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ECETI News 73: A New Year's Message on Spiritual Warfare

ECETI News 73: A New Year's Message on Spiritual Warfare

A very interesting thing happened Christmas night. I was spending the night alone in meditation connecting with God/Creator/Great Spirit, Jesus, Y’shua Bin Joseph is his real name and the House of Mary which includes the Grandmothers.

Yes a ufologist can be deeply spiritual they go hand in hand. Later that night I was attacked by some very nasty energies. For the love and lighters that believe denial of evil and the negative will get you into heaven your living a half truth.

Enlightenment means to be in knowledge of both sides of the coin. In India they say the closer you get to Nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads. Self-Mastery demands learning how to shield, protect yourself, others, and heal unseen negative influences. If you are threatened or in denial of evil, last time I checked denial and fear are not spiritual attributes. Like a moth coming to a flame when you expand the spark into the full flame you are going to attract a lot of moths. The same goes for truth. When you can see beyond the deceptions, the social engineering and know who is behind it you are a threat. The more you pull down the curtain the more the morally and integrity challenged come after you. This includes unseen negative influences, the puppet masters of fallen souls that sold their souls for power, notoriety, and wealth.

They are replete throughout politics, religion, even the UFO and Spiritual Community. This is all being revealed as we speak. They are the morally and integrity challenged wearing the façade of serving humanity and the Earth when in fact they are extremely self-serving. Some have even fooled themselves or have been fooled or possessed willingly or in ignorance by darker forces. This gives credence to ignorance is bliss yet the ignorant are the preyed upon. I want you to reason this. Why do you need a go between to connect with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Why do you need a go between to connect with Benevolent Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off Worlders, some our ancient ancestors? The skies are full of their ships now. 

How many bad actors leave you in worship of themselves or another unseen deity? Is that empowering you as an individual or creating a dependency? How many bad actors create a threat and pose as your savior reaping a reward? Not everything is as it seems, look beyond the façade, what they do off camera or away from the pulpit. Discernment is critical on the path to enlightenment. Those empowering you as an individual are far and few between. Those empowering you to become your own savior are the ones to listen too. Those teaching personal responsibility and that includes being responsible for our multidimensional selves.  

Almost all the ills of humanity and the Earth begin with unseen negative influences which find naive, morally and integrity challenged humans to do their bidding. The real war is not with flesh and bones although it is manifesting in the physical. There are dark forces at war with Creator and all creation. They are physical and nonphysical. By their deeds, their fruits they will be made known. Those morally and integrity challenged in the physical at the top of the food chain actually gather in Satanic/Luciferian rituals with decadent behavior from rape to child sacrifice calling on their unseen handlers. They are behind the child, sex and drug trafficking often used in blackmailing people in positions of power. Jeffery Epstein is a classic example. They desire power over others and what better sacrifice than an innocent child as a slap in the face to God and Beautiful Many Saints, Sages and Ascended Masters. Their dark unseen overlords feed off the wars, diseases, famines, pain, suffering and death. The war and disease profiteers, the international banksters who financed every war since Napoleon are the head of the snake in the physical, yet the real head is non-physical. They are the dividers and they use every method possible to divide humanity against itself including mainstream and social media. The Ukraine and now Gaza Strip is their latest project. Look behind the curtain. These are the unseen forces that made themselves known Christmas night as being extremely displeased with my work. Best not to take sides without research and side with Universal Law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. There is plenty of blame on all sides yet revenge begets revenge in a never-ending cycle. Healing, Releasing the Past, Forgiveness and an unbiased council to air grievances is the only path to peace.   

It is not just God and Satan, demons and Angels, Heaven and Hell there are vast entities throughout the multiverse some dark, some light, and some grey entering the picture. There is a saying evil is invited either willingly or through ignorance. Again, to be enlightened is to be in knowledge of who is who in the multiverse and their intentions.

This is all going to be exposed in the days to come. Those doing the exposing need to know what they are up against. Just as there are unseen dark forces there are unseen light forces. It is imperative we call upon the light forces all the way up the vibrational continuum to God/Creator/Great Spirit in the planetary liberation and awakening or ascension process which is well underway. Learn how to work with these light forces to clear out the dark forces. The dark forces can only exist in 3 and lower 4D because they have not ascended into Unity Consciousness or 5D and beyond where the real power exists. 

We have the DNA of the Gods. We have the ability to channel the ultimate power in the Universe which is love into every situation. The tools and techniques and understandings to heal and clear these unseen negative influences are all available free at our website. The books cover all of this especially the last book UFOs, the Origin of Religion and Man. For those who are pronoun warriors Man refers to Mankind. Human is Hu=God Man=Mankind.  

And that answers the age-old question why Jesus said Ye are all Gods, Children of the Most High, the temple is within and Buddhas teaching, the whole Universe is Within. We all have the spark that can be ignited into the full flame. We can become one with God/Creator/Great Spirit. The one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse which in its most unlimited understanding is Pure Unconditional Love, Joy and Bliss. Let nothing stand in the way or become a go between. 

Pass this far and wide, it is a message for all to hear that transcends all religious and cultural boundaries on the path to Universal Peace. End the division, practice Love and Kindness, it is the path to Heaven on Earth. 

Last but not least there is a wonderful World and Personal Healing meditation at eceti.org. Do it with groups of alone. It is a great way to start the new year. 

May your new year be blessed with peace and abundance there is plenty for all. 


James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee. James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon which can be viewed at www.eceti.org. His weekly As You Wish Talk Radioprogram on BBSradio.com draws an audience from around the world who are interested in truth and Higher Consciousness.  © James Gilliland, Self-Mastery Earth Institute & ECETI Enlightened Contact with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

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