challenges and hopes, others may feel inspired to believe more in their inner power and to fully embrace themselves.
Reprinted on with written permission from Sofia Falcone.
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