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Thinking About an Outdoor Theater System?
Written by Chris Howard
Thanks to the development of the audio video technology, today you can easily make your own home theater in your own backyard. And the best thing about that is that you don’t have to spend an entire fortune to make it real.
In order to get the best equipment for your backyard theater you can search for the best products online, or you can simply go to the store and try to speak with someone who can help you find the right equipment. There are several things you need to pay attention to. For example, how are you going to use the system or whether you already own some equipment you can use outside and do you need some specific features.
If you want to start with your backyard theater you have two options for viewing, a projector and outdoor TV. The main problem with watching TV and movies outdoors is the effect of sunlight on picture quality.
Outdoor TVs
When it comes to outdoor TVs there are two main differences between them and the regular TV sets. They are designed to easily handle the elements and they are much brighter than standard TVs.
If you want to improve the visibility, you will need to mount the TV in a covered space. Some people will also always choose a TV before a projector for watching outdoors mainly because most sports events happen during the day. At the same time, sport events are intended to be broadcasted on TVs, while movies are intended to be watched on big screen.
If your primary goal is to watch movies outdoors you will have to do some research before the purchase because there are too many different projectors, speakers and screens. The market is simply flooded with these products and they come in various designs, colors, prices and quality. So, it’s always better to do your homework first and then buy the best pieces of equipment for you.
One of the key features you should pay attention to when buying a projector is the number of lumens, or to keep it simple - how much light it emits. If your projector has high lumen output you will be able to start watching movies although the sun is still there.
If you also what to watch movies a bit earlier before the dark we highly recommend buying a projector having at least 3000 lumens.
Another thing you have to think about is how you plan to play the movies. There are projectors with integrated disc players. Other projectors can be connected to the source (computer, gaming console or disc player) using a HDMI cable. Other types of projectors practically function like smart TVs and you can easily stream movies. In that case you will have to make sure that your wireless internet signal is strong outside. People often get overwhelmed with all these features, so it’s very important to keep in mind whether you already have a device at home you can use as a video source. This can drastically affect the final price because if you have a laptop or a disc player, you don’t really need to buy a projector with a built-in player.
When planning the backyard theater most people simply forget about sound quality. The truth is that we would love to experience some cinema-like surround sound. However, most people will choose their computer speakers or their stereo system. Well, investing is some good outdoor speakers has its advantages. These speakers are very popular for backyard and outdoor use so feel free to check them before you make your final decision.
One thing to keep in mind when choosing the right speakers for your backyard is to avoid using wireless speakers. We are aware that you will find them quite handy, that you won’t have to deal with wires and stuff, but the truth is that there are high chances to experience some sound an picture sync problems.
When it comes to screens there are many on the marker. They come in different sizes and different ways to set them up. You can also get the ones you can roll up and collapse and the price can vary from $200 to $2000. On the other hand, if you are on a tight budget you can always use a white bedsheet. Just make sure to place it properly and make it tight.
If this is the first time you are creating your outdoor theater system there are chances to make some mistakes but for that reason it is important to do some research first or talk to someone who has some experience in it. This will reduce the chance of buying the wrong or poor-quality equipment. Remember that you actually want to have fun in your own backyard and you don’t want to think about replacing some equipment the first day you have finished settings up your backyard home theater.
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