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Thoughtful Gifting For A Spiritual Loved One
Written by Sally Benson

If you have a friend or loved one who enjoys delving into spiritual matters, finding the perfect gift for them may seem like a breeze – but in fact, it may be a bit more complex than it appears. This is because there are so many realms of spirituality. Therefore, everything from a Reiki treatment to a healing crystal, or a book on spirituality springs to mind. The best-selling book, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, hones in one one important truth when it comes to expressions of love such as gifts: there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Finding the right way to give love depends on the recipient’s idea of the perfect way to receive it.
Spirituality Can Be An Experience
Sometimes, finding something physical to give a friend who likes nothing more than spending time with you on an activity like yoga or meditation can be difficult. As argued by Chapman, however, quality time, for some, is a gift in itself. Spirituality embraces connection, both to other human beings and to a higher power. Why not do something special for your loved one’s next birthday, planning an outdoor yoga class in your favorite park followed by a lavish picnic containing homemade vegan foods?
Gifts That Encourage Self-Love
Treating oneself kindly when times are tough is a key component to weathering life’s challenges successfully, according to researchers at Duke University. As stated by lead researcher, Mark R Leary, “Self-compassion helps to eliminate a lot of the anger, depression and pain we experience when things go badly for us.” If your loved one is the kind of person that seems to enjoy doing things for others but has difficulty pampering themselves, why not do it for them? You can ensure they regularly treat themselves by opting for a mystery box to be delivered to them every month or every couple of months. There are boxes for just about every theme you can think of, including spirituality, yoga and meditation. However, your spiritual friend might also be into beauty, health, sport, or any other additional subject.
Uplifting Words
Some people feel best when their loved ones show their appreciation through words. If you wish to do so, you can go beyond a standard card or recorded message. Social media has so many tools these days. Why not use Instagram to make a lively story with fun filters, wishing your friend a special day and telling them what they mean to you? If you're into arts and crafts, then you can always make a collage, painting or embroidered work with a special message.
Something Your Friend Has Always Dreamed Of
Even the most spiritual person can take joy in something tangible. If they are into essential oils, they may have their eye on a special oil blend to place into their diffuser. Alternatively, they may have told you on more than one occasion how much they would love to have a large crystal decoration or special piece to wear every day. Often, these items can serve as a connection to a greater life force; they can help them feel more calm or energized; it can also help them fill up their free time with a meaningful activity – think of how much fun they can have with a beautiful new deck of tarot cards, for instance.
Making a friend happy on their special day simply involves listening to them when they don’t realize it. A wish expressed can be written down and saved for a rainy day. Of course, you don’t have to wait for a birthday to give a gift, especially since your present could just be a day together bonding and talking about your favorite spiritual topics.
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